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Announcements for the week of September 10, 2023


What are your thoughts about AI?

We are curious to know some of the ways AI is changing your world as a graduate student. Please tell us in a few brief sentences. We will share a compilation of anonymous responses in an upcoming GradLIFE blog post.

Charlotte Bauer • Graduate College

Last Chance to Apply for the Graduate Student Leadership Award

Have you demonstrated outstanding leadership as a grad student? Gain recognition for your exemplary service to the campus or wider communities! Winners will receive $500 in professional development funds and be featured in a special video during Graduate Student Appreciation Week (October 9-14) to celebrate their accomplishments. Learn more about the application requirements and apply on our website.

Applications due by September 18

Student Success • Graduate College

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students

The final version of the Spring 2023 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students is now available at go.illinois.edu/lotrae.

ICES • Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning


Fall 2022 Upcoming Registration Deadline

September 15 is the last day to drop a Part of Term A course via Self-Service. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Thesis Tips

Avoiding Data Mishaps

When you're writing your thesis, you probably have tons of files to keep track of. As a graduate student, Emily (who now oversees the Thesis Office) learned the hard way how important having a data management plan is. Learn from her mistakes in our blog "How to Keep Track of Your Stuff, or Four Horror Stories in Two Parts" (Part I and Part II).

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

A Friendly Reminder: Back Up Your Files

Just a friendly reminder to back up your thesis files, including drafts, data, spreadsheets, pictures, and notes. You might consider signing up for Data Nudge through Research Data Service, which will send you monthly email reminders and tips for managing your research. Check out the Research Data Service website for more tips and to schedule a one-on-one appointment to speak with a data management expert. While backing up files might seem like a tedious task, make sure to do so regularly so you don’t lose all of your hard work!

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

Career and Professional Development

On the Academic Job Market: Teaching Statements

Are you preparing to go on the academic job market? The Writers Workshop will review genre expectations for statements of teaching philosophy and provide examples from a range of disciplines. We will share strategies for brainstorming and drafting your own statement. This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on September 13, and we will send a reminder email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.

September 14, 4–5 pm

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

Career Advising for Graduate Students and Postdocs

Graduate College Career Development advisors specialize in the needs of grad students and postdocs. Meet one-on-one to revise application documents, prepare for interviews, get ready to negotiate, explore new career paths, develop a job search strategy, and more. We work with students/postdocs on any kind of job search, including industry, nonprofit, faculty, and government. Appointments are available in person or on Zoom. 

Career Development • Graduate College

Industry/Nonprofit Job Search: Reading Job Ads and Translating Skills

What skills does an employer want? What does "1-3 years experience" mean? Am I qualified for this job? In this workshop, you will learn strategies for reading and understanding job ads, as well as how to communicate your skills effectively in response. No registration required. This workshop will be held in person AND simultaneously broadcast online. Click here to join the workshop remotely.

September 13, 4–5 pm • Graduate College 202

Career Development • Graduate College

 This opportunity is available online.

Faculty Job Search: Teaching & Diversity Statements

Going on the academic job market? You'll likely need a teaching statement and diversity statement. In this informative workshop, you will learn what goes in each of these documents, how they should be formatted, and how to use them effectively in your job search. No registration required. This workshop will be held in person AND simultaneously broadcast online. Click here to join the workshop remotely.

September 12, 4–5 pm • Graduate College 202

Career Development • Graduate College

 This opportunity is available online.

Humanities Career Discovery Group: Register Now

Join a collaborative group that will help you figure out what matters to you and offer support as you explore new paths that align with your values, skills, and interests. This 3-week group will involve hands-on exercises and rich conversation designed to guide you in claiming agency about your next steps. Open to grad students and postdocs in any field whose work involves humanistic inquiry. Learn more and register here.

Thursdays, Nov 2-16, 3:30-5:00 PM • Graduate College (507 E. Green St.)

Career Development • Graduate College

Research and Teaching

Intro to Single Cell, Spatial, ATAC-Seq, Multiome, and More!

The Carver Biotechnology Center is announcing a free seminar that will feature lecturers from DNA Services, CMtO, HPCBio, and 10X Genomics. Lecturers will introduce single cell RNA-Seq, single-cell ATAC-Seq, visium spatial, multiome, and more. It will be offered in person and remotely via Zoom. There is no cost to attend this seminar, but registration is required (see link in title).  Light refreshments will be served. Optional office hours after the seminar are available as well.

September 13, 10 am–12 pm • IGB 607 or Zoom

Jessica Holmes • Biotechnology Center

 This opportunity is available online.

