From the Graduate College
"About a week ago, I witnessed something remarkable on our campus—hundreds of members of our university family came together at the Alma Mater to stand up in support of scientific inquiry and graduate education. As I watched the event unfold, I was reminded of why we chose this path of discovery, innovation, and the pursuit of knowledge. In challenging times, your resilience and commitment shine brighter than ever." Read the full message from Dean Chodzko-Zajko.
Graduate Dean • Graduate College
The Draft Fall 2024 list is now available! You can check to see if your course is missing by checking your instructor report against the criteria in the draft list located online ( At least five students must have completed the relevant item(s) and you must have released your sections for inclusion on this draft list. For questions or corrections, email or call 217-244-3846.
ICES • Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Serving on a Senate committee is an enriching experience that develops new partnerships and is your voice in shared governance (where faculty, staff and students contribute to decision making). Committees inform decisions on areas such as educational policy, student life, inclusiveness and various university policies. You do not need to be a senator to serve. Submit your interest by April 23 via the appropriate online forms on the Senate website.
Jenny Roether • Office of the Senate
Love books? Love food? Register an entry for the University Library's 19th Annual Edible Book Festival. Edible entries should have a connection to books as shapes or content. Prizes will be awarded for the best culinary creations, which will be displayed and judged at the Festival on Mar 29 at Common Ground Co-Op (Lincoln Square Mall). For more info, visit
Sarah Christensen • University Library
The NetworQ (LGBTQ+ Graduate Student Org) Spring Meetings
Join us for the NetworQ, a space for Graduate and Professional LGBTQIA+ students to engage in social and professional opportunities. For more information or to join the NetworQ discord, email Chris Schlarb, Our next meeting is on Monday, March 24 from 7:15 - 8:15 pm in the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, 616 E. Green Street, Suite 202, entrance McDonalds and Subway, 2nd floor.
March 24, 7:15–8:15 pm • Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, 616 E. Green Street, Suite 202, entrance McDonalds
and Subway, 2nd floor
Chris Schlarb • Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
Staying on campus during Spring Break? We welcome you to Home Away from Home event! Enjoy mystery cooking, diamond painting/crafts, friend making and community building over lunch and early dinner.
Wednesday, March 19, 11 am - 4 pm • 1210 W Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)
International Education • International Education and Asian American Cultural Center
The Graduate College invites departmental nominations for the Schmidt Science Fellows Program: a 1-2 year postdoctoral fellowship for students in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, & computing fields. Established by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the program allows recipients to pursue a "disciplinary pivot," i.e., recipients venture into a research area distinct from the student's current area of expertise. Annual stipend: $110,000. Applicants must complete their PhDs between May 15, 2025 & June 30, 2026. Visit the Schmidt listing in the Fellowship Finder database for details.
Office of External Fellowships • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships
Remember To Take Care Of Yourself
With the end of the semester and the thesis deposit deadlines rapidly approaching, it is important to remember to set aside time to take care of yourself. Take a walk, set up a coffee date with friends, or think of some other ways that you can take a break from working and relax. Taking some time away from work allows your mind to rest, and when you revisit your projects, you can do so with added strength. You can learn about one graduate student’s tips for incorporating wellness into her routine in our blog.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College
The deadline for applying for the free QCB Summer School has been extended to March 31, with applications accepted after that date until all slots are filled. The NSF iPOLS Meeting is still accepting abstracts until the program is filled.
Barb Jewett • Center for Quantitative Cell Biology
The Center for Writing Studies invites graduate students to submit proposals for the 2025 Gesa E. Kirsch Graduate Symposium (April 24 & 25, 2025). This symposium provides a space for graduate scholars to share their research and engage in interdisciplinary conversations on writing, rhetoric, literacy, discourse, media, and communication. We welcome proposals for individual presentations, panels, workshops, and other innovative formats. To allow more time for submissions, we have extended the deadline to March 28, 2025. Please submit your proposal here:
Dan Zhang • The Center for Writing Studies
Dancing Illini is offering salsa and Argentine tango classes. The classes start on Sunday, March 30, with tango at 6:30 pm and tango at 7:40 pm; all classes will be in the Illini Union. These classes are beginner-friendly, and no partner or previous dancing experience is required. All members of the University of Illinois community can sign up. Visit this webpage for schedules.
