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Announcements for the week of April 23, 2023

Health and Wellness

Sexual Violence Prevention & Sexual Health for Muslim Community and All

As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Navila Rashid and Haddi Ceesay, authors of The Sex Talk Book, a Muslim-led workbook on healthy sexuality, will lead a keynote and workshops about caring for Muslim survivors of sexual violence and promoting sexual health. Workshops will focus on the Muslim principal of rahma as a model for responding with care. Visit the website to learn more about the lecture and register for workshops.

May 1–2 • Public Lecture Monday at 6pm, Workshops on Tuesday • Room 2035 Campus Instructional Facility

Ross Wantland • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Spring 2023 Reading Day Registration Deadlines

May 4 is the last day to add or drop (with a "W") a Semester or Part of Term B course (Late Registration Form required). May 4 is also the last day to withdraw from ALL courses with "W's" (Withdrawal Form and department approval; and approval from ISSS for international students). All forms must be submitted to the Graduate College before 5:00 pm on Reading Day, May 4. Students in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their grad program for deadlines. Have questions about deadlines or submitting a Late Registration or Withdrawal form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Spring 2023 Part of Term B Registration Deadlines

April 28 is the last day to submit a form to drop a Part of Term B course without a grade of "W" recorded; and the last day to submit a credit/no-credit request form for a Part of Term B course. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Late Registration or Credit/No Credit form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Doctoral Dissertation Deposit Deadline

Friday, April 28 at 5 p.m. is the last day to complete a dissertation deposit for May 2023 graduation. Because all corrections and all required deposit materials must be received by the Graduate College no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline, the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the thesis for review several days before the deadline. For further information about the deposit process, visit the Thesis Office website

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

Health and Wellness

8-Week Mindfulness Training on Zoom this Summer

Learn to calm the mind. Can you make a commitment to listen to daily mindfulness audios? Click link above to read class description and to register. Classes are also open to individuals who are not affiliated with the U of I.  8-weeks on Wednesdays or Thursdays 5 - 7 pm with one 4-hour Saturday online session. 

Christopher Menard • Department of Psychology

 This opportunity is available online.

Funding and Fellowships

Fulbright Workshop: Writing the Personal Statement

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program can take you abroad to study, conduct research or an arts project, or teach English. Join us this week as we wrap up our Fulbright event series with workshops focused on the personal statement, the companion to the statement of grant purpose. We’ll walk through a series of exercises to help you enumerate the pivotal experiences that have guided your scholarly trajectory, and show you how to use those experiences to craft a compelling narrative. We’ll also review sample statements. The workshop will be held twice via Zoom; please register in advance.  

Monday, April 24, 3:00-5:00 PM or Thursday, April 27, 1:00-3:00 PM • Register Now!

Dana Johnson • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships

 This opportunity is available online.

Schmidt Science Postdoctoral Fellowship - Nominations Due May 18, 2023

The Graduate College invites departmental nominations for the Schmidt Science Fellows Program: a 1-2 year postdoctoral fellowship for students in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, & computing fields. Established by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the program allows recipients to pursue a "disciplinary pivot," i.e., recipients venture into a research area distinct from the student's current area of expertise. Annual stipend: $100,000. Applicants must complete their PhDs between May 15, 2023 & June 30, 2024. Visit the Schmidt listing in the Fellowship Finder database for details. 

Ken Vickery • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships

Thesis Tips

Master's Thesis Deposit Deadline

Friday, May 5 at 5 p.m. is the last day to complete a master's thesis deposit for May 2023 graduation. Because all corrections and all required deposit materials must be received by the Graduate College no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline, the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the thesis for review several days before the deadline. For further information about the deposit process, visit the Thesis Office website.

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

Check Out Our Deposit Videos

Are you planning to deposit your thesis this semester? We have videos that can guide you through the thesis submission and deposit process. Check out our Submitting Your Thesis for Graduate College Approval video for an overview of the thesis submission system. If the Graduate College requests corrections to your thesis, our Reviewing & Submitting Your Thesis Corrections video will help you navigate the resubmission process. 

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office

Research and Teaching

Introduction to Web of Science

Web of Science is the widest-scoping, multidisciplinary platform of abstract databases for full-text articles, books, and conference proceedings. This session provides insight and strategies for getting the most use out of the platform. We will highlight how to search for literature and authors, as well as where to find citation tracking data and grant information. Additional features and strategies covered include: refining and managing search results, analyzing citations, and unpacking item records.

April 25, 10–10:50 am • Main Library 314: Take the north stairwell (Armory and Wright Street entrance) to the 3rd floor of the Main Library and make a left at the top of the stairs.