Creating Citations with Mendeley

Are you struggling to keep track of all your sources? Looking for an easier way to cite as you write? Mendeley is a free citation manager that helps you organize your citations, store and annotate your files, and insert formatted citations into papers. You will leave this hands-on workshop with the ability to set up and use your very own Mendeley library!

September 14, 11–11:50 am • Main Library 314

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library

Deciding Where to Publish: Evaluating Journals

Is this a good journal to publish in? Is it using predatory practices? Participants in this workshop will learn features to look for when evaluating publication opportunities in order to make an informed choice about where to submit research. Participants will also understand the utility and drawbacks of different journal ranking metrics as a way to evaluate quality.

September 12, 1–1:50 pm • Main Library 314

Dan Tracy, Head, Scholarly Communication and Publishing • University Library

Creating Citations with Zotero

Are you overwhelmed by organizing your sources? Zotero is a free, open-source citation manager that helps you store and organize your files and insert formatted citations into papers. You will leave this hands-on workshop with a Zotero library set up and ready to use!

September 11, 12–12:50 pm • Main Library 314

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library

A Gentle Introduction to ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way that we write and research. But how do tools like ChatGPT work? And how can we use them effectively and ethically in our scholarship? In this hands-on workshop, we’ll explore how AI can help you brainstorm topics, craft titles and abstracts, create outlines, and copyedit. Along the way, we’ll discuss techniques for writing effective prompts as well as copyright considerations and the limitations of AI-generated texts. There will be plenty of room for experimentation and questions!

September 13, 12–12:50 pm • Main Library 220 and online via zoom

Mary Ton, Digital Humanities Librarian • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

GradSWE Lunch: Demystifying the Publishing Process with IEEE

Identifying where to publish your research can be a daunting task. Should you write a conference paper, a journal article or both? What is peer review, an ORCID ID, a predatory journal and other publication jargon? In this session, IEEE University Partnership Program Senior Manager Jalyn Kelley, will provide insights into publishing with IEEE. Join the talk if you want to learn more! Food will be provided!

September 21, 12 pm • 3100 Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building

Denissa Purba • GradSWE Illinois

Writers Workshop Graduate Writing Groups

Start the semester the "write" way! Our hybrid writing group provides graduate students with dedicated time to make progress on thesis or dissertation writing in a supportive atmosphere. Each meeting consists of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. Use this time to create or return to a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term projects, or jump-start a new writing project. You only need to register once with your U of I email to receive weekly email reminders all semester!

August 30–December 15 • Wednesdays, 11:30am-2:30pm, and Fridays, 9am-12pm • Siebel Center for Design, Upper Lobby or online via Zoom

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

Social Justice

Education Justice Project accepting applications until Oct 2

EJP accepts applications twice each year. Our greatest needs this fall are for individuals who can tutor at Danville prison, participate in our anti-violence program (CAVE), and support our prison computer lab and library. These are volunteer positions. We are not currently accepting applications for for-credit course insturctors. Visit the link above for more information about all EJP positions, including with our policy team and reentry guide, and to access application forms. Attend an info session on Sept 12 or Sept 25.

September 12, 4–5 pm • Drop by any time during the hour. The Sept 25 info session is at the same link between 5 - 6pm. • Sept 12 info session is via zoom

Rebecca Ginsburg • Education Policy, Organization and Leadership

 This opportunity is available online.


How to Use Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a layout and design software program that allows you to create print and digital media. It is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, which is available to all UIUC students for free! This workshop is designed for those with little to no experience with InDesign to help you learn the basics of using this document design program. During the workshop, we will create a sample flyer. You will gain experience navigating the features and there will be time to explore.

September 12, 10–10:50 am • Main Library 314

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library

GEL Presents: Short-Term Faculty-Led Study Abroad

Learn more about the short-term study abroad opportunities from Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange (IAGE). Customized short-term programs are Illinois courses that are led and taught by either Illinois faculty or professional staff. Traditionally, these programs are brief in duration and take place during academic breaks (e.g., winter break, spring break, and summer). 

Wednesday, September 13, 5:30-7:00 PM • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

International Education • International Education, IAGE, AACC and ISSS

Arts and Culture

Krannert Center Presents Morris Day and The Time

Morris Day and The Time generate infectious music and riveting performances that inspire the audience to get up and move! The Time was originally created as music star Prince’s alter-ego. Soon, Morris Day and The Time were cast in Purple Rain, which captured the exploding Minneapolis music scene at its peak. U of I student tickets are $10 each.

September 15–16, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 500 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Illinois Theatre Presents Birds of North America by Matthew-Lee Erlbach

Sullivan Playwright-in-Residence and U of I alumnus Matthew-Lee Erlbach returns to develop a new play prior to the opening of his play Revelations (directed by Tony-Award winner Anna D. Shapiro) on Broadway. Erlbach will work with students and faculty to workshop this contemporary dark comedy which speaks to our current moment.

