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Announcements for the week of October 15, 2023


Fall 2023 Part of Term B Registration Deadlines

October 20 is the last day to add a Part of Term B course online via Self-Service, or to drop a Part of Term B course and receive a refund if reducing assessment range; and to submit a form to elect to audit a Part of Term B course. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting an Audit form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Fall 2023 Curriculum Changes

October 27 is the last day to change your curriculum for the current term. This includes adding or dropping a campus approved minor or concentration. Please check your student program information in Self-Service to verify your program information is listed correctly. Information on how to change your curriculum is available online.

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Fall 2023 Degree List Deadline

October 29 is the last day to apply to graduate in December via Self-Service. Please contact your graduate program to make sure you have been added to the pending degree list if you intend to graduate.

Graduate College • Graduate College


Campus Rec Group Fitness Free Week

Try out group fitness classes at Campus Rec for free! No group fitness membership required October 16-22. Check out the schedule at the campus rec website.

October 16–22

Campus Recreation • Campus Recreation

You Call the Shots

McKinley Health Center has launched their flu campaign, You Call The Shots. Students can come walk in and get their FREE flu shot at McKinley, M-F, 9-3:30 or check out our website for outreach locations. Bring your i-Card and friend.

Jennifer Carson • Auxiliary Health & Wellbeing Marketing

Everybody Eats

Adequate nutrition is a key building block in your foundation for learning and growth, and we recognize that some students may not be able to access safe and satisfying food options regularly. Everybody Eats is a campus-wide initiative to support you and your peers with a free, hot meal.  Additional information may be found on this University Housing website. Foods available at the three locations are now forecasted and visible on the Illinois app.

Everybody Eats • Dining Services and Bevier Café

Tailgate Favorites Cooking Class at the ARC

Get into the spirit of Homecoming Week with our Tailgate Favorites cooking class! Wanting to elevate the nutritional quality of your game day food choices? Join us as we cook some football appetizer classics that you and your tailgating crew can enjoy at Grange Grove this Fall. Registration fee (per person): $12 for Campus Rec member; $20 for non-member. Registration closes on 10/16 12pm. 

October 17, 6–7:30 pm • ARC Instructional Kitchen

Rachel Yang • Department of Campus Recreation

GEL - The Power of Community Building

We all like to belong and feel connected, it’s human nature!  Success rarely occurs in silos, nor is fulfillment in life in isolation. How do you create a good community you can engage with, contribute to, and cherish while increasing self-awareness, finding new opportunities, and learning about others? The Counseling Center staff will lead a discussion to get you started on your journey of success through community building.  

Wednesday, Oct. 18, 5:30-7pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

International Education • International Education, the Counseling Center, ISSS and AACC.

Mental Health Fair

Stop by this interactive event and learn about the campus services for mental health and well-being available to the Illinois community.

October 16, 12–2 pm • Illini Union - I Rooms

Mental Health and Wellness • Student Affairs

Funding and Fellowships

HHMI Gilliam Fellowships Supporting Inclusion in Life/Biomedical Sciences

Offered by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Gilliam Fellowships support PhD students and their advisors in the life & biomedical sciences. The goal is to promote research excellence and enhance equity & inclusion.The fellowship offers three years of support, with a $36K stipend & funds for the advisor. Open only to US citizens & permanent residents, undocumented childhood arrivals, and DACA participants. Starting this year, student/advisor pairs apply directly to HHMI, i.e., there is no institutional limited-submission process. For details, visit the Gilliam listing in Fellowship Finder.  

Applications are due December 7, 2023.

Ken Vickery • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships

HRI Graduate Fellowship Information Session

Graduate students: attend this information session to learn more about HRI's Campus Fellowships program and to ask questions in preparation for the December 1, 2023 deadline.

October 18, 12 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 424

Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute

Thesis Tips

Get a Head Start: Preparing Your Thesis Deposit

If you are planning to deposit your thesis this semester, here are a few tips to get a head start! 1) Review our Deposit Checklist, which outlines the steps you need to take in order to deposit. 2) Doctoral students: complete your required surveys! 3) Make sure to add your name to the degree list through Self-Service (the deadline to do this is October 29!). 4) Review our Depositing Your Thesis webinar and slides.

