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Announcements for the week of April 2, 2023


You're invited to the Research Live! Finalist Showcase

Join us for this special live event where Illinois graduate students share their remarkable research in three minutes or less. Cheer on the 12 finalists in-person or watch online via the livestream. We will announce our prize winners, and audience members will vote for their favorite to determine the People's Choice winner. This event is free and open to the public. 

April 6, 4–5:30 pm • Knight Auditorium at the Spurlock Museum

Student Success • Graduate College

 This opportunity is available online.

Image of Research Reception

The graduate edition of Image of Research, now in its tenth year, is an annual multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of student research at UIUC. View the semifinalists and vote for People's Choice here. All of the winners will be announced at an in-person reception on April 11. Mark your calendars and join us to see the on-site exhibit and to celebrate! 

April 11, 4–5:30 pm • Main Library, Room 220, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana

Heather Murphy • Scholarly Commons of the University Library and the Graduate College

Campus Wi-Fi Certificate Update

Wi-Fi at Illinois will update security certificates that allow you to join the IllinoisNet and EDUROAM Wi-Fi networks. Starting April 4, your Wi-Fi connectivity may be affected if your device was not connected properly. To avoid possible interruptions, build a profile on your device go.illinois.edu/illinoisnetsetup. To connect EDUROAM, access go.illinois.edu/eduroamsetup. More information here

Technology Services • Office of the Chief Information Officer


Spring 2023 Semester Registration Deadlines

April 14 is the last day to drop a semester course or withdraw from ALL semester courses without a grade of W. To drop a course, students must submit a Late Registration Form to the Graduate College. To withdraw from the term, students must submit a Withdrawal Form. Students in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadline information.

Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Late Registration or Withdrawal form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Spring 2023 Credit/No Credit Registration Deadline

April 14 is the last day to change to the credit/no-credit grading option for a Spring semester course or to change from CR/NC to a regular grade. Adviser approval is required. Please consult with your program if you are considering CR/NC for any course because course and department restrictions may apply. Students must submit a Credit/No Credit Form to the Graduate College. Students in non-standard part of term courses should refer to their graduate program for deadlines.

Have questions about registration deadlines or submitting a Credit/No Credit form? Click here for an advising appointment!

Admissions, Registration, & Enrollment Services • Graduate College

Health and Wellness

Mindfulness and Self-Care Pedagogy

Dr. Dorroll will address the importance of engaging in reflective and self-care practices while engaging with emotional, political, social justice oriented and/or traumatic content in the classroom to ensure student and instructor mental health and well-being. Dr. Dorroll is an Associate Professor of Religion at Wofford College. Light lunch will be served. Registration at: https://csames.illinois.edu/future-events

April 4, 12 pm • 306 Coble Hall

Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives

Academic Success Series Workshop: Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever doubted your skills or accomplishments around others? Join our workshop where we will examine the Imposter Phenomenon in depth and provide useful information for you to learn how to manage it! Register using this link, and join us in person in the Main Library room 106, or virtually.

April 4, 1–2 pm • Main Library Room 106 (hybrid, register for link)

Maria Emerson • Library and Counseling Center

 This opportunity is available online.

Let's Talk with Embedded Counselors

Are you interested in beginning counseling, but don't know where to start? Do you need a counselor's perspective on a situation? Do you want to speak with a licensed professional about resources available to you? Let's Talk appointments are offered by embedded counselors on a drop-in basis and are designed to be more of a consultation than mental health treatment. These appointments are free, informal, and confidential for any university student. To see if your college or unit has an embedded counselor, please check our website and find their email to reach out.

Click here to find embedded counselors' contact information

Counseling Center • Counseling Center

Perfectionism Series

Many students are told that perfectionism is a good thing and necessary for success. However, studies show that perfectionistic attitudes can interfere with success. This 3-part program helps students realize when perfectionism is more harmful than good and develop more realistic expectations. The next three-part Perfectionism series will be held on Thursday, April 6, 13, and 20 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at Lincoln Hall 2043. Please visit our website to register!

