The Graduate College’s annual competition invites grad students from all disciplines to celebrate their work and hone their presentation skills by giving a compelling research talk to a general audience in just 3 minutes. This is a great exercise for all students, but there are also prizes! One Grand Prize of $500 and six $200 Award Winners will be announced at the Finalist Showcase on April 2 (Save-the-Date!). The Preliminary Round submission deadline is February 26. Those interested in participating can review the rules, watch videos of previous winners, and learn more on our website.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College
January 22 is the last day to add a Part of Term A course via Self-Service or drop a Part of Term A course and receive a refund if reducing assessment range; and to submit a form to elect to audit a Part of Term A course. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting an Audit form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
By the 10th Day of Classes, January 29, graduate students should be correctly registered for Spring 2024. It's important to check Self Service before then to ensure your registration is correct. Jan 29 is the last day to submit a form to audit a semester course, submit a form to register "in Absentia," add a semester course via Self-Service, or drop a semester course & receive a refund if reducing assessment range. Students enrolled in non-standard POT courses should refer to their grad program for deadline info. Questions about deadlines or submitting a form? Click here for an advising appt!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Are you looking for new tools to help manage stress before the semester gets too busy? RIO is a two-part program that teaches students techniques for recognizing and moving past situations that cause stress, frustration, and anxiety. RIO can provide skills to help you manage and reduce anxiety, adapt to new challenges, understand your thoughts and feelings WITHOUT judgment or shame, move beyond feeling “stuck”, take the initiative to step out of your comfort zone. Please register in advance. If these times do not work, check additional dates at the Counseling Center website.
January 31, 4–5 pm • Part 2: February 7, 4:00 - 5:00 pm • Graduate College Room 202
Dr. Carlton Cummings • Counseling Center
Sign up for Intramural Leagues through Campus Rec. Volleyball, Basketball, Indoor Soccer, and Billiards: Sign up January 17 - 31; Games run February 3 - March 7. Badminton Two-Week League Sign up: January 10-25; Games run January 29 - February 12. Sign up with a team or register as a free agent.
Intramurals • Campus Recreation
Join us for a newly launched welcome/resource fair event taking place on Wednesday, January 31st from 4pm-6pm at the Main Library's Orange Room. Featuring units such as Grainger Library IDEA Lab, First-Gen. Student Initiatives, Library Research Consultations, free giveaway prizes & more! Open to all students and majors.
January 31, 4–6 pm • Monthly Events • Main Library, 1st Floor Orange Room
Jennifer Mendez, Director First Generation Student Initiatives • SSIB - OMSA - University Library
Avoiding Scams
Student Money Management Center • University Bursar
Postdoc applications are now open through March 1 for the NSF Science and Technology Center for Quantitative Cell Biology at the Beckman Institute. The Center aims to create whole cell models using state-of-the art imaging and simulation. Two-year fellowships starting as early as May. Must have earned PhD in last 10 years or by Sept. 1,2024. More information & application instructions at link above.
Center for Quantitative Cell Biology • Center for Quantitative Cell Biology
Nomination for the $20,000 Illinois Innovation Award, awarded by The Grainger College of Engineering through Technology Entrepreneur Center and the $10,000 Fiddler Innovation Fellowship awarded by NCSA is open. The Illinois Innovation Award honors students for excellence in cutting-edge innovation or translational research that addresses real-world problems. The Fiddler Innovation Fellowship honors students for excellence in addressing cultural, societal, or global challenges with innovative solutions. Nominate now!
Marissa Siero • Technology Entrepreneur Center
This opportunity is available online.
Humanities Without Walls Summer Bridge Experience
January 31, 12 pm • Zoom Event Registration
Olivia Hagedorn • Humanities Without Walls, supported by the Mellon Foundation
This opportunity is available online.
Joining a writing group is a great opportunity to develop a writing routine and schedule dedicated time to work on your thesis in a distraction-free setting. It's also a great way to connect with others! Join one of the Graduate Writing Groups being hosted by the Writers Workshop or form your own writing group with friends. Want more tips on developing writing habits? Our blog "How Good Writing Habits Lead to Short- & Long-term Payoffs" has you covered.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College
Career and Professional Development
If you are just starting (or jumpstarting) your job search, we've got you covered. This session will provide an overview of the entire job search process including tips for writing application materials, navigating the interview process, evaluating and negotiating an offer, and more. No registration required. Attend at the Graduate College (507 E. Green St.) or online (
January 24, 4–5:30 pm • Graduate College (507 E. Green St.) Room 202 or Zoom
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
The Speaking Center is reopening on Monday, January 29, 2024. The Speaking Center offers free and personalized presentation and speaking support for any student at any stage and experience level. Students can join us for one-on-one consultations with our staff or for skills workshops offered several times throughout the semester. For more information or to make an appointment, visit our website!
