Co-sponsored by Illinois Human Resources and the Graduate College, this employee orientation provides information for teaching, research, pre-professional, and graduate assistants regarding appointments and benefits. Sessions: Thursday, September 7th from 3 – 4:30 p.m. via Zoom; and Tuesday, September 12th from 9 – 10:30 a.m. via Zoom.
Zoom (Link is for Sep. 7 Session)
Illinois Human Resources • Graduate College and Illinois Human Resources
This opportunity is available online.
The Black Men’s group focuses on supporting students who self-identify as male and of Black or African ancestry. It provides a space for students to voice their experiences, explore their identities, and empower themselves to make positive lifestyle changes. Topics covered group may include, but are not limited to: academic difficulties, race-related stress (microaggressions & racism), identity development, substance use, anger, relationships, family stressors, and masculinity. To join this group, please contact the Counseling Center to set up an initial appointment at 217-333-3704.
September 8, 3–4:30 pm • Every Friday • Counseling Center
Kamau Grantham • Counseling Center
The Illini Union Rec Room offers a Classic Bowling League and Pool School. For the bowling league your team will bowl three (3) games each week over a period of ten (10) weeks on Sundays at 6pm. Each team can have four (4) members. Register full or partial teams, or sign up individually and be placed on a team. Pool School is a great class for beginners, or anyone who just wants to improve their skills! Pool School meets on Monday nights for 10 weeks; Pool School Plus (intermediate/advance) meets Monday/Wednesday nights for 10 weeks.
September 10 • Illini Union Rec Room
David Omana • Illini Union
211 is a free and confidential non-emergency service for Illinois residents. Specialists connect people to resources to address needs related to food, utilities, housing, and substance use, to name a few. 211 is accessible 24/7/365 and is available in more than 180 languages. Call 211 for immediate assistance, text TXT211, or visit for more information.
Heather Zorn • Emerging Community Leaders @ Illinois
This opportunity is available online.
Are you looking to increase your seasonal produce intake? Then Get Fresh! is the program for you! Get Fresh! is a six-week program at the Instructional Kitchen in collaboration with the Student Sustainable Farm that allows you to try fresh, seasonal produce each week! For $60, you will receive a smaple of fresh produce once a week, recipe handouts featuring the produce, coupons from Common Ground Food Co-op, and a reuseable tote bag. Enjoy accessible and sustainable produce, without even having to leave campus! Register by 9/8/2023.
September 13–October 18 • Every Wednesday 1-4pm for Pickup • ARC Instructional Kitchen
Rachel Yang • Department of Campus Recreation
U of I graduate students have an invitation to participate in this excellent series from the NIH. The material discussed will be helpful to individuals starting out, transitioning to their next experience, or mentoring others. Data show that trainees who attended most of the sessions of the earlier "Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series" reported that they had become more resilient, were better able to handle stress and conflict in their lives, and would recommend the series highly to their colleagues.
September 14, 2–3:30 pm • Bi-weekly webinars: 9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9 • Register for the first webinar here.
Andrea Bridges • NIH - Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
The National Science Foundation offers Graduate Research Fellowships to US citizens & permanent residents in STEM, social science, & STEM education fields. The application requires two statements, & the Graduate College is offering workshops on each. The next (& final) Research Plan Statement workshop takes place Sept 6, 10-12:30 (Register), & the final Personal Statement workshop takes place Sept 8, 10-11:30 (Register). Interested students should first explore our new self-guided NSF-GRF Fundamentals Canvas course.
Office of External Fellowships • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
The Graduate College's Office of External Fellowships will offer two workshops on proposal writing: one for humanities & social sciences, the other for STEM. Knowing how to craft an effective funding proposal is an essential skill for anyone entering a research-oriented career. Workshops will help students identify funding opportunities, strategize the components of an effective proposal, and think like a grant writer. Hum/SocSci workshop: Sept 12, 10:00-12:00 Register. STEM workshop: Sept 11, 2:30-5:00 Register.