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

Career and Professional Development

Writing in Engineering

The Doctoral Research Support Program and the Writers Workshop are hosting Writing in the Disciplines, an online series that connects doctoral students with faculty, journal editors, and publishers to discuss writing styles and skills in specific disciplines. It complements existing services offered by the Writers Workshop as well as resources at the departmental level. These events are open to all current doctoral students.

October 25, 3 pm

Doctoral Research Support Program and the Writers Workshop • Doctoral Research Support Program

 This opportunity is available online.

Professional Head Shots

Did you miss getting a head shot during Grad Student Appreciation Week? The Professional Portrait Lab will be open at the Illini Union through November 17. Every Monday | 3:30 – 5 p.m. & Thursday | 9 -10:30 a.m. More details available at their website.

The Career Center • The Career Center

GradSWE Lunch: Using LinkedIn for Networking

You know that a strong network can help you advance in your career. But using LinkedIn for networking can make you feel uncertain and awkward at times. In this workshop, Mike Firmand from Career and Professional Development will help you to learn strategies for using LinkedIn for your professional success. You will learn about some basics to using LinkedIn, how to find people, strategies for making first contact, and how to maintain your connection with them over time.

October 19, 12 pm • 2043 Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building

Denissa Purba • GradSWE Illinois

Research and Teaching

Writing in Area Studies

The Doctoral Research Support Program and the Writers Workshop are hosting Writing in the Disciplines, an online series that connects doctoral students with faculty, journal editors, and publishers to discuss writing styles and skills in specific disciplines. It complements existing services offered by the Writers Workshop as well as resources at the departmental level. These events are open to all current doctoral students

October 18, 2 pm

Doctoral Research Support Program and the Writers Workshop • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

 This opportunity is available online.

“Podcasting: How do I …” Pt 2: How Do I Get People to Listen to my Podcast

In this session, new podcasters learn how to create an intentional, personalized brand to really make their show their own. We cover promoting and marketing podcasts through social media and other ways to get word out!

October 19, 3–3:50 pm • Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, IDEA Lab, Room K

IDEA Lab Staff • University Library and Grainger Engineering Library Information Center

Creating Citations with Zotero

Are you overwhelmed by organizing your sources? Zotero is a free, open-source citation manager that helps you store and organize your files and insert formatted citations into papers. You will leave this hands-on workshop with a Zotero library set up and ready to use!

October 19, 1–1:50 pm • Online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Teaching, Learning, and Academic Support • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Qualitative Data Analysis with Quirkos

This workshop will be an introduction to the qualitative data analysis software Quirkos. This workshop is provided by Quirkos founder Daniel Turner, and will provide attendees with a basic introduction to this tool for data analysis.

October 19, 9–9:50 am • Online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Jess Hagman, Social Sciences Research Librarian and Daniel Turner, Quirkos • University Library and Quirkos

 This opportunity is available online.

The Power of Presentation

Throughout your life you will, almost certainly, give presentations. We have all sat through presentations that were boring, confusing, and drab. How do you communicate your message most succinctly? What visuals will captivate and inform your audience the best? Is it only about your slide design or are there other techniques that leave a lasting impression? In this session we distill the magic that just might take your next presentation from bland to grand.

October 18, 3–3:50 pm • CITL Innovation Studio, 172 Armory Building

Jamie Nelson, Associate Director, Educational Innovation • University Library and CITL

The Role of the Reviewer in the Peer Review Process

A manuscript submitted for publication in a scholarly journal is usually reviewed by 2/3 reviewers, selected by the editor and/or indicated by the author in a traditional peer review model. A reviewer is generally an academic who writes a report to help authors improve their manuscript and assists the editor in making the decision of accepting or rejecting a manuscript. You will learn about the role and the non-role of the reviewer in the peer review process in contrast to the roles of authors and editors, and we will discuss concepts such as bias and reviewer agreement.

October 18, 2–2:50 pm • Main Library 314

Dr. Janaynne Carvalho do Amaral, iSchool • University Library and the iSchool

A Gentle Introduction to Mapping

Location, location, location! Explore how digital mapping tools can help visualize the intricate (and often surprising) relationship between places, people, and events. We’ll discuss basic principles for designing your own research project while playing with beginner-friendly tools. No prior experience with code needed!