April 6 • Lincoln Hall 2043

Counseling Center • Counseling Center

GEL - Easy and Affordable Ways to Increase Your Daily Protein

Come learn from the McKinley nutrition staff about easy, affordable, and quick ways to ensure you are getting the right amount of protein you need daily. Dinner is provided! 

April 5, 5:30–7 pm • 1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana (Asian American Cultural Center/International Education)

Yun Shi • McKinley Health Center, International Education, and ISSS

Funding and Fellowships

Fulbright Information Session: Overview for Graduate Students

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for fieldwork, laboratory research, arts training, & English teaching in over 140 countries. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, may be at any stage of graduate study, & may come from any discipline. To learn more, join us for an overview of the program’s mission, eligibility criteria, benefits, application components, evaluation criteria, and selection process. We’ll also explain the protocol for campus interviews and the one-on-one advising services we offer. The info session with be held twice via Zoom; please register in advance. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2-3:30 PM or Wednesday, April 12, 10-11:30 PM • Register Now!

Ken Vickery • Graduate College Office of External Fellowships

 This opportunity is available online.

Thesis Tips

ICYMI: Watch Our Thesis Format and Deposit Webinar

What are the five most common formatting errors we see in theses? What are release options? How do I deposit my thesis? We've answered these questions and more in our Thesis Format and Deposit webinar. Watch the video and download the slides in our Box folder. Still have questions? Reach out to us at thesis@illinois.edu.

Emily Wuchner • Graduate College

Career and Professional Development

Poster Presentation and Design

Are you preparing for an upcoming conference? Need to design a poster for your class? This workshop will give you tools for communicating your research for academic conferences and professional meetings in a concise and visually effective poster presentation. This event is co-sponsored by the University Library, the Writers Workshop, and the Office of Undergraduate Research.  

April 5, 11–11:50 am • Main Library, Room 314: Take the north stairwell (Armory and Wright Street entrance) to the 3rd floor of the Main Library and make a left at the top of the stairs.

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library

On the Academic Job Market: Diversity Statements

The Writers Workshop will review genre expectations for diversity statements and provide examples from a range of disciplines. We will share strategies for drafting and tailoring your own diversity statements. This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your Universality of Illinois email account by 11:59pm on April 3, and we will send a reminder email with the Zoom link and password on the morning of the event.

April 4, 12–1 pm

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

For Postdocs

SAVE THE DATE - 2023 Mentoring Matters Summer Workshop: June 20-21, 2023

The summer workshop is a 2-day interactive event to support faculty members & post-doctoral fellows to enhance mentoring skills through discovery and understanding. The workshop includes (a) developing an intellectual framework for mentoring, (b) gaining various mentoring methods and strategies, and (c) engaging with others in a safe and supportive environment to solve mentoring dilemmas.

June 20–21, 8 am–3 pm • I Hotel and Conference Center | Heritage Ballroom

Provost Events Team • Provost/VCAA Admin

Research and Teaching

Deciding Where to Publish: Evaluating Journals

Is this a good journal to publish in? Should I be concerned about predatory practices? Participants in this workshop will learn features to look for when evaluating publication opportunities in order to make an informed choice about where to submit research. Participants will also understand the utility and drawbacks of different journal ranking metrics as a way to evaluate quality.

April 6, 1–1:50 pm • This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Dan Tracy, Head, Scholarly Communication and Publishing • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Finding Demographic and Population Data and Statistics

In this session, we will talk about finding demographic and population data and statistics with a focus on the Decennial Census and American Community Survey. We will also explore sources in other subject areas (health, education, economy, etc.) that contain demographic information as well as international statistics and data.

April 6, 10–10:50 am • This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Sanga Sung, Government Information Librarian • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Deadline to enter Image of Research -- UR Edition, Friday, 4/7

Remind your undergraduate students: The Image of Research – UR Edition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research. 1st place, $300; 2nd place: $200; People's Choice: $100

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library and the Office of Undergraduate Research

Find Your Flow: Revising Argument and Structure

Looking to find your flow? Join us to learn how to enhance the structure and cohesion of your writing, including tips for signposting and stance-taking language. Advanced undergraduates and grad students are encouraged to attend; please bring a draft to work with! This event will be held through Zoom. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register with your University of Illinois email account by 11:59pm CT on April 6, and we will send an email with the Zoom meeting invitation on the morning of the event.