Office of External Fellowships • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
If you are taking a preliminary or final exam this semester, make sure to start the committee appointment process through the Graduate College Student Portal. Once you've completed your request, it will be sent to your department for review and submission to the Graduate College. We ask that these requests be submitted at least three weeks before the intended date of the exam. You can learn more and committee policies and access tutorials for the student portal on the Graduate College website.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Career and Professional Development
As part of our workshop series for first-year graduate students, the Office of Graduate Student Success will be speaking on the challenges of navigating a mentoring relationship in grad school. Networking opportunities and refreshments will be provided, so please RSVP at the link (or at to sign up and stay in the loop. Sponsored by the Institute of Genomic Biology Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
September 14, 5–6 pm • IGB 612 (Array Café Conference Room)
Joseph Tibbs • Institute of Genomic Biology
Attending a career fair or other networking event? This workshop will provide tips for corresponding concisely and professionally in platforms like email and LinkedIn. This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on September 6, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.
September 7, 4–5 pm
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Join 50+ employers excited to recruit UIUC students to fill internships, early career programs, and full and part-time jobs. Open to students and alumni of all majors, experience levels, and residency status. This campus fair is designed specifically for roles in: Data Science & Analytics, Business Intelligence and Consulting, Cybersecurity, IT, & HCI/UX.
September 8, 11 am–3 pm • Rooms ABC, Illini Union, 1401 W Green Street, Urbana, IL
Michele Plante • School of Information Sciences
Your cover letter is a chance to explain your experience, connect with a potential job, and catch an employer’s attention—but how do you do that in just a few paragraphs? This workshop will cover structure, content, and customization to help you write a more impactful cover letter. No registration required. This workshop will be held in person AND simultaneously broadcast online. Click here to join the workshop remotely.
September 6, 4–5 pm • Graduate College 202
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
What are the expectations for research statements on the faculty job market? What can make your statement stand out, and what are some common mistakes? This workshop will cover the purpose, structure, and content of research statements. No registration required. This workshop will be held in person AND simultaneously broadcast online. Click here to join the workshop remotely.
September 5, 4–5 pm • Graduate College 202
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
In this session, we partner with the Writers Workshop to cover the writing process of a literature review. This session is open to all doctoral students. Please complete the form to register for the workshop. It will be conducted through Zoom. We look forward to working with you!
September 28, 3–4 pm
Doctoral Research Support Program and the Writers Workshop • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This opportunity is available online.
Are you using or considering using REDCap for your research? A variety of free REDCap workshops are being offered this fall to help both novice and more advanced users understand Illinois REDCap’s capabilities. You may also schedule 15-30 min remote meetings with IHSI REDCap Applications Manager Michelle Lore during office hours on Thursdays from 2-3 pm. Register now!
Michelle Lore • Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute, University Library, ResearchIT
This opportunity is available online.
This hands-on workshop will teach you how to make common word processing documents accessible for screen readers, and how to make presentations accessible for a wide range of users. We will cover MS Word, MS PowerPoint and Google Docs, as well as general best practices for accessibility that you can incorporate across formats. You'll leave this workshop with readily implementable strategies and checklists you can start using immediately to ensure your research, teaching, and presentations are more accessible to diverse audiences.
September 7, 1–1:50 pm • Main Library 314
Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library
New to the university? Need a refresher on using the library? This hands-on workshop will introduce you to library resources and services. After this workshop, you’ll be able to navigate the library website with confidence to access print and electronic materials. Come with questions if you have them!
September 7, 12–12:50 pm • Main Library 314
Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library
Digital tools have already transformed the way we research and write. This workshop will help you explore your research interests through digital approaches to cultural heritage materials. We’ll identify families of digital modes of analysis, including text mining, mapping, and network analysis, and play with beginner-friendly DH tools. By the end of the workshop, you'll have a clearer understanding of how technology can enhance the study of literature, history, art, and other disciplines, opening doors to new lines of scholarly inquiry.
September 6, 12–12:50 pm • Main Library 220 and online via Zoom
Mary Ton, Digital Humanities Librarian • University Library
This opportunity is available online.
Are you having trouble organizing all of your sources but don’t know where to start? A citation manager can help you store your files, create citations, and insert formatted citations into papers. This hands-on workshop will introduce you to three popular citation managers: Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote. We will go over the strengths and limitations of each one and give you a preview of how they work to help you choose the best fit for your citation needs.