Speaking Center • University Library, Speaking Center
As the impact of AI on job searching and hiring takes shape, navigating tools like ChatGPT and others has become a powerful instrument in seeking jobs and internships. Learn about the current AI landscape, address challenges, and explore best practices for its effective and ethical use in resumes, cover letters, interview preparation, and other aspects of the search process. Gain insights into employer perspectives on candidates' use and discuss potential future directions of these tools. This event will take place virtually via Zoom. Register in advance at
February 2, 12–1 pm
James Castree • The Career Center
This opportunity is available online.
Researchers and scholars in training, do you have what it takes to get started? A growing number of funding agencies, publishers, and professional associations around the world are requesting an ORCID iD at grant application, manuscript submission, and membership renewal. ORCID@Illinois provides an easy way to obtain this unique, persistent identifier and to link it to your Illinois identity. Get connected at ORCID@Illinois!
Mark Zulauf • University Library
Sessions are offered in-person in several locations and via Zoom, be sure to double-check
the location when adding to your calendar.
Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library
This opportunity is available online.
Machine Learning and BIG DATA Workshop
NCSA will host a satellite site for the next PSC/ACCESS training event on Machine Learning and BIG DATA on Jan 29 and 31. This will be an in-person, two-day event hosted by various satellite sites with no direct-to-desktop option. The number of seats is limited. To register, please follow the instructions on this page:
January 29, 10 am–4 pm • Same time on Wed. Jan 31. • NCSA Building
Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Uniting for Justice: Panel on Juvenile Justice
The Education Justice Project is hosting a 4-part series that brings together international and national organizations to explore how legislative, legal, and community action can spur social justice. The third panel is on Wednesday, January 31 @ 12:00p CT over Zoom. It will bring together the Juvenile Justice Initiative and Juvenile Justice Advocates International to discuss the importance of progressive youth justice policies and approaches to working with and supporting system-impacted youth. Audience members can ask questions after the panel discussion, and everyone is invited to attend!
January 31, 12–1 pm • Zoom (RSVP here for Zoom link)
Alexandra Gergova • Education Justice Project
This opportunity is available online.
The NCI Postdoc Recruitment Event (PRE) invites applications through February 7, 2024. PRE is a 2-day, in-person event held on May 1-2, 2024 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). PRE provides Ph.D. candidates the opportunity to explore postdoctoral opportunities and determine if the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is an ideal fit for their professional goals. Candidates will learn about the NIH, NCI, and postdoctoral research opportunities in basic science, clinical research, cancer epidemiology, genetics, cancer control science, health disparities, or global health at NCI.
Apply by Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Ashlie Santaliz Casiano • Graduate College
Undergrad students at UIUC and nationwide can apply to study, train and work full-time on cutting-edge machine-learning projects in NCSA’s paid, 10-week REU FoDOMMaT program this summer from May 20 through July 26. Students will be provided room and board, round-trip travel to campus and a weekly $600 stipend while working with NCSA staff and fellow participants. Deadline is March 17. Apply now!
Olena Kindratenko • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
The Waste Transfer Station is the center of campus waste management, processing more than 10,000,000 pounds of material annually. Students, faculty, staff, classes, and community members are encouraged to request tours of the station. Learn how your recyclables are sorted and how you can help support the university in achieving our zero waste goals.
10 Saint Mary's Road, Champaign, IL 61820
Daphne Hulse • Facilities & Services
Help put together the World's Largest Puzzle with the Library during dedicated co-working hours. We’ll have snacks and a hot chocolate bar to help you get cozy and unwind with friends old and new! Find the full schedule and list of locations on our Facebook event.
January 19–30 • Main Library & Various locations
Sara Berthier • University Library
Are you currently involved in/do you have undergraduates in your lab completing research affiliated with the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology? If so, consider applying to present at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase. Presenters will have the opportunity to win awards to support their research/travel to present their work. Abstracts are due March 8, 2024. To learn more about the showcase, visit our website or reach out to Corinne Campbell with any questions.