April 7, 4–5 pm

Kim Savage • Writers Workshop

 This opportunity is available online.

Self-care in the Classroom

Join Dr. Courtney Dorroll for a conversation on the importance of self-care in sustaining ourselves in higher education and for employing self-care pedagogy in (future) classrooms. Dr. Dorroll is an Associate Professor of Religion at the Wofford College.

April 5, 3 pm • Room 306 Coble Hall

Anita Kaiser • Women and Gender in Global Perspectives

Responsible Conduct of Research Speaker Series: Episode 7: Authorship

Please join us for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) speaker series Episode 7, on authorship and publication ethics.  The speaker will be Patty Jones, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Research Compliance.

April 5, 12–12:55 pm • Zoom

Patty Jones • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration

 This opportunity is available online.

Technology Resources

REDCap I: Introduction to Illinois REDCap

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Illinois REDCap and how it can be used for the collection of research data, including how to create projects, instruments, and surveys and how to start collecting research data. It is recommended (but not required) that you have a REDCap account prior to attending the workshop. Information about accessing Illinois REDCap is available here: https://healthinstitute.illinois.edu/redcap. No prior REDCap experience is necessary.

April 3, 2–2:50 pm • This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Michelle Lore, REDCap Application Manager • University Library

 This opportunity is available online.

Introduction to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Searchable PDFs

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) transforms images with text such as scans of historical documents, book chapters, or even a handout from your class into machine readable and searchable data. OCR opens a realm of possibilities for research and accessibility. We will demonstrate the basics of OCR software, available in the Scholarly Commons. You will get an opportunity to try ABBYY FineReader and Adobe Acrobat. As a result of this workshop, you will be able to identify which OCR software is suitable for your needs and have an understanding of the OCR process. 

April 6, 12–12:50 pm • Main Library, Room 314: Take the north stairwell (Armory and Wright Street entrance) to the 3rd floor of the Main Library and make a left at the top of the stairs.

Merinda Kaye Hensley • University Library

Using GPUs with Python: NVIDIA Workshop

NCSA  and NVIDIA are hosting a workshop to give you hands-on experience accelerating Python codes with NVIDIA GPUs. Code samples in three main categories will be utilized to introduce you to Python GPU accelerated computing: drop-in replacements for SciPy and NumPy code through the CuPy library, GPU acceleration for end-to-end data science workloads using NVIDIA RAPIDS, and custom accelerated code without leaving the Python language using Numba. Registration is required by April 11, 2023. To register, use the registration form linked in the title. 

April 25, 1–4 pm

Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

 This opportunity is available online.

Last Chance to Register for NCSA Research Open House on April 12

UIUC faculty and researchers are invited to a showcase of cutting-edge research and services offered by NCSA and discover the exciting, new campus investment in research computing. Engage with NCSA’s distinguished researchers and affiliates, explore potential collaborations and share your research interests and needs. Complimentary lunch and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Register by April 5!

April 12, 12–5 pm • NCSA

Olena Kindratenko • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

Microsoft 365 File Retention Postponed

In February, Technology Services announced that a 10-year data retention policy would go into effect for the Microsoft 365 suite (Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint) on May 17, 2023. After discussion with University partners and stakeholders, that data retention policy implementation will be postponed until at least May 2024. More information is available at https://techservices.illinois.edu/microsoft-365-ferpa-compliance-effort/.

Technology Services • Office of the Chief Information Officer

Parallel Computing on HPC Systems Workshop

This workshop will be composed of three sessions that explore parallel programming and computing on HPC systems at the introductory level. Attendees will learn how to parallelize and run C/C++/Fortran applications using shared memory (OpenMP) and distributed memory (MPI) frameworks. Register by April 6 and find more information with this link.

