Last Chance to Register for the May Doctoral Hooding Ceremony
The last day to register for the May 2023 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony is Tuesday, April 11. The ceremony will take place on Friday, May 12 and includes the formal hooding of doctoral graduates by their faculty mentors. Make sure to review the requirements for graduation. More details about the ceremony and the link to register can be found on the doctoral hooding event website.
Student Success • Graduate College
April 11, 4–5:30 pm • Main Library, Room 220
John Moist • Graduate College, Scholarly Commons of the University Library
All current Illinois faculty, staff, and students now have access to a new Qualtrics instance. Please use this new account to create any new surveys. College/unit licenses will not be renewed and surveys and data on college/unit licenses must be moved. Your college/unit will be in touch. Resources are available for this transition. Questions? Contact us at the email below.
Existing data must be migrated before December 2023.
Data Analytics • Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
April 14 is the last day to drop a semester course or withdraw from ALL semester courses without a grade of W. To drop a course, students must submit a Late Registration Form to the Graduate College. To withdraw from the term, students must submit a Withdrawal Form. Students in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Late Registration or Withdrawal form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
April 14 is the last day to change to the credit/no-credit grading option for a Spring semester course or to change from CR/NC to a regular grade. Adviser approval is required. Please consult with your program if you are considering CR/NC for any course because course and department restrictions may apply. Students must submit a Credit/No Credit Form to the Graduate College. Students in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadlines. Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Credit/No Credit form? Click here for an advising appointment!
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College
GEL - Self-Care and Self-Empowerment
Students from all walks of life experience difficulties that can lead to excessive stress and other adverse effects. As a result, students’ performance (academic, social, and much more) deteriorates. Self-care becomes a necessity to overcome these hurdles and transform the student from a position of difficulty to a position of empowerment. Counseling Center staff will share some practical, hands-on exercises of self-care that can also become tools for self-empowerment. Dinner is provided.
April 12, 5:30–7 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)
Yun Shi • Counseling Center, International Education, AACC and ISSS
Premiums, deductibles, co-payments and other out-of-pocket health costs all add up. For example, according to the KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey in 2018, health insurance plans’ annual deductibles increased 212% in the previous 10 years! Choosing your health insurance plan wisely can make a BIG difference in your overall costs. Learn savvy strategies in the Get Savvy Webinar, Health Insurance Dissected.
April 12, 12 pm
Student Money Management Center • Student Money Management Center
This opportunity is available online.
Pinderhughes Graduate Research Prize
The Department of African American Studies invites applications for the Spring 2023 Pinderhughes Graduate Research Award: a $500 stipend to help defray costs for research or conference travel. Applicants from a range of disciplines will be considered, provided they work on a topic related to African American, African, or African Diaspora Studies. Applicants should send their current CV along with a 1-page, single-spaced proposal explaining their research project and budget to this address by Friday April 14, 2023.
John Meyers • Department of African American Studies
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Make sure to carefully consider the thesis release options, which determine the visibility of your work in IDEALS—the University’s digital repository. When you submit your thesis to the Graduate College, you will be asked to select a release option. Check out our website to learn more. Remember, no matter which release option you choose, the abstract of your thesis will be visible in IDEALS. Talk with your adviser about these release options and contact the Thesis Office with any questions.
Emily Wuchner • Graduate College Thesis Office
Career and Professional Development
Danielle LeFaivre • Big Ten Academic Alliance and the Associated Colleges of the Midwest
GradSWE Lunch: From Lab to Launch - A PhD to CEO journey
Join us as we host our University of Illinois Alumni, Arpit Dwivedi ('22 MechSe, PHD) for a talk on alternative career paths, where he will share his experience on his startup journey. Arpit Dwivedi is the founder and CEO of Cache Energy, winner of the DOE, Energy Innovation Prize. Food will be provided. RSVP Here!
April 14, 12–1 pm • DCL 2240
Juhitha Konduru • GradSWE
On the Academic Job Market: Research Statements
The Writers Workshop will review genre expectations for research statements and provide examples from a range of disciplines. We will share strategies for drafting and tailoring your own research statements. This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on April 11, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.
April 12, 12–1 pm
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Effective Cover Letters for Job Applications
This presentation will provide tips for writing concise and professional cover letters. You’ll review common structure, audience expectations, and strategies for using the cover letter to complement the resume. We encourage you to bring a current job ad and questions about your current cover-letters-in-progress! This event will be held through Zoom. Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on April 12, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.