October 18, 12–12:50 pm • In-person in Main Library 220 and online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Mary Ton, Digital Humanities Librarian • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Creating Accessible Documents in Word Processing & Presentation Software

This hands-on workshop will teach you how to make common word processing documents accessible for screen readers, and how to make presentations accessible for a wide range of users. We will cover MS Word, MS PowerPoint and Google Docs, as well as general best practices for accessibility that you can incorporate across formats. You'll leave this workshop with readily implementable strategies and checklists you can start using immediately to ensure your research, teaching, and presentations are more accessible to diverse audiences.

October 18, 10–10:50 am • Online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Teaching, Learning, and Academic Support • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

REDCap II: Advanced Abilities of Illinois REDCap

This workshop will focus on advanced ways Illinois REDCap can be used to collect research data, including how to build or edit projects with a Data Dictionary, collecting data with repeatable instruments, and collecting longitudinal data with defined events. It is recommended (but not required) that you have a REDCap account prior to attending the workshop. Information about accessing Illinois REDCap: https://healthinstitute.illinois.edu/redcap. Attending the “Introduction to Illinois REDCap” or having a working knowledge of REDCap is recommended before attending this workshop.

October 17, 2–2:50 pm • Online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Michelle Lore, REDCap Application Manager • University Library and Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

Drowning in Citations and PDFs? EndNote Can Help!

Learn how to use EndNote, a citation management software program, to keep track and organize citations and cite while you write your papers. Purchase for Macs/PCs from the U of I Webstore (https://webstore.illinois.edu/shop/product.aspx?zpid=4542). We often hear graduate students say they wish they had implemented a citation management strategy at the beginning of their academic careers - don't let this happen to you! This introductory session is geared towards those who are new to EndNote. If you already own EndNote, check out our EndNote support site for helpful tips and information.

October 17, 1–1:50 pm • Main Library 314

Kelli Trei and Erin Kerby, Librarians • University Library

A Gentle Introduction to ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way that we write and research. But how do tools like ChatGPT work? And how can we use them effectively and ethically in our scholarship? In this hands-on workshop, we’ll explore how AI can help you brainstorm topics, craft titles and abstracts, create outlines, and copyedit. Along the way, we’ll discuss techniques for writing effective prompts as well as copyright considerations and the limitations of AI-generated texts. There will be plenty of room for experimentation and questions!

October 17, 12–12:50 pm • Online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Mary Ton, Digital Humanities Librarian • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Introduction to Web of Science

Web of Science is the widest-scoping, multidisciplinary platform of abstract databases for full-text articles, books, and conference proceedings. This session provides insight and strategies for getting the most use out of the platform. We will highlight how to search for literature and authors, as well as where to find citation and grant information. Additional features and strategies covered include: refining and managing search results, analyzing citations, and unpacking item records.

October 16, 1–1:50 pm • Main Library 314

Kelli Trei, Biosciences Librarian • University Library

Qualitative Data Analysis with Atlas.ti

Atlas.ti is a software for conducting qualitative and mixed methods analysis. Within an Atlas.ti, you can upload and analyze text, multimedia, or survey data in a way that helps you answer your research question. Atlas.ti  In this workshop, we’ll work towards an understanding of Atlas.ti's capabilities and explore how this tool can be used in your research plan. This workshop does not assume any previous knowledge of Atlas.ti or other QDA software.

October 16, 11–11:50 am • In-person in Main Library 314 and online via Zoom, link and passcode will be sent in registration and reminder emails

Jess Hagman, Social Sciences Research Librarian • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Writers Workshop Graduate Writing Groups

Create the "write" habit! Our hybrid writing group provides graduate students with dedicated time to make progress on thesis or dissertation writing in a supportive atmosphere. Each meeting consists of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. Use this time to create or return to a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term projects, or jump-start a new writing project. You only need to register once with your U of I email to receive weekly email reminders all semester!

August 30–December 15 • Wednesdays, 11:30am-2:30pm, and Fridays, 9am-12pm

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

Technology Resources

Intro to Distributed Memory Parallel Computing with MPI Workshop

This 2-hour session introduces MPI, a standard framework for parallel computing, exploring basic concepts of message passing such as collective communications and MPI library functions. With granted access to a supercomputing cluster, participants will exercise these concepts by parallelizing a machine learning model application. Register by 10/23 and find more info with the link in the title.

