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Announcements for the week of October 29, 2023


Winter Courtesy Parking Hours

To assist evening campus commuters during the winter, the Parking Department will implement the following enforcement policy: effective Nov. 6, 2023 - March 8, 2024, all university rental lots posted for enforcement from 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. (M-F) will be open for general public parking beginning 4 p.m. All street meters and 24-hour parking rental areas will continue to be enforced as posted.

November 6, 4 pm

Angie Rice • Parking Department


Fall 2023 Credit/No Credit Registration Deadline

November 10 is the last day to change a course to the credit/no-credit grading option for a semester course or to change from the CR/NC grading option to a regular grade. Course and department restrictions may apply. Students need to submit a Credit/No Credit form via the Graduate College Student Portal. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Credit/No Credit form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Fall 2023 Semester Registration Deadlines

November 10 is the last day to drop a semester course or withdraw from ALL semester courses w/o a grade of W. To drop a course, students complete a Late Registration Course Change form via the Graduate College Student Portal. To withdraw from the term, students submit a Withdrawal/Cancellation Form to their dept. International students must obtain approval from ISSS. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their program for information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a  form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Fall 2023 Degree List Deadline

October 29 is the last day to apply to graduate in December via Self-Service. Please contact your graduate program to make sure you have been added to the pending degree list if you intend to graduate.

Graduate College • Graduate College


Global Engagement Lounge (GEL) - Debunking Diet Fads

Misinformation is everywhere in nutrition! Join McKinley Health Center’s Nutrition Peers to learn fact from fiction on popular fad diets like intermittent fasting, keto, and more! Dinner is provided. Paid for by the Student Cultural Programming Fee (SCPF). 

Wednesday, November 1, 5:30-7pm • 1210 W Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

Yun Shi • International Education, McKinley Health Center, ISSS and AACC

Funding and Fellowships

Graduate Student Workshop "Writing Effective Fellowship Proposals"

Join us for the "Writing Effective Fellowship Proposal" Graduate Student Workshop, led by Dr. Dana Johnson, Assistant Director of External Fellowships at the Graduate College. Following this section, some graduate students from various disciplines will share essential information and valuable tips to craft successful fellowship proposals. Please register through this link!

November 3, 2 pm • Room 306 Coble Hall, 801 S. Wright Street.

Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives

Applications Open for Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs

The Beckman Institute is offering three interdisciplinary postdoctoral fellowship programs: the Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Beckman-Brown Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Cancer Center at Illinois-Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship. Fill out one common application to be considered for all three programs. The application deadline is 5 p.m. CST Monday, Nov. 20, 2023.

Direct questions to the Beckman Institute fellowship program email address: • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Interseminars Initiative | Graduate Fellowship Application

Interested graduate students are encouraged to apply by November 15, 2023 for the third Interseminars initative project “Collisions across Colorlines: Reconsidering Racism, Movements, and Epistemes in the Americas,” which is an invitation to work collectively in a critical interrogation of deeply embedded intersecting structures of race and inequality and how they periodically erupt in the Americas, if not the globe.

Humanities Research Institute • HRI, supported by the Mellon Foundation

 This opportunity is available online.

Thesis Tips

Avoid These Formatting Mistakes!

Formatting your thesis can be stressful. Let us help! We've compiled a lit of the top formatting mistakes that we see when doing thesis reviews and have strategies to help you check your thesis. View our Five Formatting Mistakes page in Canvas to learn more. (Please note, you need to join the Canvas Community to access this content.) Questions? Meet with Emily at Thesis Office Hours!

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College

Have You Reviewed Your Thesis Release Options?

Make sure to carefully consider the thesis release options, which determine the visibility of your work in IDEALS—the University’s digital repository. When you submit your thesis to the Graduate College, you will be asked to select a release option. Check out our website to learn more. Remember, no matter which release option you choose, the abstract of your thesis will be visible in IDEALS. Talk with your adviser about these release options and contact the Thesis Office with any questions.

