Congratulations to our graduates! To recognize this acheivement, the Graduate College will host a Doctoral Hooding Ceremony on Friday, May 12 at 10 a.m. at the State Farm Center. Join us in celebrating by watching the livestream of the event at
Student Success • Graduate College
This opportunity is available online.
The Graduate College invites graduate students enrolled in on-campus or online programs to apply to serve on SAGE (Students Advising on Graduate Education) in 2022-2023. SAGE members build leadership skills and provide varied perspectives that enhance the academic, professional, and social experiences of graduate students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Meetings are hybrid or virtual.
Applications due by Tuesday, May 30 (11:59 p.m. CT)
Charlotte Bauer • Graduate College
Retroactive Pay for Graduate Assistants
Retroactive wages because of an increase to the campus minimums for assistants as well as an increase to the reappointment rate, both of which are retroactive to August 16, 2022, shall appear in eligible assistants’ paychecks on May 16, 2023. Any questions related to the payment should be discussed with your Department’s human resource staff or you can contact Illinois Human Resources Office for Labor and Employee Relations at
Illinois Human Resources • Illinois Human Resources
May 12 is the last business day to cancel summer registration and receive a 100% refund (Withdrawal/Cancellation Form required); May 14 is the last day to cancel registration via Self-Service and receive a 100% refund. The refund schedule for Summer 2023 can be found on the Registrar's website. Students enrolled in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Withdrawal/Cancellation form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Please make sure you are not registered for the Summer or Fall 2023 semester so that you do not face unwanted tuition and fee charges. If you are registered and are not continuing in another program, cancel your registration by the May 14 deadline.
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Finals Week Pop-up at the Library
You’ve got this! Finish the semester strong with some international snacks and drinks in the Main Library Orange Room. Co-sponsored by International Education and University Library. Funded by Office of Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion's Broadening Inclusion Grant.
May 9, 1:30–4 pm • Main Library Orange Room
Yun Shi • International Education
The Graduate College is accepting departmental nominations for graduate students and postdocs in STEM (sciences, social sciences, technology, engineering, & math) to attend the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS), to be held January 8-12, 2024 in Singapore. GYSS is a highly prestigious conference that brings together science luminaries and young researchers from around the world. Speakers include recipients of the Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Millennium Technology Prize, & Turing Award. See details in the Fellowship Finder database.
Departmental nominations are due in the Graduate College by June 15, 2023.
Ken Vickery • Graduate College - Office of External Fellowships
Join the Graduate College Office of External Fellowships this summer for a six-week writing lab to help students prepare competitive applications for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP). Incoming first- and rising second-year grad students plus senior undergrads in all eligible STEM and STEM education fields are welcome to join. Participants will benefit from virtual weekly meetings, tailored workshops, writing exercises, and structured peer review. See additional details on our calendar listing and register by Monday, June 5!
June 15–July 20 • Lab meetings Thursdays 2–4 PM • Register Now!
Dana Johnson • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships
This opportunity is available online.
Do you have a data or library research task that you want done by fall? Join one of our BYOR Working Groups to tackle your task with company. BYOR Working Groups provide structure, guidance and accountability to help you complete your data or literature project this summer. Sign-up by May 15th.
May 15–July 7 • Once a week for 8 weeks
Monica Carroll • Library
This opportunity is available online.
Graduate Writing Retreat May 2023
During the week-long retreat, you’ll benefit by establishing a regular and sustainable writing habit, becoming more aware of your own writing processes, setting and reflecting on writing goals, and refining your revision strategies. Each day, you'll have time to work independently on your writing as well as to participate in optional afternoon workshops about common concerns that arise during long-term writing projects, such as maintaining momentum, asking for and using feedback, and finding work-life balance. This event is open to UofI staff, faculty, & students. Please register in advance.
May 22–26, 9 am–4:30 pm • Main Library, Orange Room
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
Graduate students and postdocs are invited to apply to be mentors in the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program. In this information session, you will learn more about how URAP works and the application process. Join the info session here. For more information about URAP and this year's application (due June 15), visit
May 10, 2–3 pm • Zoom
Mentoring Programs • Graduate College
Are you a student with little ones? Do you have young siblings or cousins you're seeing soon, or do you babysit? Stop by the Orange Room to pick up a free care package, put together and sponsored by the Social Empowerment Project of the RSO, Volunteer Illini Projects. Care packages include different toys, books, coloring, and more, and vary by age group. Packages will be available in the Orange Room of the Main Library from noon-1pm on Monday, May 8th.
May 8, 12–1 pm • Main Library Orange Room
Maria Emerson • Library
Help fellow students donate used items instead of dumping during move-out! Volunteers are urgently needed to help divert items from the landfill. From Monday, May 8 to Saturday, May 13, volunteers will be stationed at donation collection sites. Sign up to volunteer!
May 8–13
Daphne Hulse • Facilities & Services
The Chez Veterans Center is looking for research project leaders to support a summer program to expose student veterans to skills and methods required for conducting undergraduate research in the STEM and Humanities fields. These are paid one-week opportunities in June 2023. If interested, please contact us here.
Dustin Lange • Chez Veterans Center
The Illini Union Board has a call for submissions to be a featured artist in the Illini Union Art Gallery for the 2023-2024 academic year. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, May 31. Apply today.
Illini Union
JB Bailey • Illini Union Board
Before leaving campus make sure you stop at the Illini Union Bookstore's graduation sale from May 12-14. You will receive 20% OFF your entire purchase, including diploma frames. This is available in-store and online.
May 12–14 • Illini Union Bookstore
Erik Riha • Auxiliary Health & Wellbeing Marketing
Without an agenda besides having something to pass down for his family, “First To Go: Story of the Kataoka Family” tells the story of the director's own family's incarceration in the Japanese Incarceration Camps during a dark time in American history. What came from this was a film that was honest and raw.
May 12, 2–3 pm • Zoom Registration
YANGYANG LIU • Yellow Peril Redux project, co-sponsored by CEAPS
This opportunity is available online.