April 13, 1–2 pm
Kim Savage • Writers Workshop
This opportunity is available online.
Elaine Lillian Joseph spent 2021 working on the audio description for Black Audio Film Collective’s seminal 1986 film Handsworth Songs. The project involved making the film more, and differently, accessible through audio description and creative captions. Elaine will walk us through the research, scripting and recording process, offering some insights into her practice.
April 14, 9:30 am • Zoom
Liza Sylvestre • College of Fine and Applied Arts
This opportunity is available online.
Responsible Conduct of Research Speaker Series: Episode 8: Inclusiveness
Please join us for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) speaker series episode 8, on the topic of inclusiveness. Dr. Kate Clancy, professor of anthropology, will speak about how to create and maintain a respectful and inclusive culture in your research lab and organization.
April 12, 12–12:55 pm • Zoom
Patty Jones • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration
This opportunity is available online.
Have you ever had trouble with communication? Feel reluctant or that it is difficult to show love to your family? Then this book, Drawn Together, might provide an answer for you! The boy in the book also once found it impossible to communicate with his grandpa who could only speak Thai, until he took out his colored pens and… Boom! Magic happens! Join us to enjoy this warm-hearted work.
April 15, 10–10:30 am • Champaign Public Library, Nate & Lillie Story Room (200 W. Green St., Champaign, IL
Yu Chuan Shen • CEAPS; Champaign Public Library
Healthy Families Health Fair is an interactive event focused on student parents. Campus and community resources focused on health will be available to provide information about their services. Resources like Public Health, Crisis Nursery, McKinley, and more will be there. This event is open to all student parents and their families. Ice Daddy's will be providing a sweet treat to all participants.
April 15, 1:30–3 pm
Whitney Welsh • Housing Division
NCSA is excited to announce Illinois Computes, a program offering computing and data storage resources, technical expertise and support services to researchers from domains across UIUC and the University of Illinois System. Illinois Computes makes access to NCSA’s computing systems, support infrastructure and interdisciplinary experience easy to acquire at little or no cost to you. Click for more info!
Andrew Helregel • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
NCSA will host the in-person Shared Memory Programming Using OpenMP workshop offered by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center next April 24. The workshop is intended to give C and Fortran programmers a hands-on introduction to OpenMP programming. Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using OpenMP. Register and find more information on the registration page linked in the title of the event above. The number of seats is limited.
April 24, 10 am–4 pm • NCSA-2000
Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
NEXT WEEK! UIUC faculty and researchers are invited to a showcase of cutting-edge research and services offered by NCSA and discover the exciting, new campus investment in research computing. Engage with NCSA’s distinguished researchers and affiliates, explore potential collaborations and share your research interests and needs. Complimentary lunch and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Come join us!
April 12, 12–5 pm
Olena Kindratenko • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Join NCSA Graduate Student Researcher Priyam Mazumdar for an online training session April 12 at 3 p.m. to help users to get started with deep learning projects on HAL, the hardware accelerated learning cluster at NCSA. This tutorial will demonstrate how to develop and train Transformer models, compare with Sequence models and explore how to construct and utilize a Vision Transformer. Sign up!
April 12, 3–5 pm
Andrew Helregel • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
This opportunity is available online.
The Special Education Graduate Student Association, with support from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is hosting two Community Conversations on campus in which we will be having enriching discussions with UIUC students, faculty, and staff about strengthening the inclusion of individuals with disabilities. The goal of these events is to get as many community members from across campus as possible talking! Free food will be provided at both events, as well as opportunities to win cash prizes. Event 1: April 14th from 3-5 pm | Event 2: April 19th from 6-8 pm
Two Locations
Ricky Price • Fellowships
We rely on our technology every day, but we don't always take the time to think about how those technologies can enable us to do our best work. The Graduate College is seeking input on the tools graduate students use to accomplish their goals. Do you have a favorite digital tool? We'd love to hear about it! Whether it's an app that helps you focus, a citation manager that saves you countless hours, or an essential piece of writing software, let us know what it is (and why you love it) at this link.
John Moist • Graduate College
Tune in to learn about a group of women book collectors who met from 1944-2004, providing a space for legitimacy, fellowship, and education in a period where women’s access to formal education and academic institutions was limited. This is a free online presentation and all are welcome to attend; to receive the Zoom link, please pre-register at
April 11, 6:30–7:30 pm
Carrie Lingscheit • The Rare Book & Manuscript Library
This opportunity is available online.