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

Career and Professional Development

Poster Presentation and Design

Are you preparing for an upcoming conference? Need to design a poster for your class? This workshop will give you tools for communicating your research for academic conferences and professional meetings in a concise and visually effective poster presentation. This event is co-sponsored by the University Library and the Writers Workshop.

November 1, 1–1:50 pm • Online via Zoom, link will be sent with registration confirmation and with reminder one hour before workshop

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library and Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

Humanities Career Discovery Group: Last Chance to Register

Join a collaborative group starting this Thursday that will help you figure out what matters to you and offer support as you explore new paths that align with your values, skills, and interests. This 3-week group will involve hands-on exercises and rich conversation designed to guide you in claiming agency about your next steps. Open to grad students and postdocs in any field whose work involves humanistic inquiry. Learn more and register here. Register by Tuesday.

Thursdays, Nov 2-16, 3:30-5:00 PM

Career Development • Graduate College

Effective Cover Letters for Job Applications

This presentation will provide tips for writing concise and professional cover letters. You’ll review common structure, audience expectations, and strategies for using the cover letter to complement the resume. We encourage you to bring a current job ad and questions about your current cover-letters-in-progress! This event will be held through Zoom. Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on November 1, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.

November 2, 6–7 pm • Online via Zoom

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

Research and Teaching

Reading and Evaluating the Peer Review Policies of a Journal

Are you a graduate student engaged in an editorial board of a journal? Are you a doctoral student submitting a paper for the first time? This workshop will help you to find, understand and evaluate the main elements of a peer review policy and the reviewers' guidelines for a better chance to have your paper accepted or to support your editorial board with best practices to guide reviewers and authors.

November 1, 2–3:30 pm • Main Library 314

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library and iSchool

Getting Started with R for Text Data Analysis

R is an open-source and flexible programming language that can be used for all kinds of data analysis, data visualization, text mining, and even document creation. For anyone interested in using R for qualitative or liberal arts research, this workshop will show you how to get started in R with absolutely no coding experience necessary.

October 30, 2–3:30 pm • Online via Zoom, link will be sent with registration confirmation and with reminder one hour before workshop

Jess Hagman, Social Sciences Research Librarian • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Writers Workshop Graduate Writing Groups

Create the "write" habit! Our hybrid writing group provides graduate students with dedicated time to make progress on thesis or dissertation writing in a supportive atmosphere. Each meeting consists of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. Use this time to create or return to a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term projects, or jump-start a new writing project. You only need to register once with your U of I email to receive weekly email reminders all semester!

August 30–December 15 • Wednesdays, 11:30am-2:30pm, and Fridays, 9am-12pm • Siebel Center for Design, Upper Lobby or online via Zoom

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

2024 Community-Academic Scholars Student Info Session

Please encourage undergrads in your networks to learn more about the 10-week Community-Academic Scholars summer program to conduct research impacting our local community. During the info session, we will discuss the program, application process, and how scholars are matched with research projects, share some past projects, and hear directly from two 2023 scholars about their experience. 

November 9, 6:30–7:15 pm • Register for Zoom details

Brandi Barnes • Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

For Families

AsiaLENS - Try Harder! (Screening & Discussion w/ Filmmakers)

CEAPS will be screening the documentary, "Try Harder!" with a follow up Q&A with the filmmakers.  This is a family-friendly event, but open to anyone interested in the topic of college applications and the stresses and pressure they bring.  There will be a pizza dinner before the event for high school educators, students, and their families. Please register to help with planning.

November 3, 6 pm • Spurlock Museum, Knight Auditorium

Alex Chun • Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies

Technology Resources

Lunch & Learn: Introducing the PhenoCycler-Fusion System

The Cancer Center at Illinois' TEP Shared Resource has a new PhenoCycler-Fusion Imaging-Based Spatial Phenotyping System available for researchers. Join us on Nov. 30th at the Beckman Institute (Room 2269) as Avik Mukherjee, a Senior Technical Applications Scientist at Akoya Biosciences, discusses the new equipment and answers questions. Registration is required.