April 13–27, 11 am–1 pm

Bruno Ricardi de Abreu • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

 This opportunity is available online.

Social Justice

NIDA Federal Research Funding | Achieving Equity

IHSI’s three-part 2023 Achieving Equity Series is focused on equity issues and funding opportunities related to substance use and addiction, including barriers to care, service utilization, and risk and resilience in underrepresented populations. In this final session, program officials from the National Institute on Drug Abuse will discuss federal research funding opportunities with NIDA.

April 4, 10:30 am–12 pm • Register for Zoom details

Brandi Barnes • Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

 This opportunity is available online.


Register for the Inaugural NCSA Student Research Conference

UIUC students are invited to register for the inaugural NCSA Student Research Conference that will be held on Thursday, April 13, from 12–5:30 p.m. UIUC undergraduate and graduate students who are conducting research in the areas of interest to NCSA, such as AI, Quantum Computing, HPC, Big Data, Computational Genomics, Digital Agriculture, and others, are invited to give a lightning talk, present a poster and/or organize a workshop session. Complimentary lunch and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please register by April 5.

April 13, 12–5:30 pm • NCSA Building: 1205 W. Clark St. Urbana, IL, 61801

Olena Kindratenko • NCSA

Submit to the Beckman Institute Research Image Contest

The Beckman Institute is accepting entries for its annual research image contest! Winning images will be displayed in the Beckman Institute Director's Conference Room for one year, celebrated on Beckman's website and social media channels, and showcased on campus and in the community. Images submitted by Beckman affiliates and images captured within Beckman's core research facilities by non-Beckman affiliates will be considered. The deadline to enter is 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, 2023.

Contact the Beckman Institute Communications Office. • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Arts and Culture

Interseminars | Artist Talk with David Shrobe

Visiting artist David Shrobe will discuss his work in this public talk. Shrobe creates multi-layered portraits and assemblage paintings made in part from everyday materials that he finds in multiple geographies, and especially from around his familial home. His work brings notions of identity, history, and memory into question, while challenging conventions of classical portraiture. This talk is part of the Interseminars event series.

April 11, 7:30 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 208

Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute

Season Finale: Mahler’s Fourth Symphony

Join Sinfonia da Camera for their 39th Season Finale! The program begins with Fauré’s Pelléas et Mélisande Suite, composed for a performance of Maeterlinck’s play about forbidden love, Pelléas et Mélisande. Sinfonia then welcomes world-renowned violinist Andrés Cárdenes in a performance of Mendelssohn’s beloved Violin Concerto in E Minor. The evening concludes with Mahler’s heavenly Symphony No. 4, featuring Peiqi Huang, soprano. Don’t miss this celebration of Sinfonia da Camera’s 39th Season with one of Mahler’s most hopeful and uplifting symphonies!

April 8, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | Foellinger Great Hall

Frank Niemeyer • Sinfonia da Camera


2021 Grammy winner Ledisi is a 14-time Grammy-nominated powerhouse vocalist with a career spanning almost two decades. Over her career she's garnered three Soul Train Music awards, an NAACP Theater Award, and 13 NAACP Image Award nominations. This year Ledisi landed the starring role in the film Remember Me: The Story of Mahalia Jackson. To cap off an amazing year, she will also portray the incomparable Gladys Knight in the long-awaited film based on Neil Bogart's career, Spinning Gold, the story of Casablanca Records

April 6, 7:30 pm • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Sean Kutzko • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Authors in Conversation: Dave Eggers & Daniel Gumbiner

Join us for a conversation between authors Dave Eggers (BS ’02, journalism) and Daniel Gumbiner. A book signing by both writers will follow. Cosponsored by the Creative Writing Program, Department of English.  

April 12, 6 pm • I Hotel, Chancellor Ballroom

Erin Ciciora • Humanities Research Institute

Japan House Spring Open House

Japan House's annual Spring Open House features Kevin Faris, bonsai Practitioner and Landscaper, and the Chado Urasenke Tankokai Urbana-Champaign Association. Japanese tea ceremonies and garden tours will be offered at 11am, 12pm, 1pm, and 2pm. A bonsai presentation and potting demo will be given at 3pm. Tea ceremonies require tickets but the presentation is free!