March 8 • Submissions due
Corinne Campbell • Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
Join the Leadership Book Club!
Join the Illinois Leadership Center as we explore different perspectives and stories of leadership. In March, we will read "The Culture Map" by Erin Meyer and "Digital Mindset" by Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley Copies of the book are available to borrow in the Cavenaugh Leadership Library. Learn more and register here.
March 21 • Illinois Leadership Center Conference Room, 290 Illini Union
Joy Das • Illinois Leadership Center
First event of the spring semester is coming soon! We are delighted to showcase the work of some of our most productive and creative faculty in this informal series of intellectually and spiritually invigorating presentations. You are invited to drop in when you can to learn about the exciting projects undertaken by our CAS Associate Andiara Schwingel & CAS Beckman Fellow Sangjin Kim.
January 30, 11 am–1 pm • Levis Faculty Center - Room 210
Heidy Barcus • Center for Advanced Study (CAS)
Join us for lunch, learning, and conversation at the next installment of the HEROP Speaker Series! Sierra Raglin, Ph.D. will highlight the importance of microbiomes in understanding environmental health and connect the study of microbial communities to human environments to explore their role in equitable One Health research. Additionally, she'll shed light on the need to integrate human ecology and behavior into microbiome research to dissect the complex multi-scale ecological interactions that influence human health in America. Coffee and networking session to follow.
January 26, 12–1:30 pm • Natural History Building Room 2049 & Zoom
Marc Astacio-Palmer • Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science
This opportunity is available online.
HRI Organize & Analyze: Social Movements Reading Group
The HRI Organize & Analyze: Social Movements Reading Group will discuss readings, films, short stories, plays, and poems on global working class social movements to inform our intellectual development, political education, and praxis. The first meeting of Spring 2024 will be Tues. Jan. 30, 12-1:30 PM in Levis Faculty Center 424, followed by weekly sessions on Tuesdays. Open to all & free lunch provided. More info/RSVP here:
January 30–May 7, 12–1:30 pm • Jan 30–May 7, 12–1:30 PM, Every Tuesday • Levis Faculty Center 424
Chelsea Birchmier • Humanities Research Institute (HRI)
Joanne Barker (American Indian Studies, San Francisco State University; Lenape [enrolled member of the Delaware Tribe of Indians]) will be giving a lecture entitled: ""In Radical Relationality: Writing Against Climate and Gender Violence." This event is part of the Interseminars series for "Improvise and Intervene," supported by the Mellon Foundation.
January 24, 7 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
HRI • Humanities Research Institute, supported by the Mellon Foundation
Attend HRI's Graduate Student Open House & Resource Fair
February 16, 2–5 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Third Floor (919 W. Illinois St., Urbana, IL 61801)
Humanities Research Institute • HRI
The series is designed to prepare early-career faculty at Illinois to submit their first R01 or other individual investigator proposals to the NIH. Weekly seminars & discussion sessions will be led by faculty who have a demonstrated history of success with NIH proposals & address various aspects of the grant submission process. Registrants may attend one, some, or all sessions.
Jan. 30 - March 5 | noon to 1:30PM | Every Tuesday • Register for Zoom details
Maggie Berg • Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute
This opportunity is available online.
African Students' Organization Welcome Mixer
Our organization is dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive community on campus where individuals of African heritage and those interested in the African continent and its diaspora can come together, find belonging, and engage in meaningful conversations and experiences on the African continent's social, political, economic, and cultural development. We want to invite you to our Welcome back mixer on Thursday, January 25th from 5pm -7pm at the Krannert Art Museum Cafe (Opposite the Law school) where you can enjoy the warm community of Africans while enjoying pizza and wings.
January 25, 5–7 pm • Krannert Art Museum Cafe
Paapa Nkrumah-Ababio • African Students' Organization
Personal and professional finances often get mixed in the journey to entrepreneur. Learn about best practices to manage your finances while building your small business. Join us for this free webinar – Money in Your Entrepreneurial Pursuit – on January 24th at 12 PM CT.
January 24, 12 pm
Abbi Littell • Cooperative Extension Service
This opportunity is available online.
McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center
The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.
You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center
If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.
Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center