December 1 is the last day to drop a Part of Term B course without a grade of "W" recorded by submitting a Late Registration form via the Graduate College Student Portal; and the last day to submit a Credit/no-credit Request form for a Part of Term B course via the Graduate College Student Portal. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Late Registration or Credit/No Credit form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
December 7 is the last day to add/drop (with a "W") a Semester or Part of Term B course (Late Registration form in the Graduate College Student Portal). Dec. 7 is also the last day to withdraw from ALL semester courses with "W's" (Withdrawal/Cancellation Form + dept approval required; ISSS approval required for international students). All forms due to Graduate College by 5pm Reading Day, Dec. 7. Students in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for info. Questions about deadlines or submitting a LRC or Withdrawal form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Friday, December 8 at 5 p.m. is the last day to complete a master's thesis deposit for December 2023 graduation. All corrections and required deposit materials must be received by the Graduate College no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline, the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the thesis for review several days before the deadline. For further information about the deposit process, visit the Thesis Office website.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Friday, December 1 at 5 p.m. is the last day to complete a dissertation deposit for December 2023 graduation. Because all corrections and all required deposit materials must be received by the Graduate College no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline, the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the thesis for review several days before the deadline. For further information about the deposit process, visit the Thesis Office website.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Check Out Our Deposit Videos
Are you planning to deposit your thesis this semester? We have videos that can guide you through the thesis submission and deposit process. Check out our Submitting Your Thesis for Graduate College Approval video for an overview of the thesis submission system. If the Graduate College requests corrections to your thesis, our Reviewing & Submitting Your Thesis Corrections video will help you navigate the resubmission process.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Career and Professional Development
Students don't miss out! Monday, November 27 (3:30 - 5 p.m.) and Thursday, November 30 (9 -10:30 a.m.) are the last days for headshots at the Professional Photo Lab this fall. Take advantage of this last opportunity before we close for the fall semester. We reopen for headshots at the start of the spring semester.
Illini Union, Room 335
Michael Warrell • The Career Center
On the academic job market? This session will provide a comprehensive overview of both the faculty interview and negotiation process. Come to learn what to expect in faculty interviews, how to develop a strategy to effectively answer questions, and tips to help you know when and how to negotiate an offer effectively. No registration required.
November 28, 4–5:30 pm • Graduate College 202
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
If you are just starting a job search, planning to look in the Spring, or missed our earlier Fall industry/nonprofit job search series, we've got you covered. This session will provide an overview of the entire job search process including tips for writing application materials, navigating the interview process, evaluating and negotiating an offer, and more. No registration required.
November 29, 4–5:30 pm • Graduate College 202
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
SSRC-Arnold Ventures Criminal Justice Innovation Fellowships
The Arnold Ventures Criminal Justice Innovation Fellowships will support five post-doctoral fellows who are pursuing policy-relevant causal research designed to innovate and evaluate cost-effective and scalable policy solutions that advance the efficacy and equity of criminal justice practices. The award amount is $120,000 per year, with full benefits and annual salary increases. The application deadline is January 15, 2024. For more information, please contact or visit
Melissa Chan • Provost/VCAA Admin
The Doctoral Research Support Program is hosting a new virtual series on conducting field research in different disciplines. Join Dr. Mara Wade (Professor – Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures; President, Renaissance Society of America) and Andrew Schwenk (PhD Student – Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures) for the inaugural session on field research in the social sciences and humanities.
December 1, 3–4 pm
Doctoral Research Support Program • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This opportunity is available online.
This workshop will give you hands-on experience accelerating Python codes with NVIDIA GPUs. We will explore drop-in replacements for SciPy and NumPy code through the CuPy library and cover NVIDIA RAPIDS, which provides GPU acceleration for end-to-end data science workloads. You'll then have the skills to start accelerating your own Python codes! To register by Nov 28, use the form linked in the title.
November 29, 1–3 pm
Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
This opportunity is available online.