October 24, 1–3 pm

Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

 This opportunity is available online.

Illinois Computes Providing Researchers with Jupyter Notebooks

Continuing its program mission to democratize research computing and make computing resources and support more accessible to campus, Illinois Computes is providing allocations through Jupyter Notebooks to UIUC researchers free of charge. Jupyter Notebooks empower researchers to dedicate their time and energy to their research, free from software installation and system maintenance. Both newcomers and seasoned members of the campus community can seamlessly harness this powerful tool without any financial burden on their respective departments. Click here for more info and get started!

Andrew Helregel • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)


FREE Special Swing Class - Shim Sham + Social Dance

This upcoming Thursday, October 19th, please join us for a free swing dance lesson. This fun solo jazz dance is welcome to everyone and does not require a partner or any dancing experience. The class will be running from 8- 9 pm and from 9- 10:30 pm will be a fun social dance to put what you learned on the dance floor. We will be in room 314 at the Illini Union. With a warm and welcoming environment, learn a new skill with us! 

October 19, 8–10:30 pm

Jenn Lee • Illini Swing Society

Social Justice

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)

Each year in October, we recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). It provides an opportunity to remember victims of domestic violence, show support for survivors, raise awareness of what domestic violence is and how to recognize it, and what we can all do collectively to prevent it. Check out the calendar of events to learn more about opportunities to get involved and show support: https://go.illinois.edu/dvam

Nora Peterson • Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations


ISSS Chinese Names Training

Learn how to pronounce Chinese names from native speakers! Chinese Names Training will be held on Tuesday, October 24th from 12-1pm via Teams. Register at https://go.illinois.edu/ISSSNames

October 24, 12–1 pm

ISSS • International Student and Scholar Services

 This opportunity is available online.

Call for Black History Month Events

Hosting an event during Black History Month? Share it with the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center and we will help amplify your work through our annual Black History Month Calendar! The deadline to submit is Tuesday, January 2nd at 11:59 PM CT. Link to apply: https://go.illinois.edu/BHMCal

October 13–January 2

Cherisse Johnson • Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations

 This opportunity is available online.

Arts and Culture

October International Cooking Show: Enchiladas Rojas de Pollo

The International & Area Studies Library will be hosting the first episode of the International Cooking Show this semester on Zoom & will send out the invitation link to all who sign up prior to the event starting. For this episode Dani Badami, a student at UIUC, will be making Enchiladas Rojas de Pollo for us - and the recipe will be shared with all attendees after the event, so you can make it yourself! Make sure you fill out the registration form if you want to attend!

October 20, 10 am

Elizabeth Workman • International & Area Studies Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Player Piano Demonstration

Enjoy a free concert featuring the Music & Performing Arts Library’s Steinway Duo-Art Reproducing Piano. See the piano in action and learn more about the instrument and roll collection. Visit the Library’s website for more information about the piano and roll collection

October 20, 4 pm • Music & Performing Arts Library (1300 Music Building, 1114 W Nevada St)

Music & Performing Arts Library • Library

Homecoming International Day Lunch Celebration

Come celebrate, learn, and participate in engaging activities recognizing international diversity across our campus. Try new snacks and treats from different cultures while connecting with the stories of our international alumni of the past, present, and future. Lunch with international foods, snacks, activities, and free Illini swag will be provided! 

Tuesday, Oct. 17, 12-2:30pm • Latzer Hall at the University Y, 1001 S. Wright St. Champaign

International Education • International Education and Student Alumni Ambassadors.

Speakers and Panels

Analyzing “Baby” Coral Skeleton through Raman Spectroscopy and More

You're invited to a Beckman ITG Tech Talk on, "Analyzing “baby” coral skeleton through Raman spectroscopy and other techniques," with postdoctoral researcher Joaquin Yus Dominguez. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Thursday, Oct. 19.

October 24, 12 pm • 5602 Beckman Institute

Teppie Apperson • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Brown Bag Talk: Green Central Banking and the European Green Deal

Green central banking and the European Green Deal are distinct but interconnected concepts that aim to address climate change in the context of monetary policy in the European Union. Central banks can support the implementation of the European Green Deal by aligning their policies and actions with the broader objectives of the EU's sustainability agenda. Join us for this brown bag talk by economist and visiting scholar Serpil Kahraman.  

