Graduate College Offices Closed on Monday, March 11
The Graduate College offices at 507 East Green Street will be closed for construction on Monday, March 11. Graduate College services will be available remotely all week during regular business hours.
Visit us online for resources, appointments, and more
Graduate College • Graduate College
Courtesy winter enforcement hours will END with the return of Daylight Saving time. Starting on Monday, March 11, unless otherwise posted, rental lot and lot meter enforcement hours will return to 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. If uncertain of rules/regulations, please contact the Parking Department for additional assistance at 217-333-3530.
Angie Rice • Parking Department
March 29 is the last day to apply for May 2024 graduation via Self-Service. Students who intend to graduate must add themselves to the Degree List. Adding oneself to the Degree List is separate from registration for a convocation or commencement ceremony. Have questions about adding yourself to the degree list? Click here for an advising appointment!
Academic Affairs at the Graduate College • Graduate College
CDC announces changes to COVID-19 isolation guidelines. Applies to students, faculty & staff. (1) Isolate away from others until symptoms improve; (2) minimum of 5 day isolation no longer required, instead isolate until symptoms improve & you are fever free for 24hrs without the use of fever-reducing meds; & (3) wear a mask when near others for 10 days from positive test or onset of symptoms.
Jennifer Carson • Auxiliary Health & Wellbeing Marketing
Mobile Pantry on 3/12 12-2pm at CRCE
The Food Assistance and Wellbeing Program at Campus Recreation is hosting a mobile pantry on Tuesday 3/12 from 12-2pm at CRCE front desk. A selection of non-perishable food items (grains, canned goods, and snacks) and personal hygiene products will be available. No registration required. First come first served. Limit to one bag per person.
March 12, 12–2 pm • CRCE Front Lobby
Rachel Yang • Department of Campus Recreation
Life’s a Lot: How to Help Others (& Yourself) w/ Improved Mental Well-Being
Are you interested in helping others handle burnout, work-life balance and general well-being? The Beckman DEI Committee and University of Illinois Counseling Center are partnering to offer “Life’s a lot – How to help others (& yourself) with improved mental well-being” on Wednesday, March 20th at noon in Beckman room 1005. Lunch will be served to those who register ( prior to March 18th. All are welcome to attend, especially post-doc, graduate and undergraduate students.
March 20, 12 pm • Beckman room 1005
Noelle James • Beckman DEI Committee and University of Illinois Counseling Center
Cyber Security Scholarship Information Session on April 1
The Illinois Cyber Security Scholars Program (ICSSP) is accepting applications for Fall 2024. The application deadline is April 15, 2024. Eligible applicant must be an US citizen, and a College of Engineering undergraduate or graduate student or a School of Information Sciences graduate student admitted to the MSIM or PhD program. If you are interested in applying, please join the information session on Monday, April 1 from 5 to 6:50pm at 1015 ECEB. Free pizza will be provided!
April 1, 5 - 6:50 PM, 1015 ECEB • To learn more, please visit the ICSSP website (above).
iti-icssp-info • Information Trust Institute (ITI)
USGIF Scholarship Applications Now Open!
Scholarship applications for the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) are now open for graduating high school seniors to those pursuing a doctorate. USGIF will host a virtual informational session about this opportunity April 22. Register here or apply now! Deadline for applications is May 31.
Scott Lathrop • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Apply for HRI-We CU Research Assistantship by March 25, 2024
Applications are now open to PhD students in the humanities for a yearlong (AY 2024-25) RA-ship with the We CU Community Engaged Scholars Program. Whether you plan on an academic career or imagine yourself in a job beyond the academy, this RA-ship can help you prepare for what’s next. We are seeking a graduate student with a commitment to racial and social equity in public engagement to continue to enhance this aspect of the We CU Program.
Humanities Research Institute • HRI and We CU Community Engaged Scholars Program
The ability to craft an effective funding proposal is a skill that can reap a lifetime of rewards. As a graduate student, now is the time to hone your grantwriting proficiency. In this workshop, designed for students in the humanities and social sciences, you will learn how to identify funding opportunities, strategize the components of an effective proposal, and think like a grantwriter. Please register in advance for this online workshop.
March 19, 1–3 pm • Register Now!
Dana Johnson • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships
This opportunity is available online.
With the end of the semester and the thesis deposit deadlines rapidly approaching, it is important to remember to set aside time to take care of yourself. Take a walk, set up a Zoom coffee date with friends, or think of some other ways that you can take a break from working and relax. Taking some time away from work allows your mind to rest, and when you revisit your projects, you can do so with added strength. You can learn about one graduate student’s tips for incorporating wellness into her routine in our blog.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Career and Professional Development
Unlock your future at the Illini Career and Internship Fair! Explore and connect with 90+ employers, eager to engage with talent like you. Open to all majors and class levels. This is the last career fair of the school year, so don't miss it. Registration is encouraged but not required. Visit Handshake to view the list of employers and to register.
March 27, 11 am–3 pm • Illini Union
Nikki Yearsley Mercer • The Career Center
Explore the evolving impact of AI on job searching and hiring, leveraging tools like ChatGPT. Delve into the current AI landscape, address challenges, and discover best practices for ethical use in resumes, cover letters, and interviews. Gain insights into employer perspectives and discuss the future of these tools. Join our virtual event on Zoom. Register on Handshake.
