We are curious to know what you are listening to. Let us know the title and, in a few brief sentences, why you like it. We are compiling a list of suggestions for summer podcast listening that will appear in an upcoming GradLIFE blog post and would love to include your suggestion.
Charlotte Bauer • Graduate College
June 9 is also the last day to submit a form to add or drop a S1 (4 week) course with approval (a W is recorded). Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
June 9 is the last business day to cancel POT 1 Ind Study, S2 (8 week), or S2A (4 week) registration and receive a 100% refund if you are not enrolled in courses in any other summer terms (Withdrawal/Cancellation Form required). June 11 is the last day to cancel this registration via Self-Service. The refund schedule for Summer 2023 can be found on the Registrar's website. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
The Graduate College is accepting departmental nominations for the NIH Director's Early Independence Award, a 5-year fellowship to support recently-minted PhDs in the health sciences. The award allows researchers to bypass traditional postdoctoral training and achieve research independence quickly. Applicants must earn the PhD between 6/1/22 and 9/30/24. Departments may submit one nomination each for the campus competition, then two finalists will represent UIUC in the national competition. See details in the NIH Director's listing in Fellowship Finder.
Nominations are due by July 6, 2023.
Ken Vickery • Graduate College - Office of External Fellowships
Career and Professional Development
If you are graduating in the next year and plan to apply for faculty jobs, now is the time to get started! Postings for Fall 2024 faculty positions will start going up in a couple short months. Graduate College Career Development is ready to help you understand the search process, develop application materials (cover letters, research statements, diversity statements, etc.), prep for interviews, and negotiate. Schedule a career advising appointment (https://grad.illinois.edu/careers/advising) and attend our Faculty Job Search Retreat on August 2 (https://grad.illinois.edu/facultyjobsearch).
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
What are interviews like for jobs in industry and nonprofits? What are interviewers looking for? What kinds of questions will they ask? What should I ask? In this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of the interview process, devise a strategy for answering questions, and get examples of questions to ask. No registration required.
June 6, 12–1 pm • Online
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
For support on academic writing this summer, the ESL Program is offering advanced 4-week courses for international graduate students. ESL 592, Advanced Academic Writing, teaches students the conventions of academic writing in their own discipline through self-directed learning with individualized support. Get individualized support in publishing an article and writing your dissertation. Register now! Seating is limited.
Illinois ESL Program • Department of Linguistics
This workshop will include reflection on your current writing processes and tips for cultivating positive emotions and behaviors around writing, maintaining a writing routine, and forming a successful writing group. This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on June 6, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.
June 7, 3–4:30 pm
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Create the "write" habit! Our hybrid writing group provides graduate students with dedicated time to make progress on thesis or dissertation writing in a supportive atmosphere. Each meeting consists of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. Use this time to create or return to a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term projects, or jump-start a new writing project. You only need to register once with your UofI email to receive weekly email reminders all summer!
May 30–August 3, 9 am–12 pm • Tuesdays and Thursdays • Main Library, Orange Room, or online via Zoom
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Box Canvas, newly available on U of I Box. All students, faculty and staff at Illinois get free U of I Box cloud storage. Create visual whiteboards as a flexible way to collaborate with anyone, in real-time or asynchronously. You can use it to visualize your latest project, create mind maps, host engaging, interactive trainings and workshops, or write down all your creative ideas and share them.
Technology Services • Office of the Chief Information Officer
Graduate students are encouraged to submit a selff-nomination for the Illinois International Graduate Achievement Award. The deadline to submit nominations has been extended to June 30. Self-nominations must also include a separate Letter of Support from a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty, academic advisor, or department head who is familiar with the student's work. Review the award criteria and required documents online and nominate today! >>> https://international.illinois.edu/awards-funding/achievement/nominations.html.
Marta Schneider • Illinois International
Organized by the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance, this one-week course introduces Mayo Clinic and Illinois faculty, staff, and students to the basics of computational genomics while integrating the latest technologies and computational methodologies. The 2023 course will include synchronous and self-paced sessions with technical support from IGB and the HPCBio group from the Carver Biotech Center.
June 20–23 • Register by June 9
LeaAnn Carson • Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance
This opportunity is available online.
Enjoy the spring rolls as an appetizer while making dumplings / gyoza / mandu / momo / ravioli / tortellini / pelmeni / pierogi / manti / kreplach / maultasche / вушка (and many more) with your choice of fillings – come share and learn different styles and connect with your fellow students.
Wednesday, June 7, 1-4 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)
Yun Shi • International Education, ISSS and AACC
Our webinars share details about the U.S. Scholar Program, awards and the application process. Register to learn more:
Global Relations • Illinois International
This opportunity is available online.
Join the College of Education and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy & Environment for the Sustainability Education Collective conference and workshop series, a 3-day, hybrid event focused on sustainability education and social justice. Day 1 (June 22) features a keynote by author Dr. Carolyn Finney, expert panels, and a field trip to the Pollinatarium. Advance registration is required (in-person space is limited).
June 22, 8:30 am
Samantha Lindgren • Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
This opportunity is available online.
Please drop by the RBML next Wednesday, June 7, from 3-5 pm, to celebrate the birthday of Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000), former Illinois Poet Laureate and the first African American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize. Take a look at some of our favorite gems from Miss Brooks’s literary archives, and enjoy a slice of her birthday cake! This event is free and open to all — we hope to see you there!
June 7, 3–5 pm • 346 Main Library
Carrie Lingscheit • The Rare Book & Manuscript Library