Kelli Trei, Biosciences Librarian and Kalyn Nowlan, Graduate Assistant • University Library

Acing In-Class Essay Exams

Are you worried about in-class essay exams? This workshop will focus on how to study for exams, plan your essays, draft your essays effectively, and manage your time during exams. This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on April 24, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.

April 25, 6–7 pm

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

New website for Office for Protection of Research Subjects

The Office for the Protection of Research Subjects has updated its website. The site represents the next step in the office's work to modernize the university's IRB processes in preparation for adopting an electronic IRB system in late 2023. The site includes updated forms, training modules, and implements a new process for researchers who wish to use an external IRB.

Sarah Mumford • Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation

Responsible Conduct of Research Speaker Series: Episode 11: Lab Safety

Please join us for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Speaker Series, Episode 11: Laboratory Safety. Our speakers from the University's Division of Research Safety will discuss our University programs in laboratory safety, including chemical, radiation and laser, biological, and workplace safety. Please bring your questions. For more information, see our website. 

May 3, 12–12:55 pm • Zoom

Patty Jones • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration

 This opportunity is available online.

Responsible Conduct of Research Speaker Series: Episode 10: IP and OTM

Please join us for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) speaker series Episode 10 on the topic of intellectual property and the University's Office of Technology Management (OTM). Our speaker will be Nathan Hoffmann, director of OTM.

April 26, 12–12:55 pm • Zoom

Patty Jones • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration

 This opportunity is available online.

For Families

East Asian Story Time: “Suki's Kimono”

Please join us as we follow the story of Suki, a young Japanese American girl who marches to the beat of her own drum! Suki cherishes her heritage, with her favorite things being her blue yukata and any time spent with her obaa-chan (grandmother). She is determined to wear her yukata on the first day of school, but what do her classmates think of it? Come find out!

April 29, 2–2:30 pm • Urbana Free Library (210 West Green Street Urbana, Illinois 61801)

Yu Chuan Shen • CEAPS; Urbana Free Library

 This opportunity is available online.


Sky Happiness Retreat April 28-30, 2023

The Sky Happiness Retreat is an internationally acclaimed life-skills program that helps participants develop a relaxed, stress-free mind and an energetic, healthy body. The retreat teaches tools such as evidence-based meditation, yoga, breathwork, self-exploration, socio-emotional development in a fun and an experiential format. Join us on campus for a detox-weekend! The retreat is fully funded for all UIUC students. Interested students can sign up using the link: linktr.ee/skyatuiuc

April 28–30

Akshat Mehrotra • SORF

Summer Institute for Languages of the Muslim World

The Summer Institute for the Languages of the Muslim World (SILMW) is an intensive summer language program offered by the Less Commonly Taught Languages Program at the University of Illinois. SILMW provides a unique opportunity to explore the languages and cultures of the Muslim World while interacting with experts on the region. This year's program is in-person at the University of Illinois this summer. SILMW offers intensive Arabic, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, and Wolof courses.

June 12–August 5

Zacharia Reed • Less Commonly Taught Languages Program

Volunteer for Dump & Run

Help fellow students donate used items instead of dumping during move-out! Volunteer to help Facilities & Services and University Housing divert gently used goods away from the landfill. From Monday, May 8 to Saturday, May 13, volunteers will be stationed at donation collection sites near residence halls. Sign up to volunteer here.

May 8–13

Daphne Hulse • Facilities & Services

Cultural Innovations Walking Tour

Join Devin Manley, one of the Illinois Distributed Museum’s Spring interns, on a walking tour of campus to highlight cultural and community building innovations from the University of Illinois. Hear about the history of campus’s multi-ethnic and multi-cultural past and present. Tour will start at the University Archives. Friday April 28 at 4 pm. For more information see the calendar event.

April 28, 4 pm • University Archives Main Library Room 146

Kristen Wilson • University Archives

Education Innovations Walking Tour

Join Grace Kraft, one of the Illinois Distributed Museum's Spring interns, on a walking tour of campus to highlight education related innovations from the University of Illinois. Hear about the development of various campus departments, impactful figures in university history, key technological developments, and more. Tour will start at the University Archives. For more information see the calendar event

April 26, 3 pm • University Archives Main Library Room 146

Kristen Wilson • University Archives

Homecoming Student Logo Design Competition

Logos must reflect the 2023 Homecoming theme "Sweet Home Illini" in a unique way. Avoid too much detail. (1) It must work in black & white (1-color printing). (2) It should have appropriate university colors & the Block I, see https://marketing.illinois.edu for logo use. (3) It must be scalable & artistically balanced. (4) Submission formats: ai, eps, pdf, svg, png, or jpg. The winner will have a chance to participate in the Homecoming 5K Kickoff, ride in the parade, get 2 free football game tickets & all the Homecoming merchandise. https://go.illinois.edu/2023HCLogoDesign.