April 15 • Japan House (Registration required on EventBrite)

Diana Liao • Japan House

Speakers and Panels

CEAPS Speaker | Akira Shimizu: Grapes that Connected Peasants to the Shogun

Through the examination of this case, we will consider how the handling of food empowered peasants to claim their own place in society by assuming control over the shogun’s kitchen. In doing, the talk will propose a new approach to social history of early-modern Japan through food and foodways.

April 7, 1–2:30 pm • 306 Coble Hall (801 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820)

Yu Chuan Shen • Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies

 This opportunity is available online.

Dr. Silverman, "Weaponizing Cultural Heritage: Nationalist Contestations"

This talk traces the belligerent history between Thailand and Cambodia over a beautiful ancient Khmer temple located on the contested border between the two countries. The struggle is noteworthy for its persistence over more than a century, its transethnic character, and its intersection with dramatic contemporary politics in both countries. The dispute also reveals the significant role that iconic sites can play in the construction of national identity as well as the value of these sites in the competitive global tourism market.

April 4, 12 pm • In-person at the International and Area Studies Library, room 309, and on Zoom

Timur Pollack-Lagushenko • Center for Global Studies

 This opportunity is available online.

Nekola, "The Czech Republic, The European Union and the Rise of Populism"

The current political situation in the Czech Republic, a small country in the very heart of Europe, historically considered the crossroads between the West and the East, is the reflection of the latest developments in the entire European Union, currently facing a serious crisis, caused by Brexit, refugee crisis, coronavirus pandemic and the rise of populist tendencies. The lecture will address all these issues, with the further focus on the Czech Republic and other countries of Central Europe.

April 7, 12 pm • In-person at the International and Area Studies Library, room 309, and on Zoom

Timur Pollack-Lagushenko • Center for Global Studies

 This opportunity is available online.

Office of Civic Life Democracy Summit Keynote Lecture: How Democracies Die

The Democracy Summit, April 11-21st, is an opportunity to explore civic ideas that transform our perspectives on individual and collective responsibilities for a sustainable, just, and equitable society. The summit keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Daniel Ziblatt on Tuesday, April 11 at 6pm in Greg Hall Auditorium. Daniel Ziblatt is Eaton Professor of Government at Harvard University, New York Times bestseller and winner of the American Political Science Association's 2018 Woodrow Wilson Prize for the best book in government and international relations.

April 11–21 • Office of Civic Life

Gina Lee-Olukoya • Student Success and Engagement

An Evening with Martin Eberhard

The inaugural Donaldson Leader in Residence is Martin Eberhard. We will host a Q+A session with Eberhard, an Illinois alum, inventor, and Co-Founder of Tesla Motors. The initial mediated questions will focus on Martin’s success as an innovator, entrepreneur, and leader. Time will be reserved after mediated dialogue for questions from the audience. Sponsored by the Illinois Leadership Center.

April 4, 7 pm • Lincoln Hall Theater

Illinois Leadership Center • Illinois Leadership Center

"From ones that roll and bend to ones as big as dinner plates"

Saturday Engineering for Everyone is an open and free lecture series for anyone – students, faculty, staff and the local community – interested in learning more about engineering. On April 8, Professor Rakesh Kumar will talk about new developments in computer chips with "From ones that roll and bend to ones as big as dinner plates: Some new directions in computer chip design."

April 8, 10 am • Grainger Auditorium (ECEB 1002), 306 N. Wright St., Urbana

Todd Sweet • Grainger College of Engineering

Dave Eggers: Working with Community Organizations and Nonprofits

Have you ever wanted to start a magazine, a podcast, an art gallery or any other kind of creative endeavor? Dave Eggers (BS ’02, journalism), who has started or helped start 14 nonprofits, from 826 National (a youth literacy initiative) to ScholarMatch (college access), McSweeney’s and The Believer (publishing), Voice of Witness (human rights-oriented oral history) will talk about going the 501c3 route. Come and learn about the world of nonprofit arts organizations and ask any questions you have. Cosponsored by the Creative Writing Program, Department of English.  