November 30, 11:45 am–1 pm • Beckman Institute, Room 2269

Tyler Wolpert • Cancer Center at Illinois

Get Savvy Free Webinar - Don’t Get Phished: Avoid Scams & Fraud

Whether it’s new technology, texts, calls, emails, or in-person, criminals are finding new ways to obtain your sensitive data. Find out how to protect yourself or your business from fraud, recognize identity theft, and what to do if you're affected by social engineering or security breaches on November 8 with this free webinar, “Don’t Get Phished: Avoid Scams & Fraud”. Register here.

November 8, 12 pm

Abbi Littell • Cooperative Extension Service

 This opportunity is available online.

“Podcasting: How do I …” Part 3: How Do I Record a Podcast?

This session introduces the podcasting equipment and technology available to our campus community from the libraries. In addition to familiarizing ourselves with the equipment for recording, we will cover some beginning recording and audio editing techniques, particularly within the software Audacity.

November 2, 3–3:50 pm • Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, IDEA Lab, Room K

Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, IDEA Lab • University Library


New Training on Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (IE 498 Section RCR) is an opportunity for advanced undergraduate and all graduate students to receive a broad overview of the responsible conduct of research. Topics include research ethics and misconduct, publication and authorship, data management, and special topics. No prerequisites. For Spring 2024: Monday, 3:00 PM in 1302 Everitt Lab.

Patty Jones • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration

Brown Bag Lunch, Graduate Third Space @IGB

Join us for a discussion on mitigating burnout and imposterism in academia. Our guest speaker will be Dr Jessicca Brinkworth, Assistant Professor and Evolutionary Immunologist in the Department of Anthropology. Please bring your lunch, we will provide desserts and beverages. A recommended reading resource can be found here. Please RSVP at the title link!

November 3, 12:30–1:30 pm • Conference room 612, IGB Gatehouse

Malavika Venu • Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

RECHARGE with International Ed at the Y

RECHARGE - Rest, Enjoy Conversation and Have A Really Great Experience! IE has new space in room 222 of the University Y, and we want to meet you there! Drop in anytime for tea, snacks and a nice cozy place to relax in between classes or to meet up with a few friends! Also, we want to hear from you about how to make the space even better! Hope to see you there!

November 2, 11 am–1 pm • University YMCA - 1001 S Wright St - Room 222

IE • International Education

HRI Graduate Student Co-Working Session

Graduate students in the arts and humanities, come to Levis Faculty Center for a co-working session! There will be designated space available to work on your projects, and light refreshments will be provided.

November 10, 1–4 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210

Humanities Research Institute • HRI

Arts and Culture

International Potluck

To kick off International Education week, join students (domestic and international) from all over the world for a "potluck," or a meal or party to which each of the guests is welcome to contribute a dish/snack to highlight your culture or a family tradition. Please sign up here. Paid for by the Student Cultural Programming Fee (SCPF). 

Sunday, November 5, 11:30-1:30pm • 1210 W Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

Yun Shi • International Education

The Realness: A Break Beat Play by Idris Goodwin

This theatrical experience interweaves spoken word, rap, and traditional dialogue for a hip hop tale of love and authenticity set in the late 1990s. In The Realness, we meet T.O.—a young man thrust into a captivating hip hop scene filled with stories, struggles, and a mesmerizing female MC, Prima. Is T.O. real about his infatuation with a culture and music? Is he foreal about his feelings for Prima? Is she really "real" about her feelings for him? The Realness will bring audiences along for a journey that explores the discovery of our own authentic voice, growing up, and falling in love.