Designs due by May 12

Chantelle Thompson • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Arts and Culture

Krannert Uncorked With Robin and The Toad

Robin and the Toad, from Andes to Zappa. This six-piece ensemble from Urbana-Champaign plays an astounding range of music: haunting Peruvian waltzes, nostalgic Italian film scores, blistering Zappa rockers, and more, all with their unique high energy treatment. Sometimes madcap, sometimes soulful, always compelling.

April 27, 5 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower

Parable of the Sower, set in 2024 and published in 1993, presciently grapples with many of the same issues we face today—global warming, corporate influence over government, a destabilized economy, water scarcity, food scarcity, the privatization of social services, homelessness, public safety, a return of long-forgotten diseases, and the profit-making machine that runs the medical industry.

April 28–29, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: The Brahms Effect

Johannes Brahms remains unsurpassed in his emotional range and innovative spirit, both of which laid an inspirational groundwork for a generation of composers to come. One such composer was Hungarian Ernő Dohnányi, whose Sextet in C major owes its formative elements to Brahms. Pair this work with two Brahms trios of profound originality, and audiences will not be able to help but feel moved.

April 27, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Lyric Theatre @ Illinois Opera Scenes

Lyric Theatre is committed to fostering creativity in our students and community by the production of new and never-performed works in various stages of development. We are very excited to share six new works with our audiences: three by established composers and three by School of Music composition students Victor Rangel, Caleb Liddell, and Jiwon Hahn.

May 2, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

iCU Intercultural Dialogue Series Presents: The Culture of Catalonia

Catalonia is a region in the northeast of Spain that has its own language and culture. One of their biggest traditions is the Diada de Sant Jordi (St. George's Day), the Catalan version of Valentine's Day that is celebrated during World Book Day (Apr. 23). On this day, people give each other roses and books. Come to this event to learn about Catalonia and do some Sant Jordi related crafts! 

April 26, 5:30–7 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

Yun Shi • International Education, European Union Center, and ISSS

iCU Intercultural Dialogue Series Presents - Argentina

Have you ever asked yourself what you know about the eighth largest country in the world -- Argentina? Join our students from Argentina to learn their perspectives about the culture, food, music, landscapes, their love for soccer, and much more. 

April 29, 12:30–2 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

Yun Shi • International Education, CLACS, and ISSS

Japan House Matsuri

Japan House will celebrate the end of the spring semester and 25 years in the Arboretum at the University of Illinois with a celebratory day of Asian performances, food and artistry followed by fireworks. Learn more about vendors and schedules at https://go.illinois.edu/matsuri Certain activities and tea ceremonies will require pre-paid tickets. Food/retail vendors will be taking cash/card independently. Outdoor performances are free to view.

May 6, 12–9 pm • Japan House (Registration via EventBrite)

Diana Liao • Japan House

“L’Inferno” (1911): Silent Film Screening with Live Musical Accompaniment

Mark your calendars for a screening of the groundbreaking 1911 silent film “L’Inferno,” accompanied live on piano and double bass by two of Italy’s leading jazz musicians. The first full-length Italian feature film ever produced, “L’Inferno” was loosely adapted from the first canticle of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. RSVPing is optional but appreciated.

May 7, 7 pm • Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum, 600 S. Gregory St., Urbana, IL 61801

Sydney Lazarus • European Union Center

Speakers and Panels

James Carey & Media Studies: The Past in the Present

The Institute of Communications Research is sponsoring a two-day colloquium on Thursday, April 27 (12-2pm in 231 Gregory Hall and via Zoom), and Friday, April 28 (4-6pm in 336 Gregory Hall and via Zoom) to revisit and reconsider James Carey’s impact on the field of communication and media studies. The late James Carey was a former dean of the College of Media and director of ICR. Both panels will be moderated by Professor James Hay (ICR and MACS).

April 27–28 • Gregory Hall and via Zoom

James Hay • Institute of Communications Research

 This opportunity is available online.

Inclusive Speaker Series: María Carvajal Regidor

Join alumnus María Carvajal Regidor as she explores Latinx students’ history of activism and resistance at UIUC by examining archival materials. She'll highlight how Latinx students use writing as a form of resistance and leverage La Casa's student publications to transform UIUC. Participants receive the Zoom link the morning of the event: register here. If registrations are full and you want to attend virtually, email us.

April 27, 12–1 pm • Main Library Room 106 (hybrid, register for link)

Maria Emerson • Library

 This opportunity is available online.