Dancing Illini • Dancing Illini
Relax and join the library government information team to play a fun game of Jeopardy! Test your knowledge of government structures, processes, and general information trivia at both the state and federal levels. Snacks will be provided and prizes will be awarded. Play by yourself, or with a group of friends (up to 3 people per team). There are a limited number of spots, so pre-register now to secure a spot, or come in day of!
April 8, 11 am–1 pm • Main Library Room 220
Sanga Sung • Library
Join us for a fun. interactive cooking class that explores how balanced eating support health at every stage of life! Co-led by the Registered Dietitian from McKinley Health Center Brie Whitted and Nutrition Peers (student educator), this class will teach you how to build vibrant, nutrient-packed meals using all food groups. Learn practical tips for meeting changing nutrition needs, making sustainable food choices, and creating colorful, delicious dishes that nourish your body at any age. Fee $12 for student; $20 for non-student
March 27, 6–7:30 pm • ARC Instructional Kitchen
Rachel Yang • Department of Campus Recreation
Join us at Riggs Beer Company at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 23rd, to hear Dr. Mark Hasegawa-Johnson will discuss his work with speech recognition technologies and their impacts on different communities. Specifically, examining the importance of collaborating with communities of people with disabilities and their allies when developing these technologies. Hope to see you there!
March 23, 2:30 pm • Riggs Beer Company 1901 S High Cross Rd, Urbana, IL 61802
Daniel Ryerson • Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
The Astronomy Department welcomes everyone to attend the Icko Iben Jr. Distinguished Lecture, "The Universe in Us," presented by Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Professor and Director of the Center for Reimagined Leadership. The Iben Lectures bring high-profile astronomers to campus to speak to a general audience.
March 26, 7–8 pm • Lincoln Hall Theater
Daniel Franco • Department of Astronomy
This opportunity is available online.
Join a webinar with Emilee Mathews, Head of the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art, who will share insights from her recent book-buying trip to Japan. She expanded the library’s collections with rare books, fabrics, and ephemera, deepening her understanding of Japanese visual culture. Steve Witt, Head of the International and Area Studies Library, will discuss how the Library’s International Buying Trip program strengthens global partnerships and enhances research opportunities.
March 20, 12–1 pm • Zoom
Sara Berthier • University of Illinois Library Friends
This opportunity is available online.
Join acclaimed artist LaToya Ruby Frazier for her upcoming lecture "Art as Transformation: Using Photography for Social Change." Frazier’s artistic practice spans a range of media, including photography, video, performance, installation art and books, and centers on the nexus of social justice, cultural change, and commentary on the American experience. Frazier won a MacArthur Fellowship in 2015 and was included in TIME100’s Most Influential People of 2024.
March 26, 5 pm • Plym Auditorium in Temple Buell Hall, 611 E Lorado Taft Dr, Champaign
FAA Communications • School of Art & Design and School of Labor & Employment Relations
The MCB GSA and eLife community ambassadors are proud to present: " A fireside chat with Dr. Holden Thorp". Join us in a casual conversation with Dr. Thorp, one of the leading voices in global science and higher education, where we will discuss open science, research culture, careers, and recent challenges in higher education. Dr. Thorp is a renowned chemist who previously served as the chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2008-2013 and the provost at the Washington University in St. Louis from 2013-2019.
March 25, 1–1:45 pm • Tuesday, March 25th, 1:00-1:45PM • Online (Zoom)
Owen Ouyang • School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
This opportunity is available online.
On Monday 27 at 12 pm, Cara Bertram (Archives Program Officer at UIUC) will be speaking about the American Library Association (ALA) Archives and their relationship with communities of faith! Registration link is available here: Registration link
March 27, 12 pm • Zoom
Bella Muniz • Center for Children's Books @ School of Information Sciences
This opportunity is available online.
Join CDA and National Taiwan University for the free "Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)" webinar on March 19 @ 7 p.m. CDT. This session is part of our "Global Perspectives on Digital/Smart Agriculture" joint seminar series. Attend to learn about intelligent indoor plant production systems, CEA practices in NTU's precision greenhouse, and recycling wastewater to grow food. More details here.
March 19, 7–9 pm • Zoom Event
Center for Digital Agriculture (CDA) • Center for Digital Agriculture & National Taiwan University
This opportunity is available online.
McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center
The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.
You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center
If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.
Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Connie Frank CARE Center