November 3–11 • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Studio Theatre

Linea Johnson • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Krannert Center at the Virginia: Illinois Theatre Presents RENT

Jonathan Larson’s Tony- and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical RENT follows a year in the lives of young artists seeking connections, navigating political instability, mourning losses, and facing the relentless toll of the AIDS virus. Full of song, sex, and celebration, RENT re-envisions Puccini’s classic opera La Bohéme for the zeitgeist of a Gen X world. RENT opens the door for a look back, as we continue to move forward.

October 26–28, 7:30 pm • Virginia Theatre, 203 W Park Ave, Champaign, Illinois

Linea Johnson • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Onigiri Action Workshop

Join the Japan House interns on an interactive exploration of Onigiri (Japanese rice balls) and their history, culture, and preparation methods. During this event, you will learn to make your own onigiri (all vegetarian), try out onigiri from different parts of Japan and enjoy some miso soup and tea to pair. Your presence and participation will directly support Onigiri Action, a campaign to give school meals to children in need around the world! Please register for one session only. Reservations are required, no walk-in’s or observers allowed due to limited space inside.

November 4, 1–3:30 pm • Session 1: 1-2pm; Session 2: 2:30-3:30 pm • Japan House (EventBrite registration required)

Diana Liao • Japan House

Speakers and Panels

Icko Iben Jr. Lecture in Astronomy

The Astronomy Department welcomes everyone to attend the Icko Iben Jr. Distinguished Lecture, "JWST: 25 Years to Build, One Year to Change Astronomy," presented by Marcia J. Rieke, Regents' Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona and Principal Investigator for the near-infrared camera on the James Webb Space Telescope. Join us in person or register via Zoom.

November 8, 7–8 pm • Lincoln Hall Theater

Daniel Franco • Department of Astronomy

 This opportunity is available online.

Food for Thought: Sonali Shah and Helga Varden

11:00am, Sonali Shah, "The Fruits of One’s Labor: Uncovering the Factors that Shape Sustained Technology Adoption Behaviors." Noon, Helga Varden, "Some Philosophical Puzzles about Racialization."

November 10, 11 am • Levis Faculty Center - Room 210

Heidy Barcus • Center for Advanced Study (CAS)

The Ethics of Human Subjects Protections and Best Research Practices

The panel aims to promote better shared understanding of human subject protections in qualitative or ethnographic research, facilitating critical conversations about research ethics with historically underrepresented groups. The panel is chaired by Erik McDuffie (History / African American Studies / OVCRI Faculty Fellow). Panelists include Teresa Barnes (History / Gender and Women's Studies), Ellen Moodie (Anthropology), Gilberto Rosas (Anthropology / Latino/Latinx Studies), and Patricia Jones (OVCRI).

October 30, 3–4:30 pm • Room 300, Levis Faculty Center, 919 W Illinois St, Urbana

Patty Jones • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration

Women in Entrepreneurship – Fireside Chat Event

Entrepreneurship is more than just building a company-- it's creating community. In a series of intimate discussions, Into the Fire(side) embarks on a genuine and open exploration of the journeys of three remarkable women who have transformed challenge into change. Join us on Wednesday, 11/1 from 5-8pm at the Levi's Faculty Center. RSVP here: http://bit.ly/intothefireside

November 1, 5–8 pm • Levi's Faculty Center Room 210

Rebekah Phaiboun • iVenture Accelerator

Interseminars | Courtney Morris: "Marxists and Priestesses"

Join HRI for a lecture by Courtney Morris (Gender & Women’s Studies, University of California, Berkeley). Her teaching and research focuses on Black social movements in Latin America, the geography of race, environmental racisms/climate change, critical race theory, feminist and queer theory, & Black visual culture and aesthetics. This event is part of the Interseminars series for "Improvise and Intervene," supported by the Mellon Foundation.

November 8, 7 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210

HRI • Humanities Research Institute, supported by the Mellon Foundation

Q&A with Kara Swisher

Join us via Zoom for a Q&A with tech journalist Kara Swisher, host of the interview podcast On with Kara Swisher and cohost of the tech/business/politics podcast Pivot with NYU Marketing Prof. Scott Galloway. She's covered the tech industry since the ’90s, interviewing Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and others, and became known as “Silicon Valley’s most feared and well-liked journalist.”

