Speaker: Sam Silva, Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Southern California Understanding the controlling factors behind the chemical composition of the Earth’s atmosphere is a critical step toward addressing the modern environmental challenges of air pollution and climate change. Flyer
September 27, 10–10:50 am • Room 2311 - NCEL - Yeh Center
Hannah Horowitz • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
All undergraduate and graduate students participating in university-related travel are required to enroll in international insurance. Faculty and staff traveling abroad for all university-associated reasons are also required to enroll in the international insurance. Proof of insurance is required to book international travel using a TCard in the EES/EWES office. Please see Suzanne Giesler in Rm 3230 for assistance with insurance enrollment and to book travel. Note: You run the risk of not being reimbursed for travel costs, if you do not enroll in the insurance program. Proof of insurance is required when submitting reimbursements in Chrome River.
Suzanne Giesler • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
We are looking for undergrad students, preferably freshman and sophomores to work for us entering information into our database on CEU training for operators and online information in support of water and wastewater operators. Honestly, it’s a great way to learn more about the issues small systems face in the US in providing safe water and developing a sustainable approach to water and wastewater system management. This includes onsite wastewater management as well. I would be glad to do a webinar to explain what we do, how it supports the USEPA mission of developing better compliance for small systems, and how any undergrad in water and wastewater will benefit from working in our program. It will give them an opportunity to understand the issues small systems in the US face, and how best to support them. Steve Wilson Groundwater Hydrologist Head, Environmental Public Health, Information and Data Services Section Program Director, PrivateWellClass.org and WaterOperator.org Illinois State Water Survey - 1895-2020: 125 Years of Water and Weather Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2204 Griffith Drive Room 403b Champaign, IL 61820 217-333-0956
Suzanne Giesler • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Corona Environmental is looking for a remote Drinking Water Process Engineer. They have a large amount of pilot testing work starting up later this year and going through next year so they are interested in considering a full-time position for a Drinking Water Process Engineer based remotely in Illinois; the St. Louis area would be fine. Generally, Corona Environmental is looking for a master's level or higher on the education side and should have some related background, thesis, or research related to drinking water issues. Their pilot testing work will include both PFAS treatment with GAC and IX as well as pipe rig testing with harvested lead service lines for corrosion control treatment evaluation. Jonathan ‘Jake’ Causey, P.E. , Partner Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC jcausey@coronaenv.com (C) 225-603-4169 2106 S Burnside Ave., Ste. C | Gonzales, LA 70737 www.coronaenv.com
Ashlynn Stillwell • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering