End of the Summer Series Celebration!
Celebrate with friends over lunch with arts and crafts, mini-sports, board games, as we conclude the International Education Summer Break Series of 2023! Lunch is provided. This is our last event in IE summer break series, see you at Welcome Week events and AACC/International Education Joint Open House on August 24 (4-6pm)! Please save the date! Follow us on International Education Instagram for all the upcoming programs and events.
Wednesday, August 9, 1-4 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center)
Yun Shi • International Education and ISSS
Apple offers fellowships supporting PhD students in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Eligible fields include computer science, engineering, statistics, informatics, and related disciplines. The fellowship offers a $40K stipend, $5K for travel, mentorship with an Apple researcher, and it provides two years of support. Applicants must have either two or three years remaining in their doctoral program as of August 2024. Visit the Apple Fellowship listing in Fellowship Finder for details. Departments may submit up to two nominations each for the campus competition.
Nominations are due in the Graduate College by September 1, 2023.
Ken Vickery • Graduate College - Office of External Fellowships
The Graduate College is here to support you as you work on your thesis! Learn more about our resources, the formatting requirements, and other aspects of the deposit process. This in-person workshop is open to all U of I graduate students. Please register with your University email by 11:59pm on August 9, and you’ll receive a reminder email the morning of the event.
August 10, 1:30–3 pm • Siebel Center for Design, Classroom 1000
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
Career and Professional Development
Graduate College Career Development advisors specialize in the needs of grad students and postdocs. Meet one-on-one to revise application documents, prepare for interviews, get ready to negotiate, explore new career paths, develop a job search strategy, and more. We work with students/postdocs on any kind of job search, including industry, nonprofit, faculty, and government. Appointments are available in person or on Zoom.
Career Development • Graduate College
This interactive session shares best practices for beginning and sustaining a mentoring relationship in a research context. It will address topics like assessing mentee goals, setting expectations, choosing and assigning work, providing constructive feedback, combating implicit bias, what to do when things go wrong. No registration required. This session fulfills part of the workshop requirement for the Graduate College Mentoring Certificate.
August 10, 4–5 pm • Online
Student Success • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
This interactive session shares best practices for inclusive, responsive, reflective, and adaptive mentoring in a research context. Through individual reflection and collaborative analysis of case studies, participants will begin to define their own mentoring philosophy. No registration required. This session fulfills part of the workshop requirement for the Graduate College Mentoring Certificate.
August 8, 4–5 pm • Online
Student Success • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
Volunteers still needed for Microteaching!
The Graduate Academy for College Teaching, the campuswide TA training program, is looking for TAs, faculty, or staff with teaching experience to facilitate Microteaching sessions on Friday, Aug. 18, in the Armory. Microteaching gives new TAs a chance to present a mock lesson and get feedback. Facilitators keep sessions running on time, provide written feedback on each lesson, and run a short discussion for each small group. Total time commitment, including training, is 2-5 hours, depending on the number of sessions you run. Please contact lander23@illinois.edu to volunteer.
August 18 • Armory Building
Lucas Anderson • Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
During the week-long retreat, you’ll benefit by establishing a regular and sustainable writing habit, becoming more aware of your own writing processes, setting and reflecting on writing goals, and refining your revision strategies. Each day, you'll have time to work independently on your writing as well as to participate in optional afternoon workshops about common concerns that arise during long-term writing projects, such as maintaining momentum, asking for and using feedback, and finding work-life balance. This event is open to U of I affiliates. Please register in advance.
August 7–11, 9 am–4:30 pm • Siebel Center for Design, Classroom 1000 or via Zoom (writing sessions only)
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
This in-person workshop will help graduate writers assess, respond to, and incorporate feedback. We will review specific strategies for creating a revision plan and making revisions to structure and length at the paragraph and sentence levels while improving concision and clarity. This workshop is open to all U of I graduate students. Please register with your University email by 11:59pm on August 8, and you’ll receive a reminder email the morning of the event.
August 9, 1:30–4 pm • Siebel Center for Design, Classroom 1000
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This in-person workshop will lead graduate students through activities related to defining, organizing, and writing an effective literature review. We will also discuss strategies for researching, evaluating, and synthesizing sources. This workshop is open to all U of I graduate students. Please register with your University email by 11:59pm on August 7, and you’ll receive a reminder email the morning of the event.
August 8, 1:30–3 pm • Siebel Center for Design, Classroom 1000
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This in-person workshop will ask graduate students to reflect on your current writing processes, successes, and challenges. We will provide tips for cultivating positive emotions and behaviors around writing and developing and maintaining a writing routine. This event is open to all U of I graduate students. Please register with your University email by 11:59pm on August 6, and you’ll receive a reminder email the morning of the event.
August 7, 1:30–4 pm • Siebel Center for Design, Classroom 1000
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
August 23 • Main Library, Grainger Library, MCB Learning Center, or Online!
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Enjoy a last summer hurrah with the Illini Union. There will be family activities on the Quad with FREE bowling shoe rental at the Illini Union Rec Room from 6-8pm. Snacks and drinks are available in the Quad Shop until 10pm, and then enjoy the family-friendly Little Mermaid (live action) movie under the stars on the Quad starting at 9pm.
August 10, 6 pm • Main Quad and Illini Union
Erik Riha • Auxiliary Health & Wellbeing Marketing
Join us at Hessel Park where kids can play and adults can meet other folks who are parenting while pursuing degrees. We'll have snacks for kids and adults, as well as bubbles and sidewalk chalk.
August 7, 4–6 pm • Hessel Park
Andrea Bridges • Graduate College
Voice disorders, which can lead to severe hoarseness or even complete loss of voice, occur in 30% of U.S. adults – with some professions two to three times more likely to experience a voice disorder. We will demystify our voice, discuss steps you can take to reduce your risk of voice disorder and learn simple exercises to keep your voice healthy and strong. Presenter: Charlie Nudelman
August 9, 12–1 pm • Every Wednesday • Zoom
Dee Walls • Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute
This opportunity is available online.
Heading to campus this fall? Attend "Cash at College" on August 16 at noon central. This free webinar is designed to cover the basics of banking, budgeting, credit, and keeping financial info secure as you transition into life on campus. Explore how spending, saving, and student loans can impact your educational experience. Register here: go.uillinois.edu/getsavvywebinars
August 16, 12 pm
Abbi Littell • Cooperative Extension Service
This opportunity is available online.