December 12 is also the last day to withdraw from ALL semester courses with "W's" recorded (Withdrawal/Cancellation Form and department approval required; and approval required from ISSS in the case of International Students). All forms must be submitted to the Graduate College before 5:00 p.m. on Reading Day, December 12. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about submitting a Withdrawal form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
December 12 is the last day to add or drop (with a "W") a Semester or Part of Term B course (via Late Registration Change in the Graduate College Student Portal. All forms must be submitted to the Graduate College before 5:00 p.m. on Reading Day, December 12. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Late Registration form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Friday, December 13, at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for masters students to complete their thesis deposit, if required, for Fall 2024 degree conferral. This deadline is firm and cannot be waived. Because all corrections and all required deposit materials must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the thesis for review one week prior to the deadline. For further information about the process visit the Thesis Office website.
Graduate College Thesis Office • Graduate College
Friday, December 6, at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for doctoral students to complete their dissertation deposit for Fall 2024 degree conferral. This deadline is firm and cannot be waived. Because all corrections and all required deposit materials must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the dissertation for review several days prior to the deadline. For further information about the process visit the Thesis Office website.
Graduate College Thesis Office • Graduate College
GEL Presents: The Psychological Impact of Comfort Food Across Cultures
Join McKinley Health Center Peer Educators to learn about how comfort foods affect one's wellbeing. Topics cover the impacts of food across cultures and how we all use certain foods through seasons of life specifically for college students. All are welcome. Dinner is provided.
December 4, 5:30–7 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)
International Education • International Education and McKinley Health Center
RECHARGE: Rest, Enjoy Conversation, Have A Really Great Experience!
RECHARGE is IE's newest program, offering students a chance to rest and connect during the busy week. We have hot tea, international snacks, and a place to charge your devices. Bring a friend or meet someone new! We look forward to seeing you!
December 3, 1–3 pm • University YMCA 1001 S Wright St. Champaign - Room 228
International Education • International Education
As you put the finishing touches on your thesis deposit, it’s a great idea to think of some of the things you need to do if you are preparing to leave the University of Illinois, like set email forwarding, create a plan to manage your Box files, and don’t forget to return your library books! Check out our Post-Deposit Considerations page to learn more. Don’t forget to check with your department to see if there are any final tasks you should complete (such as returning keys, exit interviews, etc.).
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Career and Professional Development
Paid Professional Development: Writing Across the Curriculum Seminar
The Center for Writing Studies will be offering an online, two-day introductory Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) seminar on January 13 & 14, 2025 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm CT. This professional development seminar is a great way for TAs from all departments to learn more about teaching writing, responding to writing, and using writing to support learning. Participants will receive a $160 stipend for participating. Space is limited, please register by Dec. 9. Teaching assistants may register at
Dan Zhang • The Center for Writing Studies
This opportunity is available online.
Finish the semester the "write" way! Our hybrid writing group provides grad students with dedicated time to make progress on any writing project in a supportive atmosphere. Each meeting consists of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. You only need to register once with your U of I email to receive weekly email reminders all semester!
September 3–December 17 • Tuesdays, 9-11am and Fridays, 9am-12pm • Main Library, Orange Room, or online via Zoom
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
CASCaDe (Collective for Arts-Science, Creativity and Discovery, etc.) participates in the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology with performances of Quantum Voyages! This production will travel to Anaheim, CA for the American Physical Society Meeting in March 2025, and will return home to performances in the new, ADA-compliant Colwell Playhouse in April 2025! Quantum Voyages is an adventure tale of two voyagers exploring the quantum realm guided by the spirit of wisdom, accompanied by a quantum ensemble, and illumined by quantum sages - real-life physicists.
December 2, 6–10 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA)
Latrelle Bright • CASCaDe
NCSA is hosting a hands-on Introduction to MPI Programming workshop presented by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC). Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using MPI – the standard programming tool of scalable parallel computing. View the workshop's agenda and registration instructions on the PSC Monthly Workshop webpage.
December 10–11, 10 am–4 pm • Central Time • NCSA Room 3000
Lillian Helms • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Register to attend this information session to learn more about the Humanities Without Walls Summer Bridge program. Summer Bridge supports humanities PhD students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in exploring new career paths while making an impact in our community.
January 31, 12 pm • Zoom - register for your link
Olivia Hagedorn • Humanities Research Institute
This opportunity is available online.
Wildlife Ambassadors at the Library
Meet Veterinary Medicine's Ambassador Animals and learn about the Wildlife Medical Clinic! Stop by our 2nd floor in Funk ACES Library and say hi to Hazel the Eastern Box Turtle, Petunia the Virginia opossum, Maize the corn snake, and Ruby the Red-Tailed Hawk! Visit our online calendar to learn more about this and other events.
December 5, 2–3 pm • Funk ACES Library, 1101 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL
Janis Shearer • University Library
Dr. Omaris Zamora will discuss her fabulated story of La Cigüapa, a Dominican folktale figure similar to Mexico's La Llorona, as an exercise for thinking about her character and the historical context in which she is initially imagined. She offer a transnational examination of this figure against the backdrop of colonialism, mining, and neoliberal capitalism from Hispaniola to Washington Heights.
December 4, 3:30–5 pm • English Building, 160
Sean Ettinger • Department of Latina/Latino Studies
Join QCB Dec. 5–6 for mini-symposia featuring some of the world’s leading experts in cell biology: Wolfgang Baumeister (Technical University, Munich), Margaret Gardel (University of Chicago), Gerhard Hummer (Max Planck Institute), Shana Kelley (president , Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago), Victor Muñoz (University of California Merced), Jonas Ries (Max Perutz Labs, Vienna BioCenter). Details here.
December 5–6 • Beckman Institute 1005 & 5602, IGB 612, check details for talk locations
Barb Jewett • Center for Quantitative Cell Biology
Please join the University Archives for the Women in Science Lecture Series on Thursday, December 5, 12-1 p.m., with Dr. Sepideh Sadaghiani, Associate Professor of Psychology! This is a hybrid event and will take place in the University Archives (146 Main Library) and over Zoom. RSVP here.
December 5, 12–1 pm • University Archives Main Library Room 146
Bethany Anderson • University Archives
This opportunity is available online.
The Education Justice Project’s Policy & Research Team is hosting a research group meeting on Monday, December 9, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. CT via Zoom. Join us to hear Sarah Nixon discuss her research, "Horses In The Prison Yard: An Assessment Of Equine Facilitated Activities Within Carceral Settings." All are welcome!
December 9, 3–4 pm • Zoom
Ashton Hoselton • Education Justice Project, Policy & Research Team
This opportunity is available online.
McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center
The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.
You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center
If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.
Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center