April 13, 2 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210

Erin Ciciora • Humanities Research Institute

Gender in Environmental Conflict and Peacebuilding

Reflecting on the rising interest in "women as peacebuilders", Dr. McKenzie Johnson will examine the role of gender in extractive conflict, drawing specifically on ongoing work in the US and Colombia. Dr. Johnson is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at UIUC. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees with RSVP. Register at: https://go.illinois.edu/AffiliateTalk.

April 5, 12 pm • Room 306 Coble Hall and Virtual

Anita Kaiser • Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program

 This opportunity is available online.

“Preparing for Pandemic X, A Wicked One-Health Problem"

In this lunch keynote, pandemic expert Dr. Aileen Marty, Professor of Translational Medicine at Florida International University, will explore the multidisciplinary approach needed to predict, prepare for, mitigate, and resolve future pandemics. Marty is a physician-scientist with decades of clinical and research expertise studying vaccines and infectious disease in humans and animals around the world, including the 2009-H1N1, Ebola, Zika, and Mpox outbreaks, as well as COVID-19. Register >>> 

April 13, 12–1:30 pm • Illini Rooms B/C, Illini Union

Julie Wurth • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

Upcoming Events

“Podcasting: How do I …” Part 4: How do I level up podcast audio editing?”

This is a session in which podcasters learn tips and tricks for more advanced audio editing, including incorporating sounds effects, adding music, and more. 

April 5, 3–3:50 pm • Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, IDEA Lab, Room K

Alex Cabada, IDEA Lab, Grainger Engineering Library • University Library

Weights & Biases Workshop: Track, Visualize and Improve Your Experiments

Join Weights and Biases Machine Learning Engineer Andrea Parker for an online workshop on April 5 at 3 p.m. that includes a W&B introduction and product walkthrough focusing on Experiment tracking, W&B Tables, Sweeps, Artifacts, Dashboards/Reports and Integrations. It will be followed by a Colab classification competition in Kaggle with swag for top submissions. Sign up!

April 5, 3–5 pm

Andrew Helregel • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

Celebrate Earth Month 2023 - Events Throughout April!

Earth Month is here with exciting events scheduled all through the month of April. Join iSEE and our co-sponsors for a campus trash pickup, clothing swap, Energy Farm tour, an Arbor Day "Favorite Campus Tree" contest, an Energy Conservation Challenge, lectures from experts on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and pandemics, and much, much more. Visit our Earth Month page for details!

April 1–30

Julie Wurth • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

Cortical layer specific functional MRI at ultra-high field by Jozien Goense

Frontiers Lecture by Miniature Brain Machinery presents Jozien Goense, Associate Professor of Psychology at UIUC to speak on "Cortical layer specific functional MRI at ultra-high field" on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 4:00 pm in 2269 Beckman Institute and on Zoom. Charles Marchini, MBM trainee and Ph.D. candidate, will give an introduction. The lecture is free and open to the public courtesy of the MBM NSF Program.

April 5, 4 pm • 2269 Beckman Institute and Zoom

Dorothy Gordon • Beckman Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

HRI Graduate Student Town Hall

HRI's Graduate Student Advisory Committee invites graduate students in the arts and humanities to attend a town hall lunch! Shape the future of the humanities through both open and guided conversation. Share your thoughts about ways that HRI can better support graduate students across campus in humanities-centered research throughout their academic careers. Please register in advance (limited to 40 attendees)!

April 27, 12–1 pm • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210

Humanities Research Institute • Humanities Research Institute - Graduate Student Advisory Committee

Debunking Common Myths in Psychology and Neuroscience 2.0

We’re back to bust more psychology and neuroscience myths! Dive into questions about multitasking and attention, as well as brain plasticity and the integrity of our memories.

April 5, 12 pm • Every Wednesday • Zoom

Dee Walls • Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute

 This opportunity is available online.

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