Current State and Future of Public Defense in Illinois
The Education Justice Project (EJP) hosts monthly Research Group meetings to discuss ongoing research that addresses any aspect of criminal justice and allied topics. This month, representatives from Northwestern Law's Children and Family Justice Center and the Cook County Public Defender will present on the current state of public defense in Illinois and a proposal to create a statewide public defender system. RSVP here.
April 14, 3–4 pm
Ashton Hoselton • Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
This opportunity is available online.
Moms Weekend is this weekend, April 14-16! Be sure to check out the Moms Weekend Calendar for a full list of events that will be going on.
April 14–16
Hannah Dusenberry • Illini Union
F&S is a proud cosponsor of Boneyard Creek Community Day (BCCD) 2023 on Saturday, April 22, from 9 a.m. to noon (rain date: April 29). The event begins at Scott Park (207 E. Springfield Avenue, Champaign) and includes lunch, music, and educational displays. Sign up now at this link. Registration deadline is April 17 at 5 p.m., but walk-up day-of volunteers will also be welcomed.
April 22, 9 am–12 pm • Scott Park
Betsy Richardson • Facilities & Services
On Saturday, April 22, thousands of middle and high school students and coaches will be on campus for the 2023 State Tournament for middle and high school Science Olympiad teams. We need many helping hands to be sure that this event runs smoothly including Event Supervisors, Building Captains, and More. Sign up today.
April 22, 7 am–8 pm • 2-hour shifts available
Lara Hebert • Grainger College of Engineering
Black Audio Film Collective’s 1986 Handsworth Songs is an experimental documentary about uprisings against racialized police violence in Thatcherite Britain. Crucially, it is also a critique of their media coverage and colonial pre-histories. Sarah Hayden will give a hybrid talk which will be followed screening of Handsworth Songs with augmented audio-description and creative captions.
April 13, 5:30 pm • Siebel Center for Design Room 1002 OR via zoom
Liza Sylvestre • College of Fine and Applied Arts
This opportunity is available online.
A smart and stylish film noir musical, Tony Award-winner City of Angels captures the gritty sights and sounds of Hollywood’s classic detective movies, all set to a brilliant, bluesy jazz score. Written by the composer of Sweet Charity, it is the story of a screenwriter and the film he is writing—it was a triumph at Broadway’s Virginia Theatre, built by the very same architects that built its namesake in Champaign.
April 13–15, 7:30 pm • Saturday April 15th will have two shows, one at 1:30 PM and one at 7:30 PM • Virginia Theatre, 203 W Park Avenue, Champaign IL
Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
The Afro-Caribbean Jazz Collective’s upbeat music emulates the early son montuno ensembles and embraces traditional repertoire from Puerto Rican and Cuban songbooks, and expands their sonic palette by incorporating modern jazz language. The band released a self-titled EP in 2019 on several streaming platforms and has received airplay on radio stations around the country as well as in South America.
April 13, 5 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Mark Morris Dance Group and Music Ensemble returns to Krannert Center with The Look of Love, a new production created with musical collaborator Ethan Iverson, celebrating the timeless music of iconic songwriter Burt Bacharach.
April 14–15, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
In an adaptation by doctoral candidate Vincent Carlson, the play centers on Roman general Coriolanus, who makes his name defeating an enemy army and defending Rome. The Senate nominates him as consul, but he cannot win the people's vote, so he is banished from Rome and allies with his old enemy. He comes to attack Rome, his mother persuades him not to, and his newfound ally kills him for the betrayal. One of Shakespeare’s most brutal and truthful plays, Coriolanus contains soaring language, exhilarating action, and questions for today. Contains adult content.
April 15–22, 7:30 pm • Sunday, April 16th will be at 2 PM, Saturday, April 22nd will be at 2 PM • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
"A Southwest Reconstruction: An Evening of Poetry" with Raquel Gutiérrez
Please join us Wednesday, April 12th from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art (608 E Lorado Taft Dr) for "A Southwest Reconstruction: An Evening of Poetry" with the visionary Raquel Gutiérrez. This event is co-sponsored by the Department of English and the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art. Please share this event widely with your circles!