September 15–16 • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 500 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Krannert Center Presents Uncorked with The B-Sides

Enjoy music and conversation at Krannert Center Uncorked! The B-Sides play a fun mix of '70s and '80s pop/rock classics. Covers include music by The Eagles, Steely Dan, Jackson Browne, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel, Van Morrison, Hall and Oates, and The Beatles, as well as a few originals soon to be classics! [FREE]

September 14, 5–7 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 500 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Speakers and Panels

33rd Annual Mortenson Distinguished Lecture with Ricardo L. Punzalan, 9/21

33rd Annual Mortenson Distinguished Lecture | 21 September 2023.  “Reciprocity, Reparative Actions, and Decolonial Work,” by Dr. Ricardo L. Punzalan. Also a keynote presentation at iPRES 2023.  LECTURE: 3:30-5:00 pm CT (iHotel and Conference Center, 1900 S. 1st Street, Champaign, Heritage Hall 2, AND online).  Reception to follow. FREE registration <here>. See the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs  website for more details and other activities: library.illinois.edu/mortenson/lectures/

September 21, 3:30 pm • iHotel and Conference Center, 1900 S. 1st St., Champaign, Room: Heritage Hall 2

Clara Chu • Mortenson Center for International Library Programs

 This opportunity is available online.

Beckman ITG Tech Talk: "Carbon Nanotube Macromaterials and Graphene"

ECE graduate student Brendan Wolan will present a Beckman Imaging Technology Group Tech Talk at noon Tuesday, Sept. 19. The talk title: "Carbon Nanotube Macromaterials and Graphene Encapsulation." Lunch will be provided to those who register by Thursday, Sept. 14. 

September 19, 12 pm • Second floor tower room, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Teppie Apperson • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Resilience Amidst Repression: The Chinese Feminist Movement

Lü Pin is a prominent Chinese feminist activist and an emerging scholar specializing in Gender and Politics. Her journey in advocating for women's right began in the late 1990s. In 2009, she established Feminist Voices, a pioneering and largest new media platform dedicated to women's issues in China, which was banned in 2018. After relocating to the U.S. in 2015, she spearheaded the organizing of the diaspora Chinese feminist community. Presently, Lü Pin is pursuing her Ph.D. in Political Science at Rutgers University. Lunch is provided with registration at this link

September 12, 12 pm • 306 Coble Hall and on Zoom

Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives

 This opportunity is available online.

Organize & Analyze: Social Movements Reading Group

The Humanities Research Institute (HRI) Organize & Analyze: Social Movements Reading Group will discuss readings, films, short stories, plays, and poems on global working class social movements to inform our intellectual development, political education, and praxis. The first meeting will be Tues. Sept. 19, 12:30-2 PM in Levis Faculty Center 304. Open to all & free lunch provided. More info/RSVP here: bit.ly/READMOVEMENTS.

September 19, 12:30–2 pm • Levis Faculty Center 304

Chelsea Birchmier • Humanities Research Institute (HRI)

EJP-HRI Lecture Series | Arthur Longworth

Join the Education Justice Project and HRI for a lecture by Arthur Longworth, author of Zek: An American Prison Story (Gabalfa Press, 2016). He is also a six-time PEN America Prison Writing Award winner, a 2018 Pushcart Prize nominee, and a 2019-2020 Writing For Justice Fellow. Arthur’s work has been presented onstage by such renowned literary figures as Francine Prose, among others, and rapper/poet Talib Kweli. He has written for The New Republic, New York Review of Books, Medium, VICE News, and numerous other venues around the country. Supported by the Mellon Foundation. 

September 21, 4 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 422

Humanities Research Institute • Education Justice Project and HRI

Upcoming Events

Community Police Academy

The Community Police Academy is an opportunity for you to participate in important conversations about policing, with hands-on and interactive presentations. Deadline to register is Monday, Sept. 11. It is free of charge and open to U. of I. students, faculty and staff. Space is limited. Evening classes Sept. 13 through Nov. 8. Register at go.illinois.edu/CPAregistration.

Patrick Wade • Division of Public Safety

Human Library

Don’t judge a book by its cover! Turn the pages of human books and 'read' or hear about the different countries represented in our community and increase your intercultural competency! Each station will feature a specific country where you can read and/or interact with the "book" (i.e., a person) and learn about different aspects from that country such as culture, language, cuisine as well as sample international delights and food.