November 1, 10–11 am • Register to join via Zoom

Colleen King • College of Media, Frank Center for Leadership and Innovation in Media

 This opportunity is available online.

Upcoming Events

Exceptional Service: Careers at Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) 17 national labs at which amazing science is performed and difficult problems are tackled. In this talk, Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Laura Biedermann from Sandia will give an overview of the breadth of research performed and career pathways at Sandia. They’ll share our experiences joining Sandia as postdocs and our paths to research staff. They will highlight graduate internship, postdoctoral, and postdoctoral fellowship positions.

November 16, 12–1:30 pm • 3100 Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building

Qiong Wang • GradSWE

Entrepreneur Days 2023

Join us for an inspiring 2-day celebration of innovation, research, and entrepreneurship under the compelling theme "practice makes scholarship," this event promises insightful talks, engaging discussions, and networking. This first session "Discovering Opportunities in the Cannabis Industry" will be hosted by Associate Professor Justin Leiby. 

November 1, 4–5:30 pm • Grainger Engineering Library Information Center Commons, 2nd Level, Room 233-235.

Becky Smith • University Library

Building Creative Confidence

Creativity is a vital part of human-centered design, and a core skill for 21st-century learners. Human-centered design can motivate learners to develop a creative mindset that facilitates problem-solving through collaboration and critical thinking. Developing creative confidence - the belief that we all have the potential to innovate and solve problems through creative outcomes - will take you even further. Join us to learn the essential qualities to fostering creativity, and participate in activities designed to encourage creative confidence.

November 2, 5–6 pm • Classroom 1000, Siebel Center for Design

Sidney Sprunger • Siebel Center for Design

Make Your Own Spring Rolls with Asian and Asian American Grad Network!

Asian and Asian American Grad Network is excited to invite you to our pop-up event for October. Get ready to roll your very own customized spring rolls! It’s a perfect opportunity to enjoy some spring rolls and bánh mì and connect with our diverse and vibrant community. Come join us and share your love for Asian culture and food.

October 30, 4–6 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center)

Asian American Cultural Center • Asian American Cultural Center

Entering Community Partnerships Workshop

Join We CU and the Illinois Leadership Center on Thursday, November 2nd, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in Siebel Center for Design Room 0060 for a workshop on Entering Community Partnerships. We’ll provide guidance on how to successfully collaborate with community organizations through service and help you reflect on the role that service plays in your personal and professional growth. This workshop includes interactive activities, and you will have time at the end for questions. Dinner will be provided.

November 2, 5:30–7 pm • Siebel Center for Design, Room 0060

Emily Stone • We CU Community Engaged Scholars

Haunted Phish Market - Oct. 30

We're wrapping up Cybersecurity Awareness Month with another chance to win swag and get some candy while you learn how not to get hooked by phishing attempts! Join us and play carnival-style games like Wheel of Phish, Phish Phootball, and Chum Buckets for prizes! 

October 30, 10 am–2 pm • Campus Instructional Facility, 1405 Springfield Ave.

Cindy McKendall • Office of the Chief Information Officer

Farm to Table Cooking Demo

Do you know there is a produce field located just 2 miles off campus? Farm to Table feature dishes made from ingredients harvested at the Sustainable Student Farm and an interactive learning experience. Join us to fuel your brain and body with green goodness at the Instructional Kitchen! Registration fee: $5 for student; $15 for member; $20 for non-member

November 16, 6–7 pm • ARC Instructional Kitchen

Rachel Yang • Department of Campus Recreation

Wellness Resources

Make a McKinley Health Center Appointment

McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center

Make a Counseling Center Appointment

The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students. 

You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center

Basic Needs

If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.

Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center

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