March 19, 12–1 pm
James Castree • The Career Center
This opportunity is available online.
Join the Writers Workshop this week for our Spring Break Writing Retreat! Mon-Thu, we'll host productivity groups, in-person and online, from 9am-12pm with optional workshops at 1:30pm each day (see calendar for more info). All writing groups consist of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. Ideal for grad students seeking to create a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term writing projects, or jump-start a new writing project. Please note that you only need to register once to attend any or all of these dates.
March 11–14, 9 am–12 pm • Main Library, Orange Room, or online via Zoom
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Beckman ITG Tech Talk: Siti Fauziyah
Join the Beckman Institute's Imaging Technology Group for a Tech Talk titled, "Morphological Characteristics of Dragonfly Wings." Those who register by March 14 will receive a complimentary lunch. A Zoom link will be available, as well.
March 19, 12 pm • 5602 Beckman Institute
Teppie Apperson • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
This workshop will include two talks about optimizing, profiling, and benchmarking input/output operations using HDF5 and DLIO Optimizing Your I/O Workload: Techniques for Effective HDF5 Usage - Scot Breitenfeld, The HDF Group, and Deep Learning I/O: Benchmark and Profiling - Hariharan Devarajan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Register and find more info with the link in the title.
March 12, 1–3 pm
Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
This opportunity is available online.
Join expert imaging specialists from MILabs for training on the Molecular Imaging Laboratory's new animal preclinical PET-CT imaging system. This comprehensive training session aims to equip all interested researchers, technicians, and assistants with the essential skills and knowledge required to operate and leverage the full potential of this cutting-edge PET/CT imaging system.
March 21, 1 pm • Zoom
Iwona Dobrucka • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
This opportunity is available online.
Summer Session Is Back
Do you need to pick up additional credits, or would you like to take a high-demand course that’s hard to get into in Spring or Fall? If so, we encourage you to enroll in an online summer course. Summer Session 2024 runs May 13 through August 3, with 4-, 8-, and 12-week courses available. Learn from world-class faculty at Illinois and take the course from anywhere in the world around your schedule. There’s a wide variety of courses to choose from, so find the one that’s right for you. Priority registration begins April 1, and open registration begins April 18.
CITL Marketing • Office of the Provost
This opportunity is available online.
Members of the SSF CSA program buy a share of the produce that is grown at the Sustainable Student Farm. We grow more than 150 varieties of more than 40 different vegetable, fruit, and flower crops at the SSF. By joining our CSA you will receive a selection of these crops each week all summer long. You will pick up a mix of vegetables, herbs and even the occasional fruit and bunch of flowers every Thursday starting June 6th and going through August 15th. We choose the mixture of products each week to accommodate what is in season and to give you a nice variety of different types of crops.
Matt Turino • Sustainable Student Farm
Deadline Approaching: Illinois International Graduate Achievement Award
Submit a self-nomination for the Illinois International Graduate Achievement Award and showcase your international work or research! Self-nominations should include a brief narrative, unofficial transcript, and separate letter of support from a UIUC faculty, academic advisor, or department head who is familiar with your work. The award recipient will receive $1,000 to support their work or research! The deadline to submit nominations is March 15, 2024. Learn more >>>
Marta Schneider • Illinois International
EU Day of Art: Artemis Danza Presents "Corpi Violati"
Don’t miss the Italian contemporary dance company Artemis Danza as they perform “Corpi Violati’ (“Violated Bodies”) on Monday, March 18 at 7 P.M. in Lincoln Hall Theater. Inspired by stories of gender violence and aimed at highlighting the issue of violence against women, “Corpi Violati” is free and open to the public. For more information, see here. RSVPing is optional but highly encouraged.
March 18, 7–8:30 pm • Lincoln Hall Theater, 702 S Wright St, Urbana, IL 61801
Sydney Lazarus • European Union Center
In recognition of Women's History Month, the LAS Inclusive Excellence Office is hosting a panel discussion on "Negotiation in the Academy". This event is open to tenure and specialized faculty, postdocs, and advanced graduate students. Topics will include how to effectively negotiate for salary and service, using leverage, and addressing problems often faced by women in the ranks. Registration is required by March 13. A box lunch will be provided to registrants.
March 20, 12–1 pm • Wednesday, March 20, noon - 1 PM • Illini Union, Room 210
Aurora Cruz Torres • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
The Science of Reading and the Making of the Information Society
Reading is one of the most significant practices in the modern age of information, but it has a complicated history. Author Adrian Johns will discuss the science of reading that emerged in the 19th century, leading to the “reading wars” that are still occurring today. This virtual event is free and all are welcome to register and attend. Please pre-register at
March 14, 6:30 pm • Online (See link above)
Carrie Lingscheit • The Rare Book & Manuscript Library
This opportunity is available online.
Sporting Publics Symposium: History, Sports, and American Culture
This symposium aims to illuminate the ways sports at times facilitates public conversations on past and present societal conditions, whether it is how sports reveal broader issues about culture, identity, or history. View full symposium schedule and mark your calendars for keynote speaker David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, speaking at 7:30 p.m. on 3/28 at Alice Campbell Alumni Center.
March 28–29 • Levis Faculty Center and Alice Campbell Alumni Center
HRI • A symposium co-organized by HRI and Professor Adrian Burgos (History)
The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.
You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center
If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.
Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center
McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center