September 6, 11–11:50 am • Main Library 314
Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library
This Illinois REDCap workshop will focus on advanced ways Illinois REDCap can be used to collect research data, including how to build or edit projects with a Data Dictionary, collecting data with repeatable instruments, and collecting longitudinal data with defined events. It is recommended (but not required) that you have a REDCap account prior to attending the workshop: Attending the “Introduction to Illinois REDCap” or having a working knowledge of REDCap is recommended before attending this workshop.
September 6, 10–10:50 am • Main Library 314
Michelle Lore, REDCap Application Manager • University Library and Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute
The Writers Workshop satellite locations open Tuesday, 9/5! You can find us at the Main Library, Grainger Library, and the MCB Learning Center in Burrill Hall. We also offer live online consultations and asynchronous Written Feedback Appointments. Learn more about our consultation types and meet our staff. We are here to support you with all types of writing, at any stage of the process!
Main Library, Grainger Library, MCB Learning Center, or Online!
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Create the "write" habit! Come join us Wednesdays 11:30am-2:30pm and Fridays 9am-12pm at SCD for dedicated writing time + support from your peers! The writing group provides structured writing, break, and discussion time. Meetings consist of goal-setting, quiet writing, and reflection time. These groups are ideal for graduate students who are seeking to create or return to a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term projects, or jump-start a new writing project. Find more information and our Writing Group FAQs here.
August 30–December 15 • Wednesdays, 11:30am-2:30pm, and Fridays, 9am-12pm • Siebel Center for Design, Upper Lobby or online via Zoom
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Andrew Helregel • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
In this session, students will learn about general and subject-specific indexing and abstracting resources, search techniques, and interacting with sources and collections held at the University of Illinois and beyond. This session is open to all doctoral students. Please complete the form to register for the workshop. We are looking forward to seeing you.
September 19, 3–4 pm • Room 106, Main Library Building
Doctoral Research Support Program • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Children are welcomed in the library. The Family Study Room provides students in a caregiving role with a comfortable place to study in the Library, while also having children with them. Children will have a space that includes a table and chairs just for them, and the option for their caregivers to check out Family Kits that have toys and books meant for their use while their caregiver studies for classes. A pack and play with changing table is also available to check out. The Family Study Room is located in the Main Library’s Orange Room study space (room 112).
Reserve the Family Study Room here.
María Emerson • University Library
This workshop will give you hands-on experience accelerating Python codes with NVIDIA GPUs. We will explore drop-in replacements for SciPy and NumPy code through the CuPy library and cover NVIDIA RAPIDS, which provides GPU acceleration for end-to-end data science workloads. You'll then have the skills to start accelerating your own Python codes! To register by Sept 5, use the form in the link above.
September 12, 1–3 pm
Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
This opportunity is available online.
NCSA and Research IT will offer the Illinois Campus Cluster: Basics of Access and Usage workshop next Sept 8 at 10 AM CT. The content is suitable for researchers wanting to know more about ICCP and those with little experience working with clusters. Register by September 5 and find more information with this link:
September 8, 10 am–12 pm
Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
This opportunity is available online.
The Sky Happiness Retreat is an internationally acclaimed life-skills program that helps participants develop relaxed, stress-free mind and healthy body through evidence-based meditation, yoga, breathwork, socio-emotional development in a fun and experiential format. The retreat is for all UIUC staff, faculty, and fully funded for all UIUC students. Sign up link:
September 8–10 • Sep. 8 (Fri): 6pm - 9pm CT, Sep. 9 and 10 (Sat and Sun): 12pm - 5:30pm CT • Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building
Shatakshi Gupta • SORF
The Speaking Center is reopening for individual consultations beginning September 5th! The Center's individual consultations are designed to provide personalized presentation and public speaking support, including with brainstorming, constructing your argument, organizing your presentation, building a visual aid, and more. Learn more and book an appointment by visiting our website.
Speaking Center • Speaking Center, University Library
The Waste Transfer Station is the center of campus waste management. Students, faculty, staff, classes, and community members are encouraged to request tours of the station. Learn how your recyclables are sorted and how you can help support the university in achieving our zero waste goals.