September 16, 4–7 pm • University YMCA- Murphy Lounge, 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820

Peggy Nzomo • Mortenson Center for International Library Programs

Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Are you tired of seeing the same names in science over and over? Do you wish for increased representation in STEM? Be the change you want to see on the internet! Come to this in-person kickoff event and learn how Wikipedia can perpetuate inequalities in STEM representation and what you can do about it. Guest speaker: Mackenzie Lemieux, who has written over 100 Wikipedia biographies of women in STEM. 

September 21, 12–1 pm • 612 Conference Center; Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Darci Edmonson • Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, ACES Funk Library

Library Immersive Spaces and Technologies Open House

Learn about our new SCIM Lab, an advanced A/V recording studio for 360 video and motion capture, equipped with advanced AR/VR headsets, 4k cameras, immersive audio systems, greenscreen, and much more. Need a space for game development or 3D modeling? The Immersive Learning Lab and 3D Design Labs include advanced gaming computers, equipped with Unity/Unreal, 3D modeling software, and the latest AR/VR headsets. Want to explore VR more? Bring your i-Card and borrow one of our many headsets in our loanable tech pool. Library tech spaces are available to all campus users.

September 12, 11 am–3 pm • Lower Level, Grainger Engineering Library

Elisandro Cabada, Assistant Professor • University Library

GradSWE Info Session

Welcome to GradSWE, the Graduate Women in the Society of Women Engineers! Getting involved with GradSWE is a great way to meet outstanding women in STEM, connect to faculty, and gain valuable leadership experience. Come learn about the events GradSWE puts on throughout the year and ways to get involved. Anyone in STEM is welcome, and Pizza will be provided! 

September 21, 6–7 pm • 2015 Hydro-system lab (Civil and Environmental Engineering Building)

Jiachun Shi • GradSWE (Graduate Women in the Society of Women Engineers)

Celebrate Bike to Work Day on September 14 and Receive a Free T-Shirt

Ride your bike to campus on Thursday, Sept. 14, and get a free T-shirt! Welcome stations will be set up across the area from 7 – 10 a.m., including eight U of I locations. Celebrate Champaign County Bike to Work Day with others by stopping in for refreshments and snacks. You must bring your bicycle and pre-register at https://go.fs.illinois.edu/BiketoWorkDay to get the shirt!

September 14, 7–10 am • Various Welcome Centers

Sarthak Prasad • Facilities & Services

IL Professional Science Master’s Poster Showcase

Please join us on Tuesday, September 19th from 4-6 pm in the Heritage Room of the ACES Library (1101 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana). RSVP preferred, by September 18th to 217-265-5363 or psmdegree@illinois.eduWe look forward to celebrating our students' internship experiences and accomplishments with you! 

September 19, 4–6 pm

Starra Priestaf • College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

Coping with Presentation Anxiety Workshop

Roughly three out of every four people face some degree of anxiety when speaking in front of others. Tremors, butterflies in the stomach, and "blacking out" are common, but that does not make them any less uncomfortable. In this Speaking Center workshop, learn strategies to help cope with these and more related to presentation anxiety. This workshop is open to all students on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Please use the link above to register ahead of time.

September 14, 3:30–4:30 pm • Main Library 106

Speaking Center • Speaking Center, University Library

Public Humanities Retreat: NHA Education Report Discussion

This retreat is for faculty and graduate students about the landscape of public humanities at Illinois. Our starting point will be the report from the National Humanities Alliance, which curates a variety of examples of public humanities practice nationally. Review these documents, which will guide the collective conversation: go.illinois.edu/PHAreadings. Please register for this event.

September 22, 12–2 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210

Humanities Research Institute • HRI

Imagining Otherwise: Speculation in the Americas | Culminating Symposium

Join the Interseminars Initiative’s first cohort for a symposium brimming with scholarly panels, installations, exhibitions, and performances, concluding with a reception and book release celebration. Nine graduate student fellows will be showcasing 18 months’ worth of interdisciplinary experiments, findings, speculations, and pedagogical suggestions. This event also features keynote speakers and guest performer. View symposium schedule.

September 15–16 • Levis Faculty Center

Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute, supported by the Mellon Foundation

Welcome Event: Roger Ebert Center + You

The Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies invites students, faculty, and staff to the Spurlock Museum to enjoy food trucks, free snow cones, and the screening of a short film by Victor Font, lecturer in the Department of Media & Cinema Studies, and collaborator Cristobal Bianchi, assistant professor in the School of Art & Design. We will gather to celebrate film, announce opportunities for funding, and share upcoming screening events. Join us to help welcome students to campus and to learn more about the Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies!

September 14, 7–8:30 pm • Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum

Angela Aguayo • Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies

Wellness Resources

Make a McKinley Health Center Appointment

McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center

Make a Counseling Center Appointment

The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.

You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center

Basic Needs

If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.

Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center

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