April 12, 6:30–8:30 pm • Ricker Library of Architecture & Art
Issy Marquez • Minor Aesthetics Lab; Department of English;Ricker Library of Architecture
This award winning film exploring the seldom-told history of Chinese immigrants living in the American South during the late 1800s to mid-1900s and presents a very personal and unique perspective on immigration, race and American identity.
April 11, 7–9 pm • Spurlock Museum Knight Auditorium (600 S Gregory St, Urbana, IL 61801)
Yu Chuan Shen • Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Celebrate flamenco with us on our 2023 EU Day of Art! Join the Illinois Flamenco-Jazz Collective, La Fuerza Flamenca, and special guest artist David Chiriboga for a flamenco dance workshop at 2pm on Saturday, April 15, followed by a flamenco-jazz music and dance performance at 3pm. The event will be held in the south wing of the Lincoln Square Mall, just inside the entrance by The Idea Store.
April 15, 2–4 pm • Lincoln Square Mall, 201 Lincoln Square, Urbana, IL 61801
Sydney Lazarus • European Union Center
Film screening of "Raspando coco" (31 mins, 2018) An Ecuadorian anthropologist from Ouito travels to the northernmost coastal province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador to gather stories told by Afro-Ecuadorian elders about the traditional uses of coconut in their local cuisine and medicine. Film screening will be followed by a discussion with Dr. Guevara.
April 11, 4 pm • Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum
Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program
Award-winning poet Nikky Finney will be on campus April 19 for a CultureTalk conversation with Ruth Nicole Brown, moderated by Janice Harrington. On April 20, Finney will present a poetry reading and book signing. Full event details are available at
April 19–20
Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute
Judge McKenna Shizue Sabrina will discuss The Yellow Peril and the Law. From the 1800's, various state and federal court laws, court decisions, and executive orders explicitly discriminated against Asian Americans. This talk will discuss how historical anti-Asian discrimination led to some of the most atrocious legal decisions in U.S. history and how anti-Asian discrimination still affects the law.
April 28, 2:30–3:30 pm • ZOOM
Yangyang Liu • Yellow Peril Redux project at UIUC
This opportunity is available online.
Join us for the Spring 2023 TIER-ED Seminar "From Gesture Research to Impactful Educational Technology" with Dr. Andrew Manches, Professor of Children and Technology at the University of Edinburgh and co-director of the Digital Education Research Centre. Learn about how gestures can reveal children's learning, and how this research can be applied to the design of impactful educational products.
April 18, 12–1 pm • College of Education Bldg Room 22 (1310 S. Sixth Street)
Robb Lindgren • Technology Innovations in Educational Research and Design (TIER-ED)
Join Funk ACES Library for its 5th Solving the World’s Challenges panel on Tuesday, April 11 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. During this hybrid event, three campus experts will discuss their research to improve and maintain water quality and respond to questions. Please register to receive the Zoom link or join us in-person to enter a book drawing and to enjoy the reception from 3:30-4:00 p.m.
April 11, 2:30–3:30 pm • Funk ACES Library, 1101 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana
Janis Shearer • Funk ACES Library | University Library
This opportunity is available online.
Join the Special Education Graduate Student Association as we host a DEI Statement Panel Discussion. A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement may be required for future academic job applications. Join us as we hear from faculty who have engaged in DEI in their job search or as part of their scholarship. Zoom Link
April 19, 11 am–12:30 pm • Online
Ricky Price • Fellowships
This opportunity is available online.
A stateless state, ruled by ‘mad-dog’ Qaddafi: this is how Libya has often been presented to the American public. When the country was bombed by NATO in 2011, and it descended into political violence run by militias, the legacy of the past has been activated to explain Libya’s present. Are there other narratives to this story? What did the Libyans think of these tectonic changes that shook their country’s future? Dr. Matteo Capasso will discuss his new book & challenge these dominant narratives, providing instead a story that links the quotidian moments of lives to global politics and economy.
April 11, 4 pm • Illini Bookstore 2nd floor - Author's Corner (809 S Wright St, Champaign, IL 61820)
Essam Elkorghli • Illini Bookstore
Campus administrators often adopt speech policies that are opposed by students and professors and that generate criticism by political actors and the general public. What is the best approach to regulating (or not) campus speech? John Hasnas (Georgetown) will present and defend his provocative proposal to resolve decades of disputes over campus expression. Lunch for attendees.