"Taking the pulse of aging:. . . " by Monica Fabiana, Psychology Professor

Frontiers Lecture in Miniature Brain Machinery:  Monica Fabiani, Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois, will lecture on “Taking the pulse of aging: The role of cerebrovascular risk factors in cognitive decline and dementia” at 4:00 pm on April 26, 2023 in 2269 Beckman Institute and on Zoom. William Baker, MBM trainee and PhD candidate, will give an introduction. The lecture is free and open to the public courtesy of the NSF Miniature Brain Machinery Program.

April 26, 4 pm • 2269 Beckman Institute and Zoom

Dorothy Gordon • Beckman Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

Yellow Peril Redux Speech Series | “The Yellow Peril and the Law”

From the 1800's, various state and federal court laws, court decisions, and executive orders explicitly discriminated against Asian Americans. This talk will discuss how historical anti-Asian discrimination led to some of the most atrocious legal decisions in U.S. history and how anti-Asian discrimination still affects the law.

April 28, 2:30–3:30 pm • Zoom Registration

Yu Chuan Shen • Yellow Peril Redux project, co-sponsored by CEAPS

 This opportunity is available online.

What Editors Want: How to Write and Peer Review Papers

All Illinois researchers are invited to attend a lecture and reception with Annette Fenner, Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Urology, "What Editors Want: How to Write and Peer Review Papers." Attendees will have the opportunity to connect and learn first-hand how to write and position their research to maximize the chances of having it published. A reception will follow. RSVP by April 25.

May 2, 3 pm • Beckman Institute Auditorium

meberg@illinois.edu • IHSI, Carver Biotech Center, Earth Science & Environmental Change

Women in Science Lecture Series: Dr. Isabella Condotta

Please join us for the University Archives' monthly Women in Science Lecture Series, May 11th from 12 -1 pm. Dr. Isabella Condotta, Assistant Professor of Animal Sciences, will discuss her research on reducing animal stress and improving their well-being and the use of technologies to study animal behavior. This is a hybrid event and will take place in the University Archives, Main Library Room 146, or you can register for the zoom link at https://go.illinois.edu/WomeninScienceMay2023

May 11, 12–1 pm • Main Library Room 146

Kristen Wilson • University Archives

 This opportunity is available online.

Upcoming Events

Arbor Day 2023

Illinois achieved a Tree Campus Higher Education designation through the Arbor Day Foundation. Chancellor Jones is proclaiming Friday, April 28, 2023 as a day of celebration. An Arbor Day Celebration will include the planting of a new tree west of Davenport Hall. Please join Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations Mike DeLorenzo for the reading of the proclamation and the tree planting.

April 28, 12–1 pm • Davenport Hall

Sinead Soltis • Facilities & Services

Register for IGB Fellows Symposium, $500 travel voucher prizes!

Learn about IGB research, hear about current issues in the life sciences, and connect with others during the poster session at the 2023 IGB Fellows Symposium on May 4, 2023. Featuring keynote lectures from Melissa Cregger and Edward DeLong, and a series of plenary talks from IGB researchers. Submit a poster for the poster session for a chance to win one of three $500 travel vouchers! Register for free, lunch included, at fellows.igb.illinois.edu.

April 20, 8:30 am–4 pm • Conference Room 612, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Nicholas Vasi • Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

2023 Undergraduate Research Week & Symposium

You are invited to celebrate Undergraduate Research Week and attend the 16th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) to be held all day on Thursday, April 27 at the Illini Union (9 AM - 5 PM). Research Week will feature over 1,000 students presenting their cutting-edge research through oral panels, poster presentations, performances, and exhibits. All events are free and open to the public (no advance registration required). View program of events at https://go.illinois.edu/URW

April 23–29 • Illini Union, Rooms A,B,C, South Lounge & 2nd Floor

Chris Holmes • Office of Undergraduate Research

Unleashing the Invisible World of Wireless Signals

Saturday Engineering for Everyone is an open and free lecture series for anyone – students, faculty, staff and the local community – interested in learning more about engineering. On April 29 Assistant Professor Elahé Soltanaghai will talk about the promising possibilities of wireless infrastructure for sensing the physical world in "Unleashing the invisible world of wireless signals."

April 29, 10 am • Grainger Auditorium (ECEB 1002), 306 N. Wright St., Urbana

Todd Sweet • Grainger College of Engineering

Inclusion-Centered Faculty Hiring Practices

21st Century Scientists at the Beckman Institute will host Brendan Harley, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, to share recent efforts at developing inclusion-focused faculty hiring practices. He'll also offer insights regarding the adoption of these practices by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Learn more and register.

April 24, 12–1 pm • 1005 Beckman Institute

Elahe Ganji • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

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