SKY Happiness Retreat Dec 1-3, 2023
The Sky Happiness Retreat is an internationally acclaimed life-skills program that helps participants develop relaxed, stress-free mind and energetic, healthy body through evidence-based meditation, yoga, breathwork in a fun and an experiential format. Join us on campus for a detox-weekend! The retreat is fully funded for all UIUC students, partial scholarships available for staff and faculty. Sign up link:
December 1–3 • Dec. 1st (Fri): 5:30pm - 9pm CT, Dec. 2nd and 3rd (Sat and Sun): 10am - 1:30pm CT • Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building, 4100
Shatakshi Gupta • SKY Meditation at UIUC
KAM will show this year's Visual AIDS Day With(out) Art videos in a looped presentation all day on World AIDS Day Friday, Dec 1 and Saturday, Dec 2 in the KAM Auditorium on the lower level of the museum. Inviting us to understand disability as a common experience rather than an exception to the norm, the program highlights a range of experiences spanning HIV, COVID, mental health, and aging. Free.
Krannert Art Museum, 500 E Peabody Dr, Champaign, Lower Level Auditorium
Julia Nucci Kelly • Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion
Beckman Interdisciplinary Safety Seminar: Work Stress, Well-Being & Safety
Join us for the inaugural Beckman Interdisciplinary Safety Seminar: Work Stress, Well-Being and Safety. Professor YoungAh Park of the School of Labor and Employment Relations will speak. Please register by 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 27. Pizza will be served to those who register.
November 29, 12 pm • 2269 Beckman Institute
Kelly Powderly • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
ISSS will be presenting a CPT/OPT workshop on reading day, December 7. This 2-part workshop has been designed for all F-1 international students, regardless of program/level of study, undergraduate and graduate students. Students will have the opportunity to meet with advisors from ISSS and learn more about F-1 student work authorization in the US. They are welcome to attend either or both presentations. OPT 2:00 PM ; CPT 3:00 PM
December 7 • Time: OPT 2:00 PM ; CPT 3:00 PM • Lincoln Hall 1090
Caitlin Kaparaz • International Student and Scholar Services
Join us for a fabulous Drag Brunch on Saturday, December 2, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Illini Union Ballroom! Come enjoy the show and learn about resources for women's and LGBTQ+ health and wellness on campus. Tickets are available in the Quad Shop (open weekdays 8 am-6 pm) or the Rec Room (open weekdays 12-9 pm and Saturdays 2-9 pm). Student tickets are just $15, while tickets are $20 for the public.
December 2, 11:30 am • Illini Union Ballroom
Asako Kinase-Leggett • Illini Union Board
Talk on Gender in Development
In this lecture, Rana Elmeligy, who is an international development and humanitarian practitioner, will argue if development programs are able to apply gender-sensitivity standards to the groups. She will also talk about the persisting gaps between 'gender in development' standards and real-life limiting beliefs, structures, and practices. For more information, please check out this link.
November 30, 4 am • 306 Coble Hall, 801 S. Wright Street
Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives
Evaluation Design: Lift Gender-blindness in Development Evaluations
In this graduate student workshop, Rana Elmeligy will address how evaluation frameworks of development programs can mainstream intentional gender-sensitive thinking to improve evaluation quality and reliability. Capturing social program impacts can go beyond the question of 'does this intervention really work?' to reflect how the interventions impact different individuals and groups. Please register here.
December 1, 12 pm • 306 Coble Hall, 801 S. Wright Street
Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives
This presentation describes the programme of Second Chance Schools in Greece -- content, methodology, financing, accreditation -- and goes a step forward to highlight the education opportunities for incarcerated adults. Nektaria Tziora, the director for all educational facilities in Nigrita State Prison in Greece, will speak about the programme's strengths and weaknesses and share her thoughts on challenges and opportunities for the future.
December 2, 10 am • Zoom
Sydney Lazarus • European Union Center
This opportunity is available online.
The Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies and the University of Illinois media production group Illini Film and Video will present an end-of-the-semester gathering focused on the joy of watching films together. Join us for two screenings of cult classics, The Princess Bride and Army of Darkness, and stay afterwards to discuss what brings us back to the same movies. There will be a popcorn bar before screening The Princess Bride at 7 p.m. During intermission from 8:45 to 9:15 p.m., there will be pizza and donuts, plus trivia and prizes. Then Army of Darkness will be screened at 9:15 p.m.
November 30, 7–11 pm • Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum
Angela Aguayo • The Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies in the College of Media
McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center
The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.
You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center
If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.
Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center