10 Saint Mary's Road, Champaign, IL 61820
Daphne Hulse • Facilities & Services
Have you demonstrated outstanding leadership as a grad student? Gain recognition for your exemplary service to the campus or wider communities! Winners will receive $500 in professional development funds and be featured in a special video during Graduate Student Appreciation Week (October 9-14) to celebrate their accomplishments. Learn more about the application requirements and apply on our website.
Student Success • Graduate College
Japan House is proud to be a participating garden in the North American Japanese Garden Association's Gardens for Peace (G4P) project. Japan House is offering outside garden tours to learn about the unique pattern for peace raked in the dry rock garden. Garden tours will occur rain or shine - please prepare accordingly. Inside, Japan House will have a tea ceremony for peace at 12pm. We hope that guests will learn and appreciate the many facets of the gardens that are meant to evoke peace and tranquility for all who visit. Registration required for all activities.
September 9, 11 am–1 pm • Japan House (EventBrite registration required)
Diana Liao • Japan House
The 10th Annual Flatlands Film Festival is on Saturday, September 9, 2023. The event opens with "Broken Memory," a short dance film performed and choreographed by Miki Orihara, who is a George A. Miller Visiting Artist in the Department of Dance and former Martha Graham principal dancer. "Moving Together" by Maggie M. Bailey, is this year's feature-length film.
September 9, 7 pm • Spurlock Museum
Anna Sapozhnikov • Department of Dance
The biennial 2-day festival features performances by some of the world's greatest guitarists, including Ani DiFranco, Andy Summers, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Malina Moye, Yasmin Williams, William Tyler, Roosevelt Collier, Ron Carter Golden Striker Trio, The Surfrajettes, Sharon Isbin & Pacifica Quartet, and more! Many events are free and family-friendly. Visit to learn more.
September 8–9 • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Global Engagement Lounge (GEL) Presents: American Slang
What are some of the latest slang expressions and idioms in English? Have a hard time understanding conversations because of slang? Come to this interactive workshop and learn more about American idiomatic expressions. Share experiences and learn new phrases from experienced instructors of the Intensive English Institute to make your conversational English more native-speaker like!
Wednesday, September 6, 5:30-7:00 PM • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)
International Education • International Education, Intensive English Institute, AACC and ISSS
Take a break from classes and visit Japan House for a traditional Japanese tea ceremony! Space is limited to 18 guests. Reservations are required, no walk-ins will be permitted. Enjoy a bowl of matcha and seasonal wagashi (traditional Japanese sweet) while learning about Chado, the Way of Tea.
September 6, 5:15–6:15 pm • Every Wednesday (as listed on EventBrite) • Japan House (EventBrite registration required)
Diana Liao • Japan House
Willard J. and Priscilla F. Visek Lecture- Dr. Penny Gordon Larsen, PhD
Keynote speaker: Penny Gordon Larsen, PhD, Carla Smith Chamblee Distinguished Professor of Global Nutrition and Vice Chancellor for Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will present "Molecular Underpinnings of Heterogeneity in Obesity."
September 6, 12–1 pm • Reception will follow 1:00PM-2:00PM, 1005 Beckman Institute • Zoom
Lisa Raney • Nutritional Sciences
This opportunity is available online.
Two graduate students will present their research at the first Beckman Graduate Student Seminar of the fall 2023 semester: Anupriya Edappalil, chemistry; and Rishyashring “Rishee” Raman Iyer, electrical and computer engineering. The event will take place at noon Wednesday, Sept. 6 in 5602 Beckman Institute. Lunch will be provided to registered attendees. Register in advance here.
September 6, 12 pm • 5602 Beckman Institute (registration required)
Babak Hemmatian Borujeni • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
SourceLab Welcome Event: Join Us for Pizza and Games!
Are you interested in incorporating Digital Humanities methods into your teaching or research, planning DH forums, or gaining editorial experience working for a peer-reviewed journal? Then SourceLab might just be the DH collective for you! Join us at our informational session on Sept. 8 in Gregory Hall 327 from 4:00 to 5:30. There will be pizza, a digital scavenger hunt, and lively conversation!