April 10, 12–1 pm • College of Law, Room C
Jason Mazzone • University of Illinois College of Law Program in Law and Philosophy
Join Dr. Guevara for an informal conversation about navigating careers outside academic. Pilar Eguez Guevara is an Ecuadorian award-winning filmmaker, cultural anthropologist and writer. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship on community health, in 2012 she co-founded and directed Comidas que Curan, an independent food education and media company dedicated to research and promote traditional foods and knowledge through ethnographic research and film.
April 12, 4 pm • 306 Coble Hall and Virtual (on Zoom)
Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives
This opportunity is available online.
When did Asians become "yellow" in the Western imagination? This talk will explore the notion of yellowness and show that the label originated not in early travel texts or objective descriptions, but in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century scientific discourses on race. Once East Asians were lumped together as members of the "Mongolian race" they began to be considered yellow.
April 14, 11 am–12 pm • Zoom
Yu Chuan Shen • CEAPS, EALC, Society Of Heart's Delight
This opportunity is available online.
In this keynote, renowned biologist Felicia Keesing will address commonalities among three unprecedented planetary crises — a changing climate, global biodiversity loss, and a rise in emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19 — including causes and solutions that are interlinked. Keesing, the David and Rosalie Rose Distinguished Professor of Science, Mathematics and Computing at Bard College, studies the consequences of interactions among species, particularly as biodiversity declines. Register >>>
April 12, 5:15–6:15 pm • Illini Rooms B/C, Illini Union
Julie Wurth • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
Please join us for the University Archives' monthly Women in Science Lecture Series, April 13th from 12 -1 pm. Dr. Molly Hathaway Goldstein, Teaching Assistant Professor and Product Design Lab Director, will share her research on student-designer trade off decisions and design actions and thinking. This is a hybrid event and will take place in the University Archives, Main Library Room 146, or you can register for the zoom link at
April 13, 12–1 pm • Main Library Room 146
Kristen Wilson • University Archives
This opportunity is available online.
Thursday, April 13 the Writing from the Intersections research cluster will host a conversation with Professor Sarah Park Dahlen and Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez, editors in chief of Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, on creating platforms to publish and hold conversations about race and intersectionality. This hybrid event will be held at 3:30pm in Room 242 at the School of Information Sciences Building and on Zoom.
April 13, 3:30 pm • Rm 242 School of Information Sciences building
Karen Wickett • Humanities Research Institute, School of Information Sciences
This opportunity is available online.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is an annual opportunity to further efforts to prevent and address sexual violence, center the needs and experiences of survivors, and to promote the health and wellbeing of Illinois students. Learn more and view the calendar of events at
April 1–30 • Various Locations
Kasey Umland • Women's Resources Center
The European Union Center invites you to the 13th Annual Illinois EU Studies Conference on April 13-14 in Coble Hall 306. This year's conference theme is "Who is European? Inclusion and Exclusion Within and Without Europe." The full conference program can be found here.
April 14–15 • 306 Coble Hall, 801 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820
Sydney Lazarus • European Union Center
Join Gies College of Business as we break ground for Steven S. Wymer Hall this Friday, April 14, at 2 pm. The ceremony will celebrate how Gies is investing in the future of learning and will honor the impact of the many donors who have helped us raise funds in support of this project. A reception will follow in the BIF atrium. Register.
April 14, 2 pm • Tent south of the Business Instructional Facility
Tom Moone • Gies College of Business
Join the Slavic Reference Service for the next installment of the Meet the National Libraries series. On April 18th at 9 am US CT, representatives from the Royal Library of Belgium will discuss "KBR, the National Library of Belgium - a New Page." Come learn about the Library's collections and servies. For more information and to register, please visit this form.
April 18, 9 am • Zoom
Olga Makarova • Library
This opportunity is available online.
Learn more about extracellular vesicles while becoming acquainted with innovative research currently happening around our campus. This workshop and poster session will provide an informal venue for exploring collaborative efforts with colleagues. Registration deadline is April 14.
April 21, 8:15 am–1 pm • 5602 Beckman Institute
Marni Boppart • Beckman Institute's Extracellular Vesicle Imaging and Therapy working group
More than 131 million people use prescription medication every day. Polypharmacy, or the consumption of multiple medications daily, increases a patient’s risk of experiencing adverse reactions and drug related health problems. Learn more about navigating this experience and how it impacts different groups.
April 12, 12 pm • Every Wednesday • Zoom
Dee Walls • Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute
This opportunity is available online.