October 17, 1–2 pm • 108 Coble Hall, 801 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820

Sydney Lazarus • European Union Center

Native American House Dinner on Us

Can Plains Indian Sign Language contribute to language revitalization efforts? If so, how? Dr. Brenda Farnell will share findings from recent collaborative research with the A’aanih (Gros Ventre) and Nakoda immersion program at Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana, and colleagues from Saskatchewan, Canada. 

October 17, 5–6 pm • 1210 W Nevada St, Urbana, IL

Eduardo Martinez • Native American House

Upcoming Events

Bicultural Emerging Adults' Navigation of Interpersonal Conflict

Global migration has given rise to a growing population of emerging adults who navigate multiple cultures: biculturals. Interviews with these individuals highlight the challenges posed by expectations around diverse values and ways of life from both family and friends. Learn how the experiences of biculturals can inform new strategies for conflict management in different social spheres.

October 18, 12–1 pm • Every Wednesday October 18 - November 15 • Zoom

Dee Walls • Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

Food For Thought: Anne Sickles and Deke Weaver

Please join us for our Food for Thought on October 23rd as two CAS Associates, Anne Sickles and Deke Weaver, lead these two discussions. 11:00am, Anne Sickles, The Quark Gluon Plasma: Looking Inside the Hottest Matter in the Universe; Noon, Deke Weaver, The Unreliable Bestiary and CETACEAN. 

October 23, 11 am–1 pm • Levis Faculty Center - Room 210

Heidy Barcus • Center for Advanced Study (CAS)

Virtual Conference - Navigating International Collaborations

Join us for the free virtual conference, Navigating International Collaborations and Research Integrity, on November 1 – 2, 2023. This conference, sponsored by the University of Illinois and the Big Ten Academic Alliance, is open to all individuals involved in research at higher education institutions, including graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. To learn more about the conference and register, please visit: https://go.illinois.edu/BTAA-RCR-Conference.

November 1–2, 8:30 am–4 pm

Christopher Lehmann • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration

 This opportunity is available online.

Synthesize Workshop: Siebel Center for Design

Synthesis is the area of human-centered design that will take us from inspiration to ideas. From stories to solutions. Discover practical ways to establish a new perspective and identify innovative opportunities by collaboratively making sense of others’ stories and challenges.  This workshop is a practical exploration of the "Synthesize" space of the HCD process and is open to EVERYONE.  

October 19, 2–4 pm • SCD's Sunrise Studio

Sidney Sprunger • Siebel Center for Design

Japan House Homecoming Matcha Cafe

Japan House will be open from 12–4pm for Homecoming on Friday, October 20. Catch up with fellow University of Illinois alumni, friends, or family with a bowl of matcha and a wagashi (traditional Japanese sweet) as you visit the inside of Japan House. Please stop by and have a bowl of tea and sweet at our Homecoming Matcha Café, browse our Mottainai Bazaar goods, and enjoy the gardens! There is no formal tea ceremony offered but guests will be able to still enjoy a bowl of matcha and a special Illini-themed wagashi. Walk-ins welcome but reservations preferred!

October 20, 12–4 pm • Japan House (2000 S Lincoln Ave Urbana, IL 61802)

Diana Liao • Japan House

Get SMART with Adaptive Interventions | Oct. 25

The IHSI BERD team invites all researchers who want to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their intervention strategies to a webinar with Kelley Kidwell, UMich, and Liliane Windsor, UIUC. SMARTs (sequential, multiple-assignment randomized trials) are used to develop adaptive intervention strategies that respond to treatments based on individual needs and mimic real-life practice. 

October 25, 12–1:30 pm • Register for Zoom details

Fatima Ahmed • Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

Step step step: improvisation, sound, and movement

Join HRI for an evening talk/performance featuring Damon Locks (Chicago-based artist, educator, musician and leader of the Black Monument Ensemble) and Tara Aisha Willis (Curator in Performance & Public Practice, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago). This event is part of the Interseminars series for "Improvise and Intervene," supported by the Mellon Foundation.

October 18, 7:30 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 300

Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute

Wellness Resources

Make a McKinley Health Center Appointment

McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center

Make a Counseling Center Appointment

The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students. 

You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center

Basic Needs

If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.

Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center

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