Tech Services is moving select Skype for Business accounts to Microsoft Teams ahead of the university-wide transition July 10-14. On Friday, June 2, non-enterprise voice accounts will be moved. These accounts are mainly associated with grad student NetIDs and don’t have a university phone number. During the transition users will be logged out of Skype for Business and may need to restart their computer. Then all messages and video calls will take place in Microsoft Teams. Training is available.
Lauren Stream • Office of the Chief Information Officer
June 2 is the last day to submit a form to drop a S1 (4 week) course without a grade of “W” recorded; and the last day to submit a credit/no-credit request form for a S1 (4 week) course. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Interested in conducting research, getting arts training, or teaching English overseas during 2024-25? If so, now is the time to apply for a Fulbright grant. Graduate students in all fields who are US citizens or nationals are eligible, and grants are available for over 140 countries. When you submit your materials for priority review, the Graduate College will help you strengthen your application in advance of the campus interview required for institutional endorsement. For details, visit the Fulbright listing in Fellowship Finder.
Dana Johnson • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships
Registration closes Monday, June 5 for the NSF-GRF Summer Writing Lab hosted by the Graduate College Office of External Fellowships. The six-week writing lab supports incoming first-year and rising second-year graduate students (and senior undergrads) in preparing competitive applications for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP). Participants will benefit from tailored workshops, writing exercises, and structured peer review, with the goal of producing full drafts of both required statements. Register Now!
Virtual lab meetings will be held weekly 2–4 PM on Thursdays from June 15 to July
Dana Johnson • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships
This opportunity is available online.
We want to support you throughout the thesis process, so we have created a Canvas workspace just for you! Our Thesis Workspace is broken into several modules that are designed to help you navigate the process of writing your thesis and learn more about available campus resources. We've included space for you to record your thoughts and created handouts to help you plan and prioritize. The thesis process can sometimes feel challenging or lonely, so this workspace has discussion boards where you can connect with a community of graduate students. Visit our website to learn more!
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College
Career and Professional Development
How can you create a powerful resume for your job search in industry or the nonprofit sector? What should I write about in a cover letter? In this workshop, you will learn how to incorporate your transferable skills and customize your documents to make the best impression with employers. No registration required.
May 30, 12–1 pm • Online
Career Development • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
The Graduate College invites applications from postdocs interested in serving as URAP Mentors in the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) during 2023-24. URAP is a valuable professional development opportunity during which you will gain hands-on experience mentoring undergraduate researchers. Postdocs in any field are welcome to apply. Applications are due June 15. Learn more about the program at the link above.
Mentoring Programs • Graduate College
Create the "write" habit! Our hybrid writing group provides graduate students with dedicated time to make progress on thesis or dissertation writing in a supportive atmosphere. Each meeting consists of a short goal-setting conversation, quiet writing time, and a concluding reflection and wrap-up. Use this time to create or return to a writing routine, make progress and meet deadlines on long-term projects, or jump-start a new writing project. You only need to register once with your UofI email to receive weekly email reminders all summer!
May 30–August 3, 9 am–12 pm • Tuesdays and Thursdays • Main Library, Orange Room, or online via Zoom
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Panelists of this roundtable will talk about topics they think important to our understanding of Arts and Asian American identity and community in the U.S., from their specialty field and/or personal experiences. The goal is to pursue an understanding of how museums can play an active role in eliminating the stereotype of Asian Americans in contemporary society through exhibitions and programs. Panelists: Dacia Xu, Jason Finkelman, Jay Xu, Xiaoze Xie. Chair: Chen Shen
June 2, 2–3:30 pm • Zoom
Yangyang Liu • Yellow Peril Redux Project, CEAPS, AACC
This opportunity is available online.
Women@NCSA invites you to a free virtual event on Tuesday to hear from award-winning designer Yang Liu on communication design. Liu's unique perspective on life is demonstrated in her popular book series "Meets," which showcases personal pictograms of the differences in various aspects and contexts of her life. During this presentation, Yang will discuss identity, her latest project "USA meets Europe," and take you on a visual journey through various stations and projects, from Beijing to London, New York to Berlin, and questions of cultural identity to interpersonal relationships.
May 30, 10–11 am • Zoom Event
Women@NCSA • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
This opportunity is available online.
Summer Break Series - Have Totes of Fun this Summer, Being YOU!
Come join La Casa’s team in decorating tote bags you can use personally that represent who you are. We will be painting tote bags that represent who we are as individuals and learn about one another while enjoying some yummy Latinx treats from local businesses. Lunch, tote bags and painting materials will be provided.
Wednesday, May 31, 1-4pm • 1203 West Nevada Street, Urbana (La Casa Cultural Latina)
Yun Shi • International Education, La Casa Cultural Latina, and ISSS