September 8, 4–5:30 pm • Gregory Hall 327
Rhiannon Hein • SourceLab
Two-day mini conference, on September 8 and 9, dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary inquiry at the intersections of Indigenous language education, technology, and policy, as well as initiating an ongoing dialogue with three Mexican UNAM-affiliated scholars of Indigenous language, as well as Indigenous language activists and educators based in Oregon. With the support of the Center for Global Studies and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, we hope to come together in community to start putting in the work to support Indigenous communities both in Mexico and in the diaspora.
September 8–9
Citlalli Garcia • Center for Global Studies
This opportunity is available online.
Interfaith Welcome Picnic
Vegetarian & interfaith-friendly food and beverage wil be provided. All people of religious and non-religious philosophical traditions are welcome! Hosted by the Illinois Interfaith Planning Committee: Interfaith in Action (RSO), Diversity & Social Justice Education, University YMCA, University Housing, Illini Hillel, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
September 5, 6 pm • Front Patio at the University YMCA, 1001 South Wright Street, Champaign
Ann Rasmus • Illinois Interfaith Planning Committee
CSBS invites researchers to a virtual workshop with colleagues across the nation to develop a vision for an open source platform that reflects the priorities, challenges, and needs of the social and behavioral science community for the capacity of research using smart devices. Presentation by Health Care Engineering Systems Center Director Jim Rehg, Q&A, and breakout discussion groups.
September 8, 9 am–12:15 pm • Register for Zoom details
Elsa Augustine • Center for Social & Behavioral Science
This opportunity is available online.
Interested in community service and volunteerism? Come to the Community Change Maker Expo on September 6th from 10am-2pm on the Quad. Visit with a network of diverse CU community organizations to learn about their services, internships and volunteer opportunities.
Gina Lee-Olukoya • Office of Civic Life
Student Parent Connections
Student parents are an integral part of the Illinois family, and we want to connect with you! Join us on Saturday, September 9 at the Orchard Downs Community Center starting at 2 p.m. for a panel discussion from current parents who are students at the university. Following the discussion, community and campus resources will be available to talk with participants on how they can support parents who are students. Childcare and snacks will be provided during the event.
September 9, 2 pm • 510 George Huff Ct., Urbana IL 61801
Whitney Welsh • Housing Division
This retreat is for faculty and graduate students about the landscape of public humanities at Illinois. Our starting point will be the report from the National Humanities Alliance, which curates a variety of examples of public humanities practice nationally. Review these documents, which will guide the collective conversation: Please register for this event.
September 22, 12–2 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
Humanities Research Institute • HRI
Dr. Yuridia Ramírez is a historian of the modern United States with specialties in migration, Latinxs, labor, and Indigeneity. Her research employs archival and oral history methodologies to understand how people moving across borders, and their communities left behind, have adapted racial and ethnic identifications over time as tools of empowerment to confront intersecting systems of racism and colonialism. In her talk, Dr. Yuridia Ramírez examines Indigeneity in Mexico and traces the migration of P’urhépechas from Cherán, Michoacán, to North Carolina since the 1980s.
September 5, 5–6 pm • 1212 W Nevada St
Eduardo Martinez • Native American House
Join the Interseminars Initiative’s first cohort for a symposium brimming with scholarly panels, installations, exhibitions, and performances, concluding with a reception and book release celebration. Nine graduate student fellows will be showcasing 18 months’ worth of interdisciplinary experiments, findings, speculations, and pedagogical suggestions. This event also features keynote speakers and a guest performer. View symposium schedule.
September 15–16 • Levis Faculty Center
Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute, supported by the Mellon Foundation
Professors Ryan Shosted (Linguistics) and Neal Davis (Computer Science) will present their research on the Deseret Alphabet, a 19th-century writing system created by leaders of the Mormon Church. This phonetic alphabet may encapsulate pronunciations of English dialect that have otherwise disappeared over time. Join us for a discussion of these texts and view some rare examples of Deseret imprints!
September 7, 3–5 pm • 346 Main Library
Caroline Szylowicz • The Rare Book & Manuscript Library
If you or a student you know may need support with their basic needs or financial stressors, please reach out.
Call 217-333-0050 or click to email • Student Assistance Center
The University of Illinois Counseling Center provides mental health counseling and well-being education for students.
You may also call 217-333-3704 for appointments • Counseling Center
McKinley Health Center serves on-campus students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
You may also call 217-333-2700 for